Human Genetics: Traits, Alterations, and Analysis

THERE ARE FEW DESCENDANTS BY COUPLE: The laws of probability are more useful and effective when the population is large. The generation time is long: it takes a long time since an individual is born until they have descendants. You can not plan crosses: For ethical reasons, genetic experiments cannot be performed on humans. Cariogram: The karyotype of chromosome pairs ordered homólogos.El X chromosome carries genes for important biological characteristics, is present in women and in men. In women (XX) one of the 2 X chromosomes is inactivated, so that gene dosage is equated with that of men (XY). The female inactive X chromosome can be seen as a dark spot when the chromosomes are desespiralizan the end of mitosis, when they become the cromatina.Los identical twins have the same genetic information and are idénticos.Esto is because they come from a single zygote originated ue two embryos. GENETIC DIFFERENCES: soon inheritable genetic characteristics and constitute the genotype of the individual. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: dependent anything that intervenes in our lives. ONGOING FEATURES: show very little variation, so that differences between individuals are very pequeñas.Ejemplo: skin, eyes, height. FEATURES DISCONTINUED: They have few alternatives, the influence of environment is practically Nuna. DLMINANTES CHARACTERS: curly hair, brown hair, dark eyes, Language Roller U-Ears with pendant lobe, thick lips, long eyelashes, presence of freckles. recessive traits: smooth hair, blonde hair, eye color clear, Roller tongue, ears with attached lobes, thin lips, short eyelashes, absence of freckles. BLOOD GROUP A: has the A antigen and antibody producing plasma BGROUP B: has the B antigen and antibody producing plasma A. GROUP AB: has antigens A and B and plasma does not produce anti-A or anti B. GROUP 0: do not have these antigens and antibodies to produce plasma and anti B.

Autosomal ALTERATIONS: The genes involved are located in one of 22 types of autosomes and transmision affects women and men. ALTERATIONS DUE TO dominant allele: Polydactyly is a case of this type of alteraciones.Se is an alteration of allele that controls the number of fingers, the consequence is the presence of six toes on hands or feet. For k the disturbance develops, you should be concerned one of the two parents. ALTERATIONS DUE TO recessive allele for albinism is an example of such alterations. It consists of the inability to synthesize melanin, a substance responsible for the pigmentation of the skin, eyes and hair. ALTERATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE SEX: there are diseases such as hemophilia and color blindness, and those responsible are located on the X chromosome AUTOSOMAL ALTERATIONS: affect the number of non-sex chromosomes. Dowg syndrome: alteration: They are people with 3 chromosomes 21 (trisomy 21) Cruadro report: mental retardation, brachycephaly, Mongoloid facial features, various alterations. ALTERATIONS IN SEX CHROMOSOMES: Changing the number of the sex chromosomes also cause disease: some affect women and another triple X. hombres.Sindrome Impairment are women with 3 X chromosomes (trisomy cromosomasX.Cuadro report: mental retardation, disorders neuripsíquicas. Birth defects: they can relate to: * The limbs, causing their deformation and their reduction * The internal organs (heart, liver … ) alter their structure and function, * sensory organs, causing cataracts and deafness. AMNIOCENTESIS: 1. inserts a needle through the mother’s abdomen to remove about 20ml of amniotic fluid, the liquid extracted 2.Se centrifuged, 3.Se fetales.También cells studied the purified DNA is analyzed, 4.Se analyzed amniotic fluid, cultured 5.Se some of the stem cells for 2 weeks in an appropriate way 6.Se karyotype studies for the determination of secuales chromosomes or chromosome alteration, 7.The biochemical analysis of cells helps to detect the existence of some 40 disorders.