Human Body, Energy, Spain, and History Facts

What is an Ecosystem?

An ecosystem consists of living things in a specific environment and the relationships between them and their habitat.

The Musculoskeletal System

The musculoskeletal system consists of the bones and cartilage (all the bones in the body) and the muscles (all the muscles in the body). Joints are the places where two bones meet or join together.

The Nervous System

The nervous system has two parts: the central nervous system (the brain and the spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (nerves). Neurons are the principal cells of the nervous system. They are grouped together to form nerves.

Human Sexual Characteristics

There are two types of human sexual characteristics:

  • Primary sexual characteristics enable human beings to reproduce. We have these at birth.
  • Secondary sexual characteristics differentiate men and women. They develop during puberty.

Fertilization occurs when an egg cell and a sperm cell unite.

What is Energy?

Energy produces all the changes around us.

Electrical current is the flow of electrical charges. It transmits energy called electricity.

Electrical Circuits

An electrical circuit is made up of several components that allow an electrical current to flow. The four basic components of an electric circuit are:

  1. Generator
  2. Conductors
  3. Receivers
  4. Switch

Forces are actions that make objects move, stop, or change shape. There are different types of forces:

  • Gravity
  • Electrical force
  • Magnetic force

The Solar System

The solar system consists of the Sun, planets, satellites, asteroids, and comets. They are all called celestial bodies.

Spanish Climates

  • Atlantic climate
  • Mediterranean climate
  • Sub-tropical climate
  • Mountain climate

Population Density in Spain

The population density in Spain is 89 inhabitants/km2.

  1. The most populated areas are the Autonomous Communities on the coast and the Community of Madrid.
  2. Most inhabitants live in the provincial capitals and the main industrial and tourist centers.

In 1978, Spain was divided into 17 Autonomous Communities and two Autonomous Cities, Ceuta and Melilla.

The First Inhabitants

The Paleolithic Period: The first inhabitants of the peninsula were nomads and lived in caves or huts. People lived in family groups, called clans.

The Neolithic Period: Later, the population became sedentary (they learned to cultivate plants and domesticate animals). They built the first settlements. People lived in tribes.

The Age of Metals: People learned to use metals (copper, bronze, and iron). Settlements became villages, which were surrounded by walls for protection.

Pre-Roman Civilizations in Spain

  • Iberians and Celts
  • Carthaginians
  • Tartessus
  • Phoenicians
  • Greeks

Roman Hispania

The Romans did not complete their conquest of the Iberian Peninsula until 19 B.C. Then, the peninsula was called Hispania. Its inhabitants adopted Roman customs, and they were ruled by Roman law. This process was called Romanization.

Chronological Order (Germanic Tribes to Reconquest)

  1. Germanic tribes
  2. Visigoths
  3. Muslims
  4. Reconquest

Chronological Order (Catholic Monarchs to Bourbon Kings)

  1. Catholic Monarchs
  2. Charles I
  3. Philip II
  4. Habsburg Kings
  5. War of Succession
  6. Bourbon Kings