Health and Fitness Assessment Protocols

Past Medical Condition

Healthy history questionnaire

Signs and Symptoms, Current Activity

Exercise preparticipation screening questionnaire.

Risk Stratification

PAR-Q+, EPAR med-x+ (medical clearance).

Preparticipation Health Screening Protocol

Assess cardiovascular disease risk.

Anxiety Assessment

STAI: anxiety

Diet Assessment

Predimed quest: Mediterranean diet.

Physical Activity Questionnaires

  • IPAQ short version: 15-69 years old – 4 questionnaires
  • IPAQ-E: >65 years old
  • IPAQ-C and PAQ-A: children and adolescents

Sedentary Behavior Questionnaires

  • OSPAQ: occupation and sitting (7 days)
  • WSK: workforce sitting questionnaire (7 days, bus, chair)
  • Screen time: based on sedentary behavior
  • LASA: sedentary behavior for the elderly
  • S13Q sedentary behavior: young adults

Fitness Testing

  • Fitness testing: cardiovascular, muscular, and flexibility
  • Fitness testing: resting heart rate, blood pressure, balance

Physical Activity Questionnaires

Questionnaire: How much time do you spend sitting every day?

Quality of Life Assessment

SF-12v2: assess perceived health and quality of life.

Cardiorespiratory Fitness Test

Rockport test: cardiorespiratory fitness

Fitness Test

  • Perform a fitness test: PAR-Q+
  • Fitness test: ACSM senior fitness test

Exercise Prescription

FITT: time and type of exercise based on objectives.

Steps and Physical Activity Levels

  • Sedentary: <5000 steps/day
  • Low active: 5000-7499 steps/day
  • Physically active: >7500 steps/day

21-40 years old, MVPA: 102-130 steps/minute

Older adults MVPA: 85 steps/minute

METs (Metabolic Equivalents)

  • Light PA: <3 METs
  • Moderate PA: 3-5.9 METs
  • Vigorous PA: >6 METs

Physical Activity Recommendations for Pregnant Women

  • 150 minutes moderate intensity, 3 days/week: combine aerobic and resistance training.
  • Prevent weight gain: 150-250 minutes/week. Moderate 30 minutes: 200 kcal/day
  • Weight loss: 250-420 minutes/week. Moderate 60 minutes: 490 kcal
  • Maintenance of weight loss: >250-300 minutes/week moderate. 45 minutes daily + muscular strength (2 days/week).

Universal Activity Recommendations

  • Vigorous: 20 minutes, 3 times/week
  • Moderate: 30 minutes, most days, 5 days/week
  • Moderate: 150-300 minutes/week
  • Muscle strengthening: 2 times/week (18-64 years old)
  • 0-4 years old: 180 minutes any intensity/day
  • 5-17 years old: 60 minutes aerobic + light activities 3 times/week
  • 18-64 years old: 150-300 minutes moderate or 75-150 minutes vigorous
  • +65 years old: 2 days/week muscle strengthening
  • +65 years old: 3 days/week multicomponent (functional balance-strength moderate)
  • +65 years old: 300 minutes moderate
  • +65 years old: 150 minutes vigorous

Type, frequency, intensity

Key Concepts

  • Geoffrey Rose: prevention is health for people at low risk.
  • Minimal duration of physical activity: all (20-30 minutes, multiple sessions of 10 minutes)
  • Screen time limitation: no more than 2 hours/day
  • Ekelund: the mortality risk of watching TV for 3 hours/day may not be eliminated with high levels of moderate intensity.
  • Metabolic equivalent of task (MET): adults and children present the same energy cost in the intensity of PA.
  • Lifestyle risk factors emerging: prolonged sitting
  • Psychological readiness: contemplation
  • SMART goals: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-oriented.
  • Blood pressure hypertension in adults: 149/90 mm Hg
  • Preparticipation health screening process is based upon: individual’s current physical activity level, presence of signs or symptoms, known metabolic, renal or cardiovascular disease, and exercise intensity.
  • Assess perceived health and quality of life: SF-12v2
  • Measure muscular endurance: number of curl-ups in 1 minute
  • Pretest instructions for fitness test: answer PAR-Q+, refrain from ingesting food and caffeine, avoid significant exertion, drink ample fluids.
  • Healthy values for waist circumference: <102cm men, <88cm women
  • Instrument selection: must be valid, reliable, and sensitive.

Physical Activity, Exercise, and Fitness

  • Physical activity: any type of physical activity of the body
  • Exercise: planned and goal-oriented
  • Fitness: skills (coordination, agility) and health (cardiovascular, strength)

METs for Physical Activity

Light: 1-1.5 METs, Moderate: 1.5-3 METs, Vigorous: 3-5.9 METs

Risk of Death from Physical Activity

4th position

Daily Sitting Time Limit

6-8 hours

Sitting Watching TV

3-4 hours

Physical Recommendations for Children (5-17 years)

At least 60 minutes moderate to vigorous, at least 3 days/week vigorous intensity

Physical Recommendations for Adults

  • At least 30 minutes x 5 days/week moderate
  • At least 75 minutes x 3 days/week vigorous

Minimum Steps per Day

7500 steps

Sedentary Steps per Day

Less than 5000 steps

Purpose of Pre-Participation Health Screen

Active/inactive, cardiovascular risk

Health-Related Quality of Life

SF-12v2: Perception of my health

Other Quality of Lifestyle Parameters

Diet, tobacco, alcohol, anxiety

Predimed Assessment


Measures of Physical Activity

Subjective measures (IPAC), Objective measures (pedometer, accelerometry)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Self-Reported Measures

  • Advantages: easy, cheap
  • Disadvantages: recall bias

Flexibility Tests

Seat and reach / back scratch test

Assessment of Physical Fitness

Hypertrophy, endurance, power, and strength

Test to Measure 1RM of Leg

Leg extension