Human Needs: Understanding Deficiency and Dependence

Lack and Needs Arising in Humans

For humans, to exist means to participate in the obvious aspects of reality: in appearance, with the body (body level), and the subjective with intimacy (intimate level).

  • Humans are lacking and not self-sufficient.
  • The lack in humans is the lack of sufficiency to preserve and develop their own life.
  • The body and intimacy are components of deficiency.

The Habitat and the Neighbors

The habitat and the neighbors are two ways that give men the resources with which to maintain and develop their life: the body at first and second intimate level.

The man, his existence, is located on a relationship between lack and resources: The lack is given by the components that form (physiological and psychological), while the resources by the means with which related (physical and social).

Deficiency Needs

The deficiency needs are originated calls originating in the lack motivation. Work within the relationship between lack and resources.

  • The theory on which we rely to study human motivation is Maslow’s hierarchy. Classify human needs into five types: Self-Realization, Esteem, Social, Security, Physiological.

Objective and Experiential Needs

Originated in the lack, two groups: the needs that men have to cover to preserve their life at body level (lens is covered with objects), and the needs that men have to cover for developing and maintaining a very intimate level (experiential are covered by experiences). The objective needs drive us to seek resources of the physical and experiential milieu.

Maslow’s Needs

  • Physiological or biological or social needs are objective.
  • Affection, belonging, and esteem are experiential.
  • Safety needs are of mixed type because they cover the two levels of conservation and development of life: the body and the intimate.

Dependence and Interest in the Relationship of Man

The needs arising in the gap function in the relationship between scarcity and resources. This relationship provides a general framework; there are many specific relations man states: relationships with objects such as relations with individuals.

The man pushing for establishing these relationships originated in the lack motivations, two stand out: dependency ratios (the man the set driven by a need that forces you to look at other things that he does not himself) relationships involved (the other being is never sought and valued only for himself, but always in a way conditioned by the satisfaction of one’s need).

General Principle of Correlation Between Aspects of Reality and Human Needs

The outward appearance is an indicator of its existence the objective needs and subjective existential needs and the correlation that is that for every aspect of reality has a group of men have needs and vice versa. The principle is called (general principle of correlation between aspects of reality and human needs).

Abraham Maslow

Born 1908-1970. Towards a psychology of being. Self-Realization, peak experience, and the hierarchy of needs. It is impossible to isolate the search for psychological truth of the philosophical issues; conversely, we are convinced that it is impossible to isolate the search for philosophical truths from psychological issues.