Hobbes vs. Locke: Contrasting Views on State Purpose
Hobbes: Security as the State’s Purpose
Some writers believe the State’s purpose is to maintain security. Among these doctrines stands absolutism, with Hobbes prioritizing defense.
The State of Nature
Hobbes begins by questioning how civil society originated. To understand this, he asks us to imagine human beings before political power. This imaginary scenario is called the “state of nature.”
In this state:
- Men live in freedom, without limitations. Hobbes calls this natural right.
- Men are driven by self-preservation and satisfying their natural appetites.
- The absence of limitations leads to men desiring what others have, resulting in a “war of all against all.”
- Life in the state of nature is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutal, and short.”
The Constitution of Civil Society
Men establish a social contract, creating the state or civil society. Each man agrees to surrender their natural rights to an individual or assembly. This power then decides which rights individuals possess.
The governing power introduces legislation and orders that cannot be questioned. Individuals cannot revert to the state of nature once power is established. The power is unlimited and its exercise cannot be challenged.
Locke: Defense of Natural Rights as the State’s Purpose
Locke defines natural rights as those all human beings possess by virtue of being human. Many modern advocates of natural law, like Locke, believe the primary function of civil society or the state is to defend individual natural rights.
State of Nature and Civil Society
According to Locke, the state of nature is characterized by:
- Individuals possessing natural rights given by God.
- Men being rational and therefore free.
- Coexistence on an equal footing and in liberty.
Locke argues that the State arises to protect property rights. The State’s objectives are to defend natural rights and intervene in conflicts of interest. Ultimately, the State’s role is reduced to defending ownership rights.
Political and Economic Liberalism
Locke lays the theoretical foundation for a liberal state. Liberalism began as a school of thought opposing absolutism and feudalism.
Liberal Political Theory
Liberal political theory is characterized by:
- Separation between civil society and the State.
- Limited State power. Locke advocates for separation of legislative, executive, judicial, and federative powers.
- The State’s role is to resolve conflicts between individuals.
- The right of rebellion.
Liberal Economic Theory
Liberal political theory is complemented by liberal economic theory, developed by Adam Smith. It focuses on:
- Defending the free market.
- Freedom to buy and sell.
- Freedom to hire and fire workers.
- Minimizing state intervention in economic affairs.