Historical Jesus: Evidence, Authenticity, and Miracles
Did Jesus Really Exist?
Some might say that Jesus was just an illusion, but this is not true. There are many historical realities associated with him that are impossible to deny. The historical existence of Christ is also testified by documents from three different cultures:
- Greek: Lucian of Samosata
- Roman: Suetonius and Tacitus
- Jewish: Flavius Josephus and the Talmud
Could the Man of the Shroud be Jesus? What Does Science Say?
Yes, depending on how you interpret the evidence. The figure of the Shroud and images of Christ could well be him. Science, with evidence from these images, suggests that comparisons are possible.
Authenticity of the Gospels
What is Authenticity?
Authenticity means that a book was written in the period and by the author to whom it is attributed.
To Whom Were the Gospels Written and When?
- Mark: Around 60 AD
- Matthew: Around 70-80 AD
- Luke: Around 70-80 AD
- John: Around 90-110 AD
Could They Have Been Written Earlier?
No, it would have been very difficult to write them earlier. The authors would have needed to accurately simulate Hebraisms or sites listed in the vulgar Greek in which almost everything was written. It would have been nearly impossible to invent the New Testament or the descriptions that appear, which are so rich in historical, topographical, and cultural details.
Integrity of the Gospels
What Does Integrity Mean?
Integrity means that the Gospels have reached us without substantial alteration.
How Many Copies of the Gospels are Preserved?
Over 40,000 copies are preserved.
Comparison with Copies of Classical Works
The earliest surviving manuscripts of the great classics of the time are very distant from the author. In contrast, copies of the Gospels are much closer to the original.
Can We Be Sure That Copyists Did Not Introduce Changes?
Given the diverse provenance of each of these documents, we can deduce that all versions coincide marvelously. This is overwhelming evidence of the loyalty and devotion with which the Gospels have been preserved over the centuries, as well as their indisputable authenticity and integrity. The New Testament is, without any comparison to other literary works of antiquity, the best and most abundantly documented book because it is very easy to trace back. If a scribe’s copy differs from others, we can easily identify and correct it.
Do the Gospels Tell the Truth or Are They Inventions?
The fact that early Christians were willing to die to be faithful to the teachings of the Gospels gives these people a strong guarantee of accuracy. The Evangelists did not silence their own flaws or the reprimands they received from their master. They also narrated events that were considered unfavorable to Christians, such as the tragic death and betrayal of Judas. The only explanation is that these events really happened. The authors witnessed the events and wrote down all they had lived through and seen. These are reasons for credibility; that is, the Gospels do not lie. The Evangelists acknowledge where episodes are unclear, something a forger would have silenced.
Significant Events in the Life of Jesus
- 0-10 years: Nativity, Flight into Egypt, Return to Nazareth
- 10-20 years: Jesus among the doctors of the law
- 30-31 years: Baptism of Jesus, the Apostles’ ambition, first miracle (Cana), Jesus in Capernaum, Dialogue with the Samaritan woman, Vocation of Matthew
- 31-32 years: Sermon on the Mount, parables of the kingdom of heaven, the storm calmed, the promise of the Eucharist
- 32-33 years: The Transfiguration, several parables, Raising of Lazarus, Betrayal of Judas, the Last Supper, Jesus is taken, Trial, Death and burial, Resurrection and Ascension
What is a Miracle?
Miracles are events that cannot be explained by any natural cause. They are signs of a human and supernatural power. Jesus performs miracles to prove that he is God, to encourage his disciples to believe in him, and to prove that God works miracles for people who believe in him.