Historical Events and Eras: A Timeline

Key Historical Events

  1. Power to the People
  2. Slave
  3. None of Anteiores
  4. Eupatrids, Gergóis, and Deminurgos
  5. Clergy, Nobility, and Servants
  6. Fully Correct
  7. Hoist, Corvera, Banality, and Tithing
  8. The Invasion of Portugal by Napoleon’s Troops
  9. During the Reign of D. Joao VI
  10. In England
  11. Saint Vincent and Pernambuco
  12. The Resignation of the Ministry of the Marquis (Portuguese)
  13. Salvador (Bahia), Recife (Pernambuco), and Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
  14. Zombie
  15. The Discovery of the Cohen Plan
  16. Chibata Revolt
  17. The Holy War of the Disputed
  18. Russia
  19. Slaves Over 65 Years Old
  20. U.S.
  21. England, France, Soviet Union, and the United States
  22. During the Second World War (1939-1945)
  23. Law Allowing Navy to Imprison British Slave Ships
  24. Land Between Rivers
  25. Industrial Revolution
  26. Portugal and Spain
  27. Nazism
  28. Organization of the United Nations
  29. 1500
  30. Fifteen
  31. 1808
  32. Senzala
  33. FHC
  34. Lord – Servant
  35. Revolution Praieira
  36. White Castle, Costa e Silva, Medicil, Geisel, and Figueiredo
  37. Make the British Penetration in the Country
  38. The Plantation and Slavery
  39. Alagoas
  40. To Fight Against the Exploitation of Workers
  41. The Convention
  42. The Beginning of the Republican Regime
  43. Society of the Aztecs
  44. Pecuriaria Extensive
  45. The War of the Rags
  46. Vargas State New
  47. In 1910 with the Creation of the Indian Protection Service
  48. Reforms of Pombal
  49. Vaccine Revolt
  50. The Creation of the Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (CSN)
  51. The Design of the Basic Reforms Announced by the Government Goulart
  52. Mercosur
  53. Economic Recession and Unemployment
  54. African Slaves
  55. Rebellion that Culminated in the Proclamation of the Republic
  56. Government Constitutional Dictatorship of the New State, the Provisional Government
  57. The Neo-Colonial Disputes, the Search for Markets, the Second Industrial Revolução
  58. Supports the Introduction of Feudalism
  59. The Predominance of the Agrarian Economy
  60. The Values of Classical Antiquity Were Recovered (Greco-Roman)
  61. And Propagated the Christian Doctrine
  62. Quilombo
  63. Put an End to Basic Reforms
  64. Anarchists
  65. Buoys Frias
  66. The British Could Imprison the Slave Ship
  67. Belly Free, and Aurea Sexagema
  68. What We Had to Produce More to Cover the Loss
  69. Metallurgical ABCD
  70. Decline of Europe and the Rise of U.S. and USSR
  71. Cold War
  72. Straws
  73. Juscelino Kubitschek
  74. Dry Region
  75. Greek Slaves of Greek Propio
  76. Policy
  77. Sahara Desert
  78. Pre Dynasty
  79. Old Empire
  80. Hebrew
  81. Agriculture and Grazing
  82. Fenicios
  83. Greek
  84. Homer
  85. Monarchy, and Imperial República
  86. The Invasion of the Barbarians and the Decadence of the Political System of Rome
  87. Church
  88. Recognized the Independence of the Thirteen Colonies
  89. Industrial Revolution
  90. French Revolution