Individualism, Culture, and Societal Evolution: Key Concepts

Individualism and Its Limits

Individualism and Its Limits

He developed the concept of individual freedom until it became the theory of possessive individualism: we understand that each individual is the sole owner of their person and their abilities. The less dependent the individual is on others, the freer they are.

We see society as a collection of individual homeowners through the exchange of accumulated goods and services. This theory assumes that each person is looking for their particular benefit in any social relationship and must understand that the State must protect individual liberty and private property to facilitate their exchange.

This individualism reduces human reality, as any person needs the support and cooperation of the society they inhabit. This is an altruistic view of individualism, but one must find a balance between individualism and collectivism, as being unsupportive removes individuality.

Anthropological Characterizations of Culture

Distinguish material culture, which consists of artifacts and material products, and mental culture, which includes social beliefs, values, and norms.

Taylor’s formulation of culture: Culture is that complex of knowledge, beliefs, etc., and other skills and habits that men belonging to a company acquire.

  • We define it as a model of superior adaptation to the biological or the result of the historical process of the various groups.
  • We also define it as a system of shared symbols that provide meaning to our lives.

Contributions of Cultural Anthropology

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The First Societies

Groups of humans were equalizing in Paleolithic societies and were based on hunting and gathering. Predominance and food exchange were achieved and shared by all. The head was usually a very experienced man who acted as a mediator. They lived in huts or caves where they left paintings.

Agricultural Societies

Major environmental changes and population growth led them to cultivate and domesticate animals. They were sedentary, and this gave rise to a new form of economy: accumulation and redistribution control. Production increased, and surpluses accumulated.

The Nascent States

To move from a primitive agricultural society, the State must have the following conditions:

  1. Strong centralization of power.
  2. Social stratification.
  3. Division of functions.
  4. Unequal distribution of wealth.
  5. Urban development.
  6. Cultural growth.

Subculture and Counterculture

Subculture: These are different types of experiences within a culture, given age, origin, etc.

Counterculture: This is a movement of rebellion against the hegemonic culture that presents a draft of a culture and an alternative society.

  • Urban Tribes: Formed by young people concerned about finding an identity that neither family nor society provides. They gather around a leader and have a language that distinguishes them from others.
  • Anti-social groups: Criminal gangs, which are a direct and violent attack. Aggression is typical of groups trying to create a new social state.
  • Alternative social groups: The vacuum they feel toward an uncertain future and a fleeting present. They look for a meaning in existence through different media and reject social materialism.