Imperialism’s Impact and the Outbreak of World War I

Consequences of Imperialism

For the Metropolis

  • Consolidated the Second Industrial Revolution
  • Promoted expansionism
  • Served as a safety valve for social problems
  • Increased living standards of emigrants to the colonies
  • Created gender flashpoints between nations

For the Colonies

  • Resulted in a growing population
  • Traditional agriculture was eliminated
  • Monoculture was introduced (e.g., sugarcane, pineapple, cocoa, tea)
  • Ruined local crafts
  • Introduced diseases or drug addictions
  • Largely caused the disappearance of indigenous cultures

Status of European Countries Before World War I


An industrialized country and the leading colonial power. It had a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary system (Conservative/Liberal). It was a powerful and economically developed nation.


Its political system was a republic, and the democratic political system included universal male suffrage, and secular and compulsory education. It was a great colonial power, rivaling Germany, and demanded the return of Alsace and Lorraine.


The monarchical system was established as a monarchy, with William II reigning. He had established the Second German Reich and pursued an aggressive policy. Germany had great industrial development, a powerful army, and a Pan-German League calling for the territorial expansion of Germany to gain the space it needed (population).


An empire that included a great diversity of peoples (Serbs, Czechs, Romanians, Poles, Bulgarians, Italians, etc.). It was dominated by the Germans, and the emperor had absolute power (absolute monarchy).


A vast empire with a variety of peoples. The Tsars ruled with absolute power (autocracy). It was a backward country economically and socially.

Ottoman Turkish Empire

A disintegrating empire. Emerging nationalist movements arose in countries such as Greece, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Montenegro. Prussia and Austria-Hungary were interested in the Balkan area.

Causes of World War I

World War I was not due to a single cause but multiple causes. In the early twentieth century, most European countries were part of a complex system of alliances between states. These alliances, which led to the First World War, began to form at the request of Germany, during the era of Chancellor Bismarck. Bismarck promoted systems of international partnerships that were related to the pursuit of German dominance in European continental politics, creating a power bloc centered in the German Empire and the containment of Germany’s enemies. He also sought the isolation of France to avoid possible revenge for the loss of Alsace and Lorraine.

With these objectives, Bismarck negotiated the Three Emperors’ League (1873), an alliance between the three great conservative empires (Austria, Russia, and Germany). Germany and Austria signed the Dual Alliance, which also involved the German ratification of a secret agreement with Russia. Finally, in 1882, he signed the Triple Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.

The Russian Empire was threatened by isolation and reoriented its foreign policy toward a defensive alliance with France, which also wanted an agreement to address potential threats from the Triple Alliance. After much insistence, the French-Russian diplomatic agreement was reached in 1892, which set out the clauses of mutual aid in case of a German or Austrian military threat. While France and Russia strengthened ties, Britain and France overcame their colonial rivalries and reached an agreement called the Entente Cordiale. Three years later, Britain established a pact with the Russian Empire, putting an end to their fighting. As a result of these new diplomatic agreements, Bismarck’s old idea was disrupted. In this way, a Triple Entente was formed between Britain, France, and Russia.

New Concept of War

Total War was a term used due to the mobilization of millions of people, mostly soldiers (70 million), the volume of arms and their destructive capacity (e.g., machine guns, poison gas, submarines), and new forms of organization and tactics, known as trench warfare. The governments of the countries established a war economy with intervention and organization of the economy by governments. The rear gained importance, and the media produced a war of newsprint and magazines, creating informed public opinion.