Human Language: Communication, Functions, and Origins

The Language: A Universe of Communicative Acts

Language is the power that people have to communicate. While some animals have developed rational capacity, the human species possesses a unique instrument to materialize it: language. Human beings communicate through language, allowing us to express ideas, feelings, or experiences. Throughout the day, people carry out a multitude of actions involving language (oral, written, verbal, or nonverbal). Every time we carry out an act of communication, information is exchanged.

Languages are divided into two levels:

  • The units of sound, or phonemes
  • Units of meaning, or morphemes

If we ascend further, we encounter phrases and sentences.

The Functions of Language

The primary function of language is to convey information. The transmission of information may be voluntary or automatic and unconscious. When the exchange of information is voluntary, we refer to it as communication.

Language functions include:

  • Referential function: Exchanging information
  • Expressive function: Expressing emotions
  • Conative function: Giving commands
  • Phatic function: Interacting socially
  • Poetic function: Creating aesthetic effects
  • Metalinguistic function: Talking about language itself

Communication Systems, Signs, and Elements

When there is an intention to convey information, all systems reflect the systems of signs, called tags. Signs can vary (e.g., Morse code or the communication of bees) depending on what is being communicated. Signs are coded units of information and communication. The relationship between a sign and the information transmitted is a symbolic one. The sign is not the information itself but its representation. This relationship can be natural (with a direct connection) or arbitrary.

Language refers to the communication system based on linguistic signs. To refer to non-linguistic signs, it is preferable to speak of communicative codes or systems of signs. All communication systems share the same elements.

Human Language

Human language is the communication system based on linguistic signs (oral language, sign languages of the deaf, and Braille). All these languages are based on linguistic signs. Linguistic signs are characterized not only by combining in a linear fashion. The combination of linguistic signs adheres to certain principles; these principles form the grammar of the speakers.

Characteristics of human language:

  • It is a discrete system, consisting of a finite number of units that enable the production of an infinite number of sentences.
  • It is organized into levels (phonemes -> morphemes -> words -> phrases -> sentences -> text).
  • It allows for the interpretation of the compositional meaning of messages through the meaning of individual parts.
  • It is independent of the immediate situation and physical environment.
  • It is creative.
  • It has a biological origin.
  • It is continuously changing.

The Origin of Language

Various systems have been considered as defining moments for the first language of humanity. It is impossible to pinpoint the exact origin of verbal language. Most likely, different groups of hominids developed different languages independently. Whatever the origin of human language, the fact is that languages are enriched every day and adapt to reality. It is undeniable, however, that the evolution of language was associated with the enlargement and enrichment of intelligence.