Hiring Strategies for Marketing and Finance Positions

**Hiring Strategies for Marketing and Finance Positions**

Date: May 14, 2015

To: Susan Montgomery, Chief Executive Officer

From: Osvaldo De La Rosa, Human Resources Manager

Subject: Required Strategies to Qualify Employees Through Employment Office

This report describes the progress of the assignment requested two weeks ago by the General Manager, which consists of hiring two qualified employees for the Marketing and Finance divisions, respectively. Two prepared and qualified employees will be hired by the end of May 2015 by following a pattern of strategies.


In preparation for this assignment, I discussed with Mark Morgan, General Manager, his preferences and expectations about the required employees. It is expected from them to have the proper abilities, skills, and experience needed for positions of high relevance such as Marketing and Finance divisions. There have been quite a few problems with the associated employment office since they have been sending people who are not qualified enough for the respective jobs. This problem is represented as a major disadvantage for the company because it is wasting not only money but also time finding the right people for the jobs.

Work Completed

For the past 10 days, I’ve been sending specific instructions with deep and clarified details to the employment agency for them to work harder to find the right person for each job. I have sent emails, memorandums, and reports, explaining each position and its requirements in detail.

Marketing candidates need to have plenty of knowledge about customer satisfaction, trends, sales, brands, bonuses, products, prices, and services.

Finance division candidates must demonstrate behaviors and experience in fields such as indebtedness, investments, profitability, and productivity.

I’ve also spoken to the Head of the employment agency and their colleagues so that they know exactly the type of employees we desire in our company.

Work to Be Completed

In the next 3 days, I will be receiving reports and most probably results from the effort made previously with the employment agency. If things go as planned, there wouldn’t be any more problems. However, since we are outsourcing to the employment agency, the most likely outcome is that the company won’t be finding people suitable for the jobs. Therefore, I have been designing a strategy for the company to stop outsourcing to the employment agency. This would not only benefit the company financially but also would eliminate the problem of hiring unsuitable people since who better to choose candidates for the jobs than the company itself? To do this, we need to incur certain expenses by training our own people to select employees wisely, looking for skills, abilities, characteristics, and values related to our company. This would ease time and money losses and also, only senior managers and C-level managers would oversee these procedures.

Anticipated Problems

You should be aware of certain drawbacks to this action plan:

  • Higher costs of implementation
  • Training costs for current and participating employees
  • Major concern from the company in procurement

By the end of May, problems about proper hiring should be solved, and the two new employees of the respective divisions should be active parts of the company.