Impact of Technology and Traditions on Society
Mobile Phones in Social Life
June 2007: Mobile phones in social life.
a) Now, everywhere you look—on trains, on buses, in shopping centers, in restaurants, at wedding receptions—what a miracle! What a transformation! So many happy people talking away into their mobile phones.
b) If you really have to either make or receive an urgent call during a social occasion, you should explain the situation to the others at the outset. Perhaps apologize. If you come across a situation where using a mobile phone is applied, remember that it is more polite to be considerate of others.
c) If there was a mobile phone in her bag.
Where Does Dracula Come From?
Model 2007: Where Does Dracula Come From?
A) Stoker, the author, is known to have consulted books on legends from Transylvania, Moldavia, and the Carpathians at the local library at Whitby and later in the British Library in London.
B) When his ship was damaged in a terrible storm, Dracula—the vampire—jumped to land at Whitby in the shape of a huge dog. It appears that Stoker was engaged in creating an imposing character and used the local customs to build the story.
Although Dracula is more terrifying than other vampires, the story explains what had been happening. I asked the girl what else she had seen.
Not Without My Dog!
September 2007: Not without my dog!
a) Mary Marcus of New York City takes her dog, Pluto, everywhere […], even on the subway, which has a no-dog policy…
b) Marcus can’t understand why the hotel industry doesn’t offer pet and no-pet rooms.
It is inappropriate to ignore the trend. Many people are realizing that pets are part of their families. Some hotels are very vivacious about their pet policies.
Some are not so welcoming to them. Some people don’t like to admit animals. The trend began somewhere between leaving pets at home and taking them on vacation.
Compulsive Shopping
June 08: Compulsive shopping
1.a. False: Men are just as likely as women to suffer from compulsive buying.
1.b. True: Doctors have concluded that this behavior is a way for people to complete themselves.
To a certain extent, shopping has increased and even rocketed. People are seeking the latest trends. Compulsive buying can be experienced by anyone. Yesterday, the salesman told me not to pay at that moment.
The Travels of Marco Polo
Model 08: The Travels of Marco Polo
1.a. False: The Travels of Marco Polo was a book conceived in a prison cell in Genoa (Italy) in 1298.
1.b. False: Much of what Polo wrote […] geographers.
His account of his travels was grim. He encountered alien cultures and prevalent customs. The places he visited were governed and ruled by various leaders, with whom he interacted. He claimed he had only told half of what he had seen.
Smart Shoes
September 08: Smart shoes
1.a. False: The expression “square-eyes” […] much television.
1.b. Some researchers […] our health.
Many people have concerns about health issues that expired devices may cause. Technology tries to make our lives easier. The use of technology has increased, and we have spent more time watching and interacting with devices.
Do You Think You Can Recycle?
June 09: Do you think you can recycle? Then you must meet the villagers of Kamikatsu, in Japan!
1.a. True: The village was forced […] produce any.
1.b. False: “It took ages to sort […] about 80% today.”
Their aim is to recycle everything. It took them a very long time to learn how to sort the trash. They separate everything, even the lids of bottles. If you don’t recycle, you will have to abandon the practice. They are using a system where everything is made with materials that can be recycled. Items must be recycled by color.
Do You Sleep Enough?
Model 09: Do you sleep enough?
1.a) False: A good night’s […] infancy to adulthood.
1.b) False: The youngsters’ mothers […] daytime sleepiness.
We need to tackle sleeplessness. The amount of sleep is critical. People often experience insomnia at night, more than they realize. They spend their time trying to get a good night’s sleep.
Solomon’s Real Mine Discovered?
September 09: Solomon’s real mine discovered?
1.a) True: To the newly […] Judah.
1.b) True: The ancient […] en-Nahan.
The area is arid. The heart of the matter is that trading was happening, bringing the site closer to being identified. The writings that mention the mines gave clues to their location. The text was written by someone whose identity is not clear.