Human Anatomy and Physiology: Skeletal Cartilage and Nervous System
Skeletal Cartilage
Skeletal Cartilage:
- Hyaline: Provides support, flexibility, and resilience (e.g., ribs, elbow, shoulder).
- Elastic: Contains more elastic fibers (e.g., external ear, epiglottis).
- Fibrocartilage: Rich in collagen, provides tensile strength (e.g., intervertebral discs).
Nervous System
- Central Nervous System (CNS): The command center, consisting of the brain and spinal cord.
- Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): Carries messages to and from the CNS, including cranial and spinal nerves.
Sensory (Afferent) Division – Input
- Somatic: Consciously perceived sensations (e.g., the five senses).
- Visceral: Unconscious sensations (e.g., blood chemistry, organ walls).
Motor (Efferent) Division – Output
- Somatic: Controls skeletal muscles and movement.
- Autonomic: Regulates cardiac muscles, glands, and smooth muscles.
Cells in Nervous Tissue
- Neurons: Excitable cells that transmit electrical signals.
- Neuroglia (Glial Cells): Supporting cells.
CNS Cells
Astrocytes, microglia, ependymal cells, and oligodendrocytes.
PNS Cells
Satellite cells and Schwann cells.
Neuron Structure
Dendrites (receive information) -> Axon (initiates action potential) -> Synaptic bulb (releases neurotransmitters).
Receptive -> Initial -> Conductive -> Transmissive.
Glial Cells (Support Tissue)
CNS Functions
- Astrocyte: Forms the blood-brain barrier, regulates interstitial fluids, and provides support.
- Ependymal Cell: Lines ventricles and assists in the production and circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
PNS Functions
- Satellite Cell: Regulates waste exchange.
- Neurolemmocyte (Schwann Cell): Insulates axons and allows for faster action potential propagation.
How Neurons Work: They carry electrical messages, which flow via positive and negative ions (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Cl-).
CNS: Brain Lobes
- Frontal: Involved in motor control, motivation, planning, and memory.
- Parietal (Middle): Processes sensory information (e.g., taste, some visual input).
- Occipital (Rear): The visual center.
- Temporal (Center): Involved in hearing, smell, learning, memory, and emotional responses.
- Insula: Processes language and taste.
Brain Areas
Thalamus (sensory relay, emotion, movement) + Hypothalamus (homeostasis, physical response to emotion, pain, pleasure, body temperature, hormone release) + Epithalamus (Pineal gland -> melatonin).
Brain Stem
- Midbrain: Controls subconscious muscle activity, eye movements, and coordinates automatic eye and head movements with stimuli.
- Pons: Links the cerebrum and cerebellum.
- Medulla: Contains cardiovascular and respiratory centers, as well as reflex centers for sneezing and coughing.
Consists of two hemispheres and three lobes; located behind the spinal cord. It is involved in unconscious proprioception.
PNS: Sensation
Sensation: The registration of stimuli, generation of sensory information, and transmission to the CNS.
Stimulus: A detectable change in the environment that acts on a receptor.
Somatosensation: Sensory information from the skin to the musculoskeletal system.
Spinal Nerves
8 pairs of cervical nerves > 12 thoracic > 5 lumbar > 5 sacral > 1 coccygeal.
12 Cranial Nerves
- Olfactory: Smell.
- Optic: Vision.
- Oculomotor: Eye muscles, pupil changes.
- Trochlear: Superior oblique eye muscle.
- Trigeminal: Sensory from scalp, nasal cavity, face, oral cavity, and teeth.
- Abducens: Lateral rectus eye muscle.
- Facial: Taste from anterior 2/3 of the tongue, facial expression, saliva production.
- Vestibulocochlear: Hearing and balance.
- Glossopharyngeal: Sensory and taste from posterior 1/3 of the tongue, sensory from the pharynx.
- Vagus: Innervates the heart, lungs, and abdominal organs.
- Accessory: Innervates the trapezius muscle.
- Hypoglossal: Tongue movement.