Human Reflection: Origin, Existence, and Personalism
The Key Drivers for Human Reflection
The key driver for reflection is the concern about the origin and destination of the human being, and their relationship with other living beings. Humans need some idea of how to perform to guide their actions; therefore, their existence is unimaginable. An image is a representation of your life; it is what is projected in front of you. The human needs images to know themself through an object. *Homo sapiens* live of their personality; past lived concerns or happiness. They need to self-actualize, to learn everything they can during the course of their life.
Understanding Human Nature
- Reductionism: The human is defined as an idea in which everything is interpreted as a part of human reality.
- According to nature: Biological nature determines us.
- Ortega y Gasset: He argues that technique is the talent that human beings have to self-construct, to dominate the world through machines.
- Vital program: The goal you intend. It is the desire; it is more than technique.
- Crisis of the faculty of desire: One of the problems with the human is the fear of wanting or knowing what to desire and losing it.
Interiority and the Body
- Interior physical: The physical reality of the interior can become an exterior physical problem; the inside can not be seen.
- Vital Interior: Interior of a living, psychic reality; situations or causes that are passed to the human are restricted inside and are part of them.
- Body object: The human body is not related as an object; it has life. We see our body through a medium.
- Subject body: The body is a subject, not a thing among other things; it is something that I am.
Personalism: An Attitude and a Philosophy
Personalism is an attitude and a philosophy; it is not a system. It has a logical order, respecting different gaits. It can always reach intermediate roads. Each person has a different concept of their existence; it is not the same as another person’s. Thus, the same problem can be viewed differently depending on the person.
Key Aspects of Personalism
- Communication: The human being is a self that needs to communicate as an individual. Human relations need communication to express how they feel. Communication is blocked when you need to keep and submit an aspect ratio of the negative; thus, human communication does not let us fight to advance toward overcoming and adapting.
- Individualism: A system of customs, ideas, and feelings that organizes the individual institutions on the attitudes of isolation and defense has no way forward.
- Word in the art of healing: It is a therapeutic method where the word is affective, with transformative capacity. It’s about knowing how to listen beautifully, changing the mood, not using a persuasive “latartic” logo, but rather a dialectical logo, gaining affable confidence. It’s not just about talking about the disease but having a global vision of the patient.
- Mounier: Founded the personalist movement that wanted to remember, with courage, the dignity and importance of the individual. Four degrees of person: incarnation, calling, communication, transcendence.
- Homopatiens: A being that has and is aware of that suffering.
- Pain: It affects all this to save the human; none are aware that they are healthy; there will be a moment that they will not.
- Vulnerability: Constant damage that gives moral suffering; this pain is linked to consciousness only when you know what it shows.
- Theory: To see, to watch.
- Praxis: The human as a social animal that has a development of their life, decisions.
- Therapist Praxis: It will take decisions on others.
- Poiesis: Transforming the world. Attitude.