Historical Events and Eras: A Timeline
Posted on Mar 13, 2025 in History
Key Historical Events
- Power to the People
- Slave
- None of Anteiores
- Eupatrids, Gergóis, and Deminurgos
- Clergy, Nobility, and Servants
- Fully Correct
- Hoist, Corvera, Banality, and Tithing
- The Invasion of Portugal by Napoleon’s Troops
- During the Reign of D. Joao VI
- In England
- Saint Vincent and Pernambuco
- The Resignation of the Ministry of the Marquis (Portuguese)
- Salvador (Bahia), Recife (Pernambuco), and Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
- Zombie
- The Discovery of the Cohen Plan
- Chibata Revolt
- The Holy War of the Disputed
- Russia
- Slaves Over 65 Years Old
- U.S.
- England, France, Soviet Union, and the United States
- During the Second World War (1939-1945)
- Law Allowing Navy to Imprison British Slave Ships
- Land Between Rivers
- Industrial Revolution
- Portugal and Spain
- Nazism
- Organization of the United Nations
- 1500
- Fifteen
- 1808
- Senzala
- Lord – Servant
- Revolution Praieira
- White Castle, Costa e Silva, Medicil, Geisel, and Figueiredo
- Make the British Penetration in the Country
- The Plantation and Slavery
- Alagoas
- To Fight Against the Exploitation of Workers
- The Convention
- The Beginning of the Republican Regime
- Society of the Aztecs
- Pecuriaria Extensive
- The War of the Rags
- Vargas State New
- In 1910 with the Creation of the Indian Protection Service
- Reforms of Pombal
- Vaccine Revolt
- The Creation of the Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (CSN)
- The Design of the Basic Reforms Announced by the Government Goulart
- Mercosur
- Economic Recession and Unemployment
- African Slaves
- Rebellion that Culminated in the Proclamation of the Republic
- Government Constitutional Dictatorship of the New State, the Provisional Government
- The Neo-Colonial Disputes, the Search for Markets, the Second Industrial Revolução
- Supports the Introduction of Feudalism
- The Predominance of the Agrarian Economy
- The Values of Classical Antiquity Were Recovered (Greco-Roman)
- And Propagated the Christian Doctrine
- Quilombo
- Put an End to Basic Reforms
- Anarchists
- Buoys Frias
- The British Could Imprison the Slave Ship
- Belly Free, and Aurea Sexagema
- What We Had to Produce More to Cover the Loss
- Metallurgical ABCD
- Decline of Europe and the Rise of U.S. and USSR
- Cold War
- Straws
- Juscelino Kubitschek
- Dry Region
- Greek Slaves of Greek Propio
- Policy
- Sahara Desert
- Pre Dynasty
- Old Empire
- Hebrew
- Agriculture and Grazing
- Fenicios
- Greek
- Homer
- Monarchy, and Imperial República
- The Invasion of the Barbarians and the Decadence of the Political System of Rome
- Church
- Recognized the Independence of the Thirteen Colonies
- Industrial Revolution
- French Revolution