Hurdling and Relay Race Techniques: Essential Tips

Hurdling Techniques

Approach to the First Hurdle


  1. Check Out: Generally, run the distance to the first hurdle in eight strides. The starting position is similar to a sprinter’s, with the heel of the attacking leg placed behind.
  2. Attack on the Hurdle: Initiate the attack from a sufficient distance to clear the obstacle, allowing one leg to land quickly for continuation. The distance is usually from 2 to 2.20 meters before the hurdle, dropping to 1.10 or 1.20 meters after the hurdle. Do not exceed 3.5 meters.
  3. Leg Attack Action: Raise the strong leg, flexing the thigh and driving it forward and upward. Quickly clear the hurdle, making contact with the ground with the hips over the foot, almost on the toes, ankle strained, and knee extended.
  4. Take-Off: As the thigh of the attacking leg rises, the supporting leg drives fully extended. The body performs a continuous motion, lifting the thigh laterally, rising, and opening the thigh outward. When the hip is horizontal to the thigh, it’s about to clear the hurdle. The foot follows with dorsiflexion and light supination. The flexed knee always follows the continuing leg action, seeking promotion as the axilla, trunk, extend the floor and looking at making contact with the ball with the heel never
  5. Trunk Action: Increase trunk inclination during the attack. As you approach the hurdle, incline the trunk along with the thigh of the attacking leg. After take-off, maintain a correct position for a successful race lead, influencing the fall.
  6. Arm Action: Coordinate arm movements with leg action for balance during flight. Advance the arms, trying to touch your toes, slightly bending the elbow, palm downward, forming a line from hand and elbow with the trunk.
  7. Between Hurdles: Maintain maximum speed with three steps between hurdles.

Essential Hurdling Points

  • Hurdling involves strategically placed obstacles.
  • Technically, you pass over the hurdle, not skip it.
  • Key elements for a hurdler: rhythm, balance, and hip projection without excessive tilting of the center of gravity.
  • Achieve optimal equilibrium upon landing after clearing the barrier.
  • The attacking leg should reach the ground extended, without bending the knees, with good hip projection.
  • The attack should be carried up and down.
  • Synchronize the collection of the second leg without anticipating the hip line over the hurdle.
  • Compensate for leg elevation by leaning the trunk, until the hips are positioned over the hurdle during the attack.
  • The first step will be shorter than the second, and the third will be shorter to facilitate the elevated hip position and prevent tilting or loss of balance during the attack.

Relay Race Rules

  • The exchange zone for the baton is 10 meters before the designated zone.
  • The baton must be passed within the transfer area.
  • Participants can mark the track but cannot place objects.
  • The baton must be carried in hand throughout the race.
  • Dropping the baton outside the area, leaving the area, or causing obstruction results in disqualification.