Human Anatomy: Bones, Skin, Glands, and Body Parts

Skeletal System

Upper Limb Bones

The skeleton of each upper limb consists of 30 bones. These bones are: Humerus, Ulna, Radius, Carpals (8), Metacarpals (5), Phalanges (14)

Pelvic Girdle

There are two pelvic girdles (one for each lower limb) but unlike the pectoral girdles, they are jointed with each other at symphysis pubis. Each pelvic girdle is a single bone in adults and is made up of three components: Ileum, Ischium and Pubis

Lower Limb Bones

The skeleton of each lower limb consists of 30 bones. These bones are: Femur, Tibia, Patella, Tarsals (7), Metatarsals (5), Phalanges (14)

Bone Diseases


This condition is characterized by the development of porous, brittle bones that are prone to fractures. Osteoporosis is preceded by a condition known as osteopenia, the presence of low bone mass. Osteopenia and osteoporosis increase the risk of fractures occurring in the hips, spine and wrist. Poor calcium absorption, low calcium intake and low Vitamin D intake can all contribute to the development of osteoporosis.

Risk factors and causes

  • Aging
  • Familiar precedents
  • Precocious menopause
  • The weather, for the vitamin D
  • Being a woman of white or Asian race
  • Being under corporal weight
  • Sedentary life
  • Smoking
  • Drinking alcohol or caffeine

How to avoid osteoporosis

Having a healthy diet with a suitable ingestion of calcium and physical exercises during adolescence and youth helps to increase the bone mass. To increase the consumption of calcium and vitamins during the maturity. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.


This is a disease of infancy caused by a lack of vitamin D, which is important to solidify children’s bones. It is characterized by a softening of the bones which can lead to bone fractures and deformations. In the absence of Vitamin D, calcium cannot be adequately absorbed and stored in the bones. Weak, soft bones can greatly hinder a child’s growth and development.

How to avoid rickets

Give to the child the elements that he lacks during his growth, for example: Dairy; yogurt – butter – cheese- milk. Rich diet in vitamin D; Meat, eggs, fish.

Calcium and its Absorption

Calcium Rich Foods

The best sources of calcium are green vegetables. They have the highest levels of calcium and are absorbed at a much higher rate than meat and dairy.

Calcium Inhibitors

Anything in excess has the potential to be damaging. The following foods should be limited:

  • Coffee
  • Soft drinks
  • Excess salt
  • Excess sugar or too much of any sweet food

How to Increase Calcium Absorption

As we grow older our body functions slow down and nutrient absorption decreases, calcium being no exception. In your diet you have to include green vegetables to obtain the amount necessary of vitamin D and magnesium for proper calcium absorption.

Skin Layers


It is the outermost layer of the skin. Here you can find the “stratum corneum” and the “stratum germinativum”.


It is the second layer of the skin, here we can find blood vessels. Because of blood stream, more complex structures are here.

Subcutaneous or Hypodermis

It is the deepest layer of the skin, here you can find the adipose tissue.


Gives the pigmentation or color of the skin, it is in the dermis layer, and you can find them under the stratum germinativum cells. The principal function of the epidermal melanin is to protect the cells from the deepest layers of epidermis and dermis from the UV lights, but it is not so bad, because the UV light also helps to synthesize vitamin D in the skin.

Glandular System

In the Dermis is the “glandular epithelium”, here the most external cells get together in a group. The secretions are: Sweat, Spot, Snot.

Sebaceous Glands

They are in the hair follicle and they produce spot, due to the oil substance, it is in charge of skin lubrication.

Sweat Glands

Are all over the body, except in lips border and there are more in the palms and feet. The principal function of the sweat glands is to regulate the body temperature. The amount of sweat glands increase with hot temperatures, fever, doing exercises, and so on.

Modified Sweat Glands

Ceruminous Glands

They are in the internal auditory conduct, the principal function is to protect the ear.

Ciliary Glands

They are in the eyelids, the principal function is to clean the eyeball and lubricate it.


It is a change of the epidermal cells, which are composed by hard keratin. Nails are composed by: Lunula, Nail root, Nail body/ nail plate, Cuticle, Nail folds.


The hair is present all over the body, except in palms of the body and bottom of the feet. Hair color depends on the amount of melanin that it has.

Body Parts

1-sien temple 2- ceja eyebrow 3-ojo eye 4-parpado eyelid 5-nariz nose 6-narina nostril 7-boca mouth 8-labios lips 9-menton chin 10-quijada jaw 11-mejilla cheek 12-cuello neck 13-oreja ear 14.hueso de la mejilla cheekbone 15.cuero cabelludo scalp 16.pecho chest 17-estomago stomach 18-codo elbow 19-pulgar thumb 20-muslo thigh 21- rodilla knee 22-rotula knee cap 23-pantorrilla shin 24-tobillo ankle 25- talon heel 26- dedos del pie toe 27- pie foot 29-palma palm 30-dedos fingers 31-muñeca wrist 32-antebrazo forearm 33-axila armpit 34.hombro shoulder

Bones and Organs

cráneo craniumcráneo skull Mandibula mandible – hueso de la quijada jaw bone Clavicula clavicle – hueso de la clavicula collar bone Esternón sternum – hueso del pecho breast bone Humero humerus – brazo arm Radio y ulna radius ulna – antebrazo forearm Pelvis pelvic girdle – hueso de la cadera hip bone Femur – hueso del muslo thigh bone Rotula patella – rotula knee cap Tibia fibula – hueso de la pantorrilla shinbone Espina cervical cervical spine – hueso del cuello neck bone Escapula scapula – omoplato shoulder blade Caja toraxica rib cage – costillas ribs Espina spine – hueso de la espalda beck bone Cerebro brain Medula brain system Neurona neuron Corazón heart Arteria aorta aortic arch Traquea trachea Pulmones lungs Esófago esophagus Estomago stomach Intestino delgado small intestine Color colon Hígado liver Páncreas pancreas Riñones kidneys Uréter ureter Vejiga bladder Ovarios ovaries Tompras de Falopio fallopian tubes Utero uterus