Hospital Functions, Bed Management, and Clinical Documentation
Hospital Functions and Procedures
Record Income From Request
- Inclusion on the waiting list: Application maintenance, dissemination services.
- Income Programming: Programming earnings, book bed, diffusion to services and nursing units, the patient notice.
- Bed Management: Assignment of beds, transfers, isolation control, maintenance of bed census.
- Hospital Episode Registration: Registration of patient data entry, data recording discharge.
- Demand for Qx: Register of patients awaiting Qx, record keeping, LEQ, and interventions.
- Programming Qx: Qx activity registration, outreach, programming.
- Register Qx Activity: Activity log Qx, Qx diffusion part done.
Hospital Bed Management
Hospital Bed: That installed for regular use, which is in service, whether or not occupied.
- Conventional bed: Adult, pediatric vaccines, trauma, infants (incubator).
- Special bed: ICU, coronary care, major burns, laminar flow chambers, those of septic patients.
- Alternatives (+1 day): UCE, 24-hour area, observation area, day hospital.
Bed Features
- Bed installed: Assigned to operate regularly.
- Enabled beds: Do not belong to the envelope, but you can dispose of them at any given time (hall).
- Bedding: Those that are able to be used.
- No beds available: Beds endowment are not available for use.
Bed Attributes
Nursing Unit, Medical Services, State, Occupation, Number, Type.
Indifferent: Two conditions are met: 1) Vacant, 2) Sex occupying the room.
Bed Priority
Emergency admissions, transfers from ICU, transfers from inpatient units, conventional, income patients scheduled, ectopic.
Type of Income
- Overnight: Comes from the emergency department if beds are in your unit but ectopic.
- Programmed: It comes from the waiting list.
- Direct: Patients transferred from another hospital, ectopic, income judicial, pathological newborns.
Cause of Discharge
Optional order, transfer, death, escape, voluntary.
Premature Admission Stays Control
The objective is to assess the adequacy of the programming of income for the completion of a scheduled procedure. The approach had to be much time, but what they have been, what normal is 0 to 1.5 days.
Control Income Inappropriate Stays
The objective is to determine the number of admissions and/or inappropriate stays for non-clinical reasons.
Clinical Document Design
External Format
- Size: DIN 4
- Weight: Between 70-80g per square meter
- Paper quality: The thickness is taken into account depending on the usefulness of the document
- Color: White
- Printing: Single-sided or double-sided
- Areas of the document: Header and Content
- Margins: By adding a number, “The die.”
Internal Format
- Drafting: Ambiguous words, abbreviations, and cultisms must not be used.
- Data sequence: Should be logical.
- Information collection: May be collected from free text.
- Text: Select the font size, features such as bold, italics, underline, and uppercase.
- Language: The second language is used.
Development of a New Document
May come from a service or a group of professionals. This proposal will be made to the department head of the CDU, which must assess whether or not the design of the new document is necessary.
Document Need -> UDCA + Requesting Service -> Design of form and content -> HC-Commission -> Service Applicant.
Hospital Functions
This is the support on which all data must be reflected. It informs professional interaction with other levels of care. It is an instrument for assessing the quality of care-related work provided. It facilitates research and education.
Primary Care Scheme
Consultation Initiative: A user-programmed demand.
Form of Access: By appointment, spontaneous (“ins”) -> Normal or Urgent.
Location of Care: In the health center, at home.
Content: Search for disease management -> Process new “first”, process is known “second”.
Outpatient care provided both in primary care and specialized care. It consists of several modules:
- MOS: Citation management counters.
- GIP: Comprehensive management of patients.
- GAIA: Pharmaceutical prescriptions. Prescription.
- RVN: Immunization record nominal.
Project ORION
The system of comprehensive management information.
Hospital integrates all systems and subsystems together.
Information system for coordinating emergency and non-hospital emergencies.
SISAN: Abucasis II, Orion, Synapses, Cordes, Central Services.