* ____ are good ex – All
* ____ is when one – Competitive exclusion
* A chemistry exp – Inductive reasoning
* A chronometer – Measuring time
* A flagellated cell : – Choanocyte
* A molecule comprised – A nucleic acid
* A particular sea bird – Both reproduction is delayed and birds reach maturity slowly
* A population growth – Logistic e
* A population of organisms – Species
* A small area – A sea
* A sponge body – Syconoid
* A tidal – Semidiurnal tide
* A trace – Million
* A zone of rapid – Thermocline
* Acidic pH – 6
* Acids are – Can release hydrogen ions
* All continental drift – Reefs
* All types of cells EXCEPT: – Movement
* Amino acids – Polypeptides
* An environment if: – It would be difficult maintain homeostasis
* An ex hydrogenous sediment – Manganese nodules
* An ex class Anthozoa phylum Cnidaria is: – Sea anemone
* An example of abiotic factors influencing marine organisms is: – Salinity
* An ex mutualism – cleaner shrimp
* An isopycnal water the density ____ with depth. – Remains the same
* An ooze is composed of ____% or more of biogenous sediments. – 30
* An organic molecule is called: – Polymer
* An organism that main termed: – A homeotherm
* An organism whose temp called a(n): – Ectotherm
* Anaerobic organisms thrive: – In oxygen- free environment
* Anatomical isolation – Incompatible copulatory organs
* Animals covered by eight – Chitons
* Animals that obtain are called: – Endotherms
* Animals with eight are called: – Ctenophores
* Asconoid – Vase shape
* At the base of called: – The continental rise
* Basic pH – 8
* Behavioral isoaltion – Divergent courtship methods
* Binomial nomenclature – Genus and species
* Carbohydrates contain – Nitrogen
* Carbon dioxide – 0.03%
* Carl Linnaeus – Binomial nomenclature
* Cellular respiration – Mitochondria
* Charles Darwin – Speciation
* Charles Lyell – Age of Earth
* Chitons, snails, clams and squid – Mollusca
* Cnidaria – Reef forming
* Cnidarians that exhibit – Anthozoans
* Cnidocytes are stinging – Cnidaria
* Colonial cnidarians – Hydrozoans
* Common octocorals – Gorgonians
* Communities of org. – Populations of different species
* Community – Populations of species in an area
* Composed of granite – Crust
* Control group – group that is not exposed
* Crossing over – Alleles switching chromosomes
* Ctenophora – Comb plates
* Ctenophores feed on: – Planktonic animals
* Cytoplasm is comprised of: – Organelles and cytosol
* Darwin produced a well – barnacles
* Deductive reasoning – Using accepted prop.
* Dependent variable – The variable that measure and changes independent variable
* DNA’s shape is: – Helix
* Drowned rivers help create: – Submarine canyons
* During what expedition – The Challenger Expedition
* Ecology is: – The study of the interaction
* Ecosystem – Sum of biotic processes
* Eight arms – Octopus
* Eight plates – Polyplacophora
* Evolution – Individuals and populations
* Experimental group – Group independent var.
* Fats, oils, and waxes – Lipids
* First-order consumer – Herbivore
* Flagella – Propels cells through liquids
* Flat expanse on the sea floor – Abyssal plain
* Flatworms can reproduce: – All
* Forced wave – Increasing in size due
* Free wave – No longer influenced by
* From living organisms – Biogenous
* From outer space – Cosmogenous
* Gaseous oxygen – Respiration bacteria
* Genes are composed – Chromosomes
* Genetic information into ____, organism. – Proteins
* Gentle slope – Continental rise
* Gills strain – Bivalvia
* Glucose is a(n): – Six carbon sugar
* Groups of the – Tissues
* Gyres are divided – Ekman spiral
* Habitat isolation – Spatially separated
* Habitat refers to – All
* Head foot – Cephalopoda
* How does one arrive or induction? – Observation
* Humans have relied for ___ and ___. – Food & Travel
* Hydrogen bonds – The H of one water molecule and the O of another water molecule
* Hydrogen forces have – Boiling point
* Hypothesis – A statement that explains a
* Important nutrients – Nitrogen and Phosphate
In 1977 – Rift communities
* In eukaryotes – Mitosis
* In most clear waters, 1% – 100m
* In the carbon cycle, – Increasing the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide as a result of respiration.
* Independent variable – The variable manipulated by the researcher
* Inductive reasoning – Individual observations
* Inner layer – Nacreous
* Intertidal chitons and snails ___- Foot
* Intertidal zone – Benthic area exposed during low tide
* Island arcs are – Deep sea trenches
* Jellyfish and box jellyfish are: – Scyphozoans
* Justin wondered – Recognize a problem
* Kevin said “If – Form a hypothesis
* Kim’s experiment – Draw a conclusion
* Knowledge of the ocean EXCEPT: – Ocean law
* Land erosion – Terrigenouos
* Landscape change between – Shelf break
* Large external shell – Nautilus
* Leuconoid – Complex folding
* Many gastropods – One valve
* Medusa – Free floating larval
* Members of the same – A population
* Metabolic wastes are: – The byproduct of metabolism
* Middle layer – Prismatic
* Midocean ridges form: – where oceanic crust
* Mitochondrion – Energy powerhouse
* Molluscs having two – Bivalvia
* Molluscs that live – Scaphopoda
* Most bivalves are: – Filter feeders
* Most species of ctenophore are: – Hermaphroditic
* Multicellular animals – Animalia
* Natural selection – Only individuals
* Neritic Zone – Near shore
* Neutral pH – 7
* Nitrogen atmospheric percentage: – 78.08%
* Nucleus – Protects DNA
* Nudibranchs belong ____ Mollusca. – Gastropoda
* Oceanic Zone – Open ocean
* Organisms that live – Ecosystem
* Outer layer – Periostracum
* Oxygen atmospheric percentage: – 20.99%
* Oxygen during the early – Rare
* Pangea, the name – Alfred Wegener
* Photic Zone – Primary production
* Plant – Producer
* Plants and algae contain heterotrophs: – Mitochondria
* Planula – Larval form
* Plasma membrane – Selects what enters the cell
* Polyp – Attached form
* Population – Mussels in a rocky shore
* Porifera – Filter feeding
* Predator – Carnivore
* Predators that prevent – Keystone species
* Progressive wave – Wind generated
* Qualitative data – Data in the form of descriptions
* Quantitative data – Data in the form of numbers
* Random genetic change – Only populations
* Recombination – Increase in genetic variation
* Regions above or below – Zones of stress
* Reproduction in prokaryotes – Binary fission
* Reproduction in sponges – Cloning
* Rich in magnesium and iron silicates – Mantle
* Salts are removed by – Adsorption onto particles
* Seamounts are formed from: – Underwater volcanoes
* Seawater chemical processes – Hydrogenous
* Sediments that are composed of – Biogenous
* Sexual Reproduction – Gametes
* Shallow extensions – Continental shelf
* Small internal shell – Cuttlefish
* Small rise from abyssal plain – Abyssal hill
* Solid, dense, hot, rich in iron and nickel – Inner core
* Sponges are considered: – Animals
* Sponges belong to the phylum: – Porifera
* Sponges can have skel – Starch
* Sponges live a(n) ____ lifestyle. – Sessile
* Sponges often – Space
* Stomach foot – Gastropoda
* Submarine mountain – Seamount
* Surface tension allows – Transmit light energy
* Syconoid – Simple folding
* T/F: A dead zone – True
* T/F: Air in the northern – False
* T/F: An organism’s – True
* T/F: Bathygraphic – False
* T/F: Capillary waves are small. – True
* T/F: Cephalization – True
* T/F: Charles Darwin – True
* T/F: Christopher Columbus – True
* T/F: Collar cells – False
* T/F: Continental crust – True
* T/F: Crustaceans have – True
* T/F: Decomposers play – True
* T/F: Every type of – False
* T/F: Heterotrophic organisms – True
* T/F: It is important to study – True
* T/F: Most cephalopods – False
* T/F: Plunging waves – False
* T/F: Remote sensing – True
* T/F: Snails, limpets – True
* T/F: Sponges can – True
* T/F: The abyssal zone – False
* T/F: The concentration of – True
* T/F: The hydrological cycle – True
* T/F: The planktonic form – True
* T/F: The salinity – False
* T/F: The source – True
* T/F: The thermal capacity – True
* T/F: The type and amount – False
* T/F: The world ocean covers – True
* T/F: Trace elements are NOT – False
* T/F: True jellyfish belong – False
* T/F: Tsunamis are the result of the storm surge of hurricanes. – False
* T/F: Turbellarians detect small prey items using chemoreceptors. – True
* T/F: Water enters the spongocoel through the osculum. – False
* Ten arms in five pairs – Squid
* The ____ have cerata on their – Nudibranchs
* The area beyond neritic called? – Ocean basin
* The area directly below – Continental margin
* The average salinity ____%. – 35
* The biosphere: – Supports all of the life on earth
* The charge of a water – Polar
* The Cnidarians possess: – Stinging cells
* The continental rise – Underwater landslides
* The Coriolis effect is: – The apparent deflection of air and water
* The deepest underwater – Mariana Trench
* The density of air – Decreasing moisture
* The digestive system – Visceral mass
* The distance over – Fetch
* The first person – Harry Hess
* The following are all – Cellulose
* The following are main points – Fish are confused by the amphipods
* The forces of the mantle – Continental drift
* The genetic information – DNA
* The geological evidence that – Charles Lyell
* The habitat of a species has – Both abiotic and biotic factors
* The hard exterior of crabs – Chitin
* The majority of the heat – Radiation of heat into the atmosphere.
* The mass of a substance – Density
* The molluscan shell – Mantle
* The molluscs: – Possess a soft body covered with a mantle
* The most common planktonic – Veliger larva
* The most complete scientific – Combining oceanographic and marine biological studies
* The movement of water – Osmosis
* The nematocysts of cnidarians – Cnidocytes
* The nephridium of molluscs – Excretory system
* The niche of the – The occupation (needs and role) of the species in the ecosystem
* The number of – 20
* The ocean is frequently – World ocean
* The opening of the shells – Operculum
* The orderly pattern of gathering – Scientific method
* The organelle responsible for radiant – Chloroplasts
* The organelles of movement – Flagella and cilia
* The outer layer of the molluscan the ____ layer. – Periostracum
* The oxygen minimum – Just below the sunlit surface
* The pelagic division – Water column
* The person who presented – Alfred Wallace
* The pH of seawater – All the answers are correct
* The pH scale is – Concentration of hydrogen ion
* The phrase “Study nature, not books” – Louis Agassiz
* The polarity of a water mol. – The uneven attraction of electrons to the oxygen atom
* The Portuguese man-of-war is class: – Hydrozoa
* The preeminent American naturalist – Charles Darwin
* The pressure of the oceans for every ____ meter increase in depth. – 10
* The process of subdividing niche – Resource partitioning
* The proper order of – Producer-herbivore-carnivore
* The property of water – Adhesion
* The reference or primary – The Greenwhich meridian
* The region of the mantle – The asthenosphere
* The RNA that brings – Transfer RNA
* The salinity of seawate – Low due to precipitation
* The skeletal elements – Spicules
* The special kind of fault – Transform
* The specific heat of water is – Energy required to raise a gram of substance 1ï ° C.
* The structure used for – Mantle
* The symbiotic relationship – Commensalism
* The term plankton – organisms that float or drift
* The thickest of earth’s physical – Mantle
* The transition between the continental – Continental slope
* The two continents that – South America and Africa
* The two main factors – Salinity & temperature
* The type of feeding – Filter feeders
* The visceral mass of molluscs – Head-foot
* Theory – A well tested, well supported hypothesis
* Tim is Veronica’s – Deductive reasoning
* Transition to the deep – Continental slope
* Tsunamis – Shallow-water waves
* Water enters the sponge – Ostia
* Water’s pH is considered – Hydrogen and hydroxide ions are equal in number
* What was goal Anderson – To teach biology through direct observation
* When nutrients are limited – Cause algal blooms
* When Pangea first broke up – Laurasia and Godwanaland
* When two different species? – Interspecific competition
* Where lithospheric plates collide – Divergent boundaries
* Where lithospheric plates separate – Divergent boundaries
* Where most volcanoes occur – Trenches
* Where new ocean bottom – Mid-ocean ridge
* Where oceanic crust is – Ridge systems
* Where was the first permanent marine lab – Naples, Italy
* Which are not correctly paired? – Gastropoda-clams
* Which best describes how the HMS Challenger? – All the answers are correct
* Which genus of gastropod? – Conus
* Which high energy light? – Blue, green, and violet
* Which is not true of a prokaryotic cell? – It has a nucleus and membrane bound organelles
* Which is the proper order? – Cells, tissues, organs
* Which low energy light wave? – Red
* Which of the following best describes? – All of the answers are correct.
* Which of the following groups Western navigators? – Phoenecians & Greeks
* Which example of quantit? – Inhabitants of a rocky shore community
* Which false about animals? – They are autotrophs
* Which the first step in the scientific method – Make an Observation
* Which the first American established marine laboratory? – Marine Biological Laboratory
* Which hypotheses cannot be tested by an experiment? – Certain humpback whale behaviors are important for attracting a mate.
* Which of these hypotheses cannot be tested? – Night-feeding fishes rely on their sense of smell to locate prey.
* Which supplies the greatest percentage? – Fish
* Who captained the United States Exploring Expedition? – Charles Wilkes
* Who coined “plankton” in 1887? – Victor Hensen
* Who is Alexander Agassiz? – All of the answers are correct
* Who is Louis Agassiz? – All off the answers are correct
* With each change in trophic level we can expect a ____% transfer of biomass. – 10
* You are planning to set – Chronometer