Healthcare Claims: Validation, Authorization, and Hold Codes
This document outlines the validation and authorization processes for healthcare claims, including exceptions and hold code applications.
- Member validation: ME1014 – member ID & member date of birth.
- Provider validation: PR1011 – tax ID.
- Claim validation: CL1032/CL1033 – DOS, POS, modifiers, service codes, charge amount, DX codes.
- Plan: CL10323/CL1033 – (SHP – CC – QHP – NSD & MSO)
Validate & search valid authorization in (CCMS/CL1011/Evicore(radiology)/Trucare 4 exchange plan)
Authorization Tab
- Event status: approval/pending/denial.
- Bubble comments (negotiated rate).
- Closed reason (if it is “void,” don’t consider auth).
- Decision date.
- Start date & end dates.
- Provider details (provider tax ID, name, network status (in or out-of-network)).
Line Item Tab
- Service codes.
- Bubble comments.
- Units – CL1011
Authorization Not Required (Exceptions)
- Anesthesia providers (except: exchange plan).
- Dialysis codes 90935, 90937, 90999.
- Behavioral mental health: POS 23, in-network.
- Emergency room & urgent care, POS 20 & POS 23 (both in/out-of-network)
- COB claims.
- DME – hearing exams & hearing aids, in-network.
- Transitional care codes (hold code TD, TR, !1 or !2)
Hold Code 42
- No fee schedule.
- Charges $0.00 or $0.01 V & E.
- Check CCMS for a negotiated rate; apply negotiated rate.
- Use toolkit; choose the hold code 42 button; enter DOS year, POS & charge amount. Toolkit will generate allowed amount; use toolkit amount in allowed amount field.
- Service codes 99201-99205; 99211-99215; T1013; 90863 don’t apply hold code TZ.
- For all other service codes, apply hold code TZ.
- Update notes in CL1083 screen.
- Revenue codes 022, 023 & 024 for all POS. Apply hold code A9.
- Only rev code no CPT. Apply hold code A9.
- 1 service line R billed only rev code – apply hold code B4.
Exceptions: Do Not Apply Hold Code 42 Rules
- APC priced (hold code PK, 2G, 5F)
- APG priced (hold code PJ, &/ QM)
- Ambulatory surgery (POS 24) hold code TL.
- Inpatient claims (POS 21)
- SNF claims (rev codes 191-194 or 100, 101, 120 etc.)
- Dialysis claims POS 65
- Negotiated rate is listed in CCMS.
- In or XN C-codes – apply hold code BT.
COB – Review
- EDI claims: other insurance information or other amounts populated.
- Professional claims: hold code QY, 10, 22, 16.
- Paper claims: claim image include an EOB.
- Hold code QY & D1 – verify & adjudicate the claim.
- Review priority code – ME1013.
Priority code = 1 other insurance is primary (EOB required)
Priority code = 2 Health First is primary.
- Hold code QY – VL – bubble stating Medicare is primary – deny hold code HZ.
- Apply provider paid amount in COB field.
- Apply hold code DF (primary carrier was equal to the HF allowed amount) & hold code 16.
- Behavioral health, non-emergent codes (A0428, A0425..) apply 100% of co-pay or co-insurance.
- SNF claims – 100% of co-pay or co-insurance. Hold code 16 on all lines.
COB – Exceptions
- Authorization not required.
- Different modifier – image between EOB – apply hold code HZ.
- Hold code QY & D1 – verify & adjudicate the claim.
SNF-Service Codes
100 – 101 – 190 – 120 – 123 – 124- 160 – 169 – 183- 185 – 199 – 191 – 192 – 193 – 194.
- 022 – apply hold code DB.
- Other charges 250, 350, 450 etc. apply hold code AA.
- No fee schedule.
- Review CCMS bubble comment. If negotiated rate listed, pay negotiated rate.
- If there is no negotiated rate, use benchmark rate sheet; apply allowed amount.