Hotel Security: Protecting Assets and Guests
Principles of Hotel Security
Overall framework for action: A hotel is a tourist company; the purpose is accompanying the hotel business.
- People travel.
- Concentration and free movement of persons: The same number of clients and threats enter. It is difficult to protect the filter.
- Currency, jewelry, cards, etc.: Large concentration of values.
- Events, conferences, tours.
- Socially relevant and famous people (here, also the safety of the occupants of the hotel).
- Unknown and known loss.
- Need for many staff and operations (internal threat, the employees themselves report to the threat).
Concept of the Nature of Business
A hotel is a business (1) a company (2) that provides a service (3) that operates facilities.
- Corporate security: The security of any company has to protect assets, managers, etc.
- Security service: All services that attacks also hurt the company.
- Facility Security: Threat to the facilities, so it cannot provide services.
Typologies of Damage
- External economic attack: Extortion, bribery, boycott.
- Megadamages: Natural disasters, accidents.
- Psychopathology: Terrorism, kidnapping, vandalism, mistreatment of customers.
Each item has its hazards: business, services, facilities. When one is damaged, it damages the others in a domino effect.
What is Protected?
- Company: Trade, technical/production, financial, accounting, managerial.
- Services (safety/security): Accommodation, catering, meetings, relaxation/entertainment, shopping, transportation.
- Facilities (safety/security): Architecture, energy and supplies, communications, telecommunications, waste.
Security and safety services and facilities may be affected either intentionally (food poisoning or someone breaks a beam of the building) or by accident (air conditioning fails and creates salmonellosis, or there is an earthquake and the building collapses).
The hotel location, city, category, and customers will determine its safety. The approach will be deferential since threats are very different and for a different purpose.
Hotel Security Analysis
- See what is being attacked: There may be a range of interests; something is damaged that, in turn, affects what you really want to attack.
- See who protects against the attack: The protector can be public or private. It is necessary to know the competition in hotel security and how far it extends.
Risk Analysis
Risk analysis: Breaking down the problem to the simplest element.
Analysis: Break into simpler parts.
Method of Descartes: Identification, evaluation analysis, conclusions.
Risk is different in safety: Fire, Medical-biological, Environmental, Insurance, Gambling, Business Risk.
Risk Index = Probability x Quantity = Number x (which would be the risk ratio) in Security
(Frequency (magnitude of that damage has occurred) is not possible to quantify the uncertainty. Problem in the past)
Security can only apply the term “risk” with respect to a system crash or a wrong decision. Probabilities cannot be established because we are working with uncertainty. To speak of probabilities, choices must be known.