Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society and Politics

**Why Did the Industrial Revolution Change Social and Political Systems?**

The Industrial Revolution had a significant impact on the way of living around the world. Beginning in Britain, where it all started, the absolute monarchy had been replaced by a parliamentary system, and Britain was considered a wealthy and free country. The Industrial Revolution caused many changes, and those changes also affected the social and political systems. With the rise of the bourgeoisie, the social system changed radically, and a part of the third estate became powerful. As well as changing people’s homes and working lives, the Industrial Revolution caused changes in people’s attitudes towards the political system because of the working classes and their need to be represented.

Social Changes During the Industrial Revolution

Before industrialization, power resided with those who owned land. However, as society adopted mechanized production, factories became the main source of goods. Many factories moved to cities where they could more easily access labor and be near roads and railways for transporting goods. Consequently, instead of utilizing the lands owned by the privileged, everything shifted to the cities, leaving the countryside largely unused. These individuals now had a whole new range of products to sell, as machines made the production of goods easier.

People who owned small businesses also made more money and benefited from the lower prices of manufactured goods. Although some businesses were forced out due to the substitution of machines for workers. Wealth was now available to new groups of people, with the middle class (bourgeoisie) becoming the most powerful due to the benefits factories provided.

Political Changes During the Industrial Revolution

Furthermore, political changes were also important during the Industrial Revolution. The absolute monarchy was abolished, and a parliamentary monarchy was adopted throughout the country. The new towns, which produced most of the country’s wealth, were not represented in Parliament and still could not vote. Subsequently, the middle class, which grew because of job opportunities and population growth, paid as many taxes as landowners but still did not have the right to vote in elections, unlike landowners who could vote while paying the same amount of money. The working class had many grievances regarding their working and living conditions, and they still did not have a place, vote, or representation in Parliament.


In conclusion, while the social changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution could have positive effects on the country, the political changes were not as positive and caused some inequalities. The working class experienced an uprise and gained more benefits, mainly by controlling the production of goods and trade. However, this did not lead to them having the opportunity to vote, elect, or choose their politicians in their own countries, and they were not represented by Parliament, although they provided the country with its wealth and power.