Herbal Remedies for Genitourinary, Pain, and Skin Conditions

Phytotherapy for Genitourinary Disorders

ITEM 22. Diuretics:

  • Ortosiphon
  • Goldenrod
  • Birch
  • Horsetail
  • Nettle
  • Dandelion
  • Corn

Urinary Antiseptics:

  • Bearberry
  • American Cranberry
  • Other

ITEM 23. Benign Prostatic Adenoma:

  • Pygeum
  • Sabal
  • Pumpkin

ITEM 24. Gynecologic Disorders:

  • Evening Primrose
  • Chasteberry
  • Shepherd’s Purse
  • Cimicifuga


  • Soybean
  • Other

Phytotherapy for Pain and Inflammation

ITEM 25. Analgesics and Anti-inflammatory Drugs:

  • Lollipops
  • Willow
  • Meadowsweet
  • Rabo de Gato
  • Cat’s Claw
  • Other

Phytotherapy for Skin and Mucous Membranes

ITEM 26. Anti-inflammatory:

  • Arnica
  • Calendula
  • Other


  • Plants with scents
  • Cayenne

Emollient, Healing, and Antiseptic:

  • Aloe
  • Oat
  • Centella
  • Hamamelis
  • Rosehip
  • Melaleuca


  • Calaguala

A medicinal plant is one in which one or more of its parts contain substances that can be used for medicinal purposes. The plant drug is the part or organ of the herb that contains the active substances. PA is a pure, chemically defined substance responsible for the pharmacological activity of plant drugs. Phytotherapy is the science that studies the use of products of plant origin for therapeutic purposes, either to prevent, mitigate, or cure a disease state. Phytodrugs are herbal preparations obtained through appropriate galenic manipulations. The raw materials in phytotherapy are always plant drugs or extracts from them. The raw material is available in three simple forms: whole, chopped, or ground.

Homeopathy is a therapeutic method that applies the law of similarity and uses drug substances in low doses or infinitesimales. Mother tinctures are obtained by maceration with alcohol for at least three weeks. Pathogenesy: A homeopathic remedy is used to combat symptoms that occur during the product’s pure subintoxication; observation is based on known toxic reactions and experimentation.

Questions and Answers on Phytotherapy

2. Concept of Phytotherapy: The science that studies the use of plant products to cure, prevent, or mitigate a disease.

3. What are GAP, GMP, and ISO? They are basic protocols for cultivation, manufacturing, and control established as standards of quality and standardization.

4. Difference between forgery and counterfeiting: Adulteration is the mixing of drugs or drug substances. Counterfeiting is changing one drug for another with similar features.

5. … Is a glycolic extract an extract with propylene glycol and with an end drug-extract ratio of 1:5.

6. Elixir is a liquor composed of an aqueous, alcoholic, or hydroalcoholic extract and a hydroalcoholic excipient, and liniment when using extracts and an oily excipient.

7. What is the aromatic index? A theoretical value that determines the relative antimicrobial potency of an essential oil. It is the relationship between the halo of inhibition of the essential oil and a theoretical maximum power antiseptic.

8. Homeopathy: What is pathogenesis? Toxic reactions from a plant in a healthy individual. What does 5CH mean? Dilution 5 times to the hundredth Hahnemannian. 10-5.

9. True or False? Plants traditionally considered as having medicinal therapeutic properties may be sold freely, provided it is not for sale on the street. (This statement’s truth depends on local regulations and requires legal clarification.)

10. True or False? The hop is more effective as a sleep inducer and also has estrogenic properties. (True)