Healthy Eating Habits and Nutrition Facts

Healthy Eating Habits and Nutrition

Complete the Sentences (Present Simple)

Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form (Present Simple).

  • a) She eats (eat) a lot of vegetables and fruit every day.
  • b) They are a little overweight, so they are (be) on a diet.
  • c) My brother doesn’t drink (not drink) any alcohol. He only drinks (drink) water.
  • d) Natural food is (be) necessary to avoid weight-related illnesses.
  • e) Do you lead (lead) a healthy life?
  • f) Shirley leads a very unhealthy life. She always eats (eat) at fast food restaurants.
  • g) If you have eating problems, why don’t you go (not/go) to see a doctor?
  • h) A healthy diet helps (help) you sleep well.
  • i) Along with fat and protein, carbohydrate is (be) an essential nutrient.
  • j) Doctors recommend (recommend) eating 5 portions of fruits and vegetables every day.
  • k) Calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, and iodine are (be) mineral nutrients.

Junk Food Vocabulary

Match Words with Definitions

Match some of the words from the text with the definitions below.

  • a) Drinks, usually other than water → Carbonated Beverages
  • b) Made hot or warm in advance → Preheated
  • c) Sold for consumption away from the premises on which it is prepared → Take Out/Take Away
  • d) Great, as in rank or importance → Major
  • e) Chemical substances used to stop foods or other organic materials from decomposition or fermentation → Preservatives
  • f) A thing or a quantity eaten or drunk → Intake
  • g) Deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received; thankful → Grateful

Natural: naturally        Comfortable: comfortably            Careful: carefully         Chronic: chronically

Unhealthy Food Vocabulary

  • a) The sensation of sweet, sour, salty, or bitter qualities produced by a substance placed in the mouth → Taste
  • b) Not fat → Be Thin
  • c) Fill yourself with food → Stuff Yourself With
  • d) Crispy, crumbly → Crunchy
  • e) Uncooked, unprocessed → Raw
  • f) conveniently available, accessible → Handy
  • g) Foods or drinks given by way of compliment → Snack
  • h) A unit of heat → Calories

True or False Statements

Say if the following statements are true or false according to the information provided in the text.

  • a) A way to avoid eating junk food is buying it only at supermarkets. → True
  • b) People who want to avoid eating junk food often use healthy snacks as a substitute for junk food. → True
  • c) It isn’t difficult to stuff yourself with junk food while watching TV if high-calorie junk food is handy. → True
  • d) Leading a stressful life will make you eat less, so it is a safe way to avoid junk food. → False

Fill in the Gaps (Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives)

Now fill in the gaps with an appropriate pronoun or possessive adjective:

  • a) Does she (she, he, hers) know that I (I, me, he) don’t like milk?
  • b) I remember that they (they, them) heard the recipe from us (we, us, our).
  • c) Please don’t tell her (she, her) about my (I, me, my) diet.
  • d) I met Sarah last night and she (she, her) invited us (we, us, ourselves) to dinner.
  • e) She lives alone, so she cooks for herself (she, her, herself) every day.
  • f) When the dog chased John, he (he, him, his) ran as fast as he (he, him, his) could.
  • g) He rewarded himself (his, himself, him) with an ice-cream.
  • h) We enjoyed our (we, us, our) meal on Sunday.
  • i) That monkey is scratching itself (it, itself).

Menu Options

Choose Your Meal

Fill the gaps with the words provided.

Non-caloric – oil – ale – seasonal – unsalted – chamomile – beef

Soup (Choose one)

  • Organic chicken noodle soup with vegetables.
  • Potato soup.
  • Protein to accompany the potato soup:
    • Grass-fed (a) beef meatballs.
    • Poached organic chicken.
    • Smoked tofu.

Salad (Choose one)

  • Chilled organic, local vegetables, tossed in olive (b) oil, vinegar, oregano, and a little garlic.
  • Local lettuces and greens, tossed with (c) seasonal vegetable garnishes, olive oil, vinegar, oregano, and a little garlic.

Organic Whole Grain Bread (Choose one)

  • (d) Unsalted butter.
  • Olive oil.

Dessert (Choose one)

  • Baked stuffed apple with yogurt sauce.
  • Seasonal local fruit.

Beverage (Choose one)

  • Lemonade / Green tea / (e) Chamomile tea / Milk.
  • Ginger (f) ale / Regular coffee / Decaf.

Condiments (Choose one)

  • Sugar / (g) Non-caloric sweetener / Cream / Lemon.

Dishes Around the World

  • Australia: Anzac Biscuit
  • Singapore: Bak Chang
  • Jamaica: Fufu in Sauce
  • USA: Hamburgers
  • UK: Yorkshire Pudding
  • Ireland: Calcannon (Mashed Potatoes with Kale or Cabbage)
  • India: Chicken Tikka Masala
  • Canada: Bacon with Maple Glaze
  • Cameroon: Ackee and Saltfish