Industrial Safety and Hygiene Guide: Protecting Workers and the Environment

1 – What is the easiest way to protect an intelligent machine?

A: The easiest way to protect an intelligent machine is not using any physical protection, but the machine design or operation so that the dangerous parts are placed where no one is exposed to danger

2-write on a board the maximum permissible limits of tolerance in the workplace without the use of personal devices. Such as headsets etc plugs.

Weighted sound level reference duration (hrs.)

80 32

85 16

90 8

95 4

100 2

105 1

110 0.5

115 0.25

120 0.125

0.063 125

0.031 130

3-enter the full name of protection of 10 teams .

A: ear protection

1-cotton pellets

Swedish 2-wool


4 – molded ear covers

5-ear acoustic


7-eye protection (glasses, street, industrial safety glasses)

Respiratory Protection

8-dust mask

9-half mask

Full 10-mask

(Room mask, gas mask, mouth breather, breathing air hose, hose mask, etc.).

4 – What drives the noise …?

A: transmitted through the air by invisible vibrations and enters the ear creating a sense

5 – What is the program that continuous and effective hearing conservation?

A: if you exceed the NA of 85 dBA (PPT 8 hrs.) There should be an effective and continuous program of preservation of hearing, including audiometric testing, noise monitoring, equipment calibration, training, warning signals in noisy areas and maintain records of audiometric testing and calibration.

6 – Why is it said that the color and texture have psychological effects …?

A: There are plenty of examples in which color changes labor difficulties have been resolved by positive assessments of workers.

Psychological and emotional influence of color

Color feature

Yellow: more visibility between colors. It brings a sense of freshness and safety. You can give the illusion of wealth and power or suggest cowardice and sickness.

Orange combines the visibility of the yellow and the vitality of red. Da feeling of warmth and is often warm and stimulating and encouraging

Red high sensitivity with intensity and vitality. Suggests warmth, encouragement and action

Blue low visibility. It tends to be soothing but inclined to depression

Green low visibility. Breathe in tranquility, freshness and stability

Violet purple and low visibility. It is associated with pain, passion, suffering. Inspire fragility and sadness

7 – What are the physiological effects produced by electrocution?

A: external electric shock through the body sends currents many times larger than the tiny natural currents of the nervous system. These higher currents or frozen muscle cramp in violent contractions that will not allow victim drop the object, contact or stop breathing or heart.

8 – What is the work environment?

R: is an essential factor in human performance. This tends to deteriorate as time goes on, sometimes as a result of fatigue and sometimes as a result of boredom and lack of motivation. The individual faces in the workplace a variety of disposal problems of temperature, humidity, noise and vibration, lighting and acceleration force and imbalance.

9 – What are the priorities for OSHA?

Public Law 91-596

* Section 5 (a)

You must provide to each of underemployed employment and a workplace free of recognized risks that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm

* Section 5 (b)

All employees must comply with health and safety standards and all rules, regulations and orders issued under this law that are applicable to their own actions and conduct

10 – Why the risks to health have a major impact?

A: because they are big possibilities of injuries among employees exposed and the cost of correcting a single risk can run into millions of dollars.

11-do the explanations for the thermal ..

R: a person working in a hot environment and whose tasks involve considerable physical effort may run a risk of heat stress based on a loss of water and salts essential for the proper functioning of the body.

12-make an explanation to the general protection of the machines

R: If the health and safety manager must be able to “list problem areas” and “setting priorities”, it is necessary to have knowledge of what makes a machine is dangerous.

13-explain how you achieved the sound measurement ..

A: The accurate measurement of sound levels requires instruments such as the sound level meter (SLM), which records the sound intensity in decibels.

14-in Table No. 6 shows the maximum noise level for different distances between interlocures … Explain what you understand it?

A: This table represents the distance that should exist between people who talk so that they understand without raising the voice when the background noise level is maximum.

15 – How important is ventilation in the workplace …?

A: ventilation may be the most obvious engineering solution to the problem of air pollutants, but before applying it must be recognized that there are other ways to treat the problem may be even better. The most desirable way is to modify the process so that it no longer occurs.

16-type squarely on the 4 basic methods that are counted to measure exposure to contaminants ..


* direct reading instrument:

it is sometimes essential for entry into confined spaces, when necessary to obtain an immediate reading to determine if the atmosphere is free of acute and dangerous.

* Sampling with detector tubes:

it contains a chemical that reacts, if found, to the contaminant.

* Sampling with subsequent analysis laboratory:

These devices pump a prewritten amount of air through a filter or sorbent, which collects the contaminant or just a precise volume of air.

* Dosimeters, devices are more convenient for everyone, especially to collect data on PPT.

17-set quantities and units 4 light

A: lighting units

* Intensity of the light source, quantity or flow of energy generated by the source (measured in lumens)

* Wavelength is measured in terms of distance between 2 peaks of the sinusoidal stimulus.

* Lumen: A unit of luminous flux. Corresponding to the amount of flux emitted by a light spot whose intensity is a decimal candle

* Lux: A unit of illumination or effect of the light. Is the lighting of the area that receives a spread in a uniform flow lumen per square meter.

18 – What security measures should be observed in the underground mining operations?

A: The ten basic rules of Security defines the basic principles above all the special rules that may occur are the following

1. Receive orders from his boss and follow the safety instructions. Do not take chances, if you can not ask

2. Correct or report all unsafe or sub. Standards

3. Keep clean and tidy work place

4. Use the proper equipment or tools for each job within the designed safety limit

5. Report any incident or accident however slight go and soon receive first aid

6. Use, adjust and repair equipment only when authorized

7. Use your personal protective equipment at all times

8. Do not play or make jokes. Avoid distracting his teammates

9. When lifting, bend your knees and lift with your legs, get help with heavy loads

10. Comply with all rules and notices of security and above all use your common sense

19-health material and toxic substances make explanations concerning the effects they can cause in people both mutagens and teratogens?

A: teratogens affect the fetus, so its toxic effect is indirect. Women should take care to avoid exposure to certain chemicals during pregnancy, especially during the first quarter.

The mutagenic substances that attack the chromosomes and hence the species and not the individual.

20-write the steps to perform the measurements with the mini thermal hygrometer ..

R: 1-put the mini thermo hygrometer to the workspace you want to evaluate moisture and / or temperature

2-digit press the on / off switch on the mini thermo hygrometer

3-read on screen the moisture

4-to check the temperature digit press the on / off for 5sec

5-read temperature display (Celsius, Fahrenheit)

6-digit press the on / off to turn off the mini thermo hygrometer

The importance of microclimate assessment is that la vast majority of the work spaces can and should have a comfortable environment. The legislation provides that the microclimate inside the company as pleasant as possible and in any case, proper to the human organism and the type of activity.

21 – What will be the combination of audio sound of four machines …?

A: First you combine the two identical noise sources, machines and b to produce a noise level of 89dB. Then add the machine c, as follows:

Difference in dB = 89dB-82dB = 7dB

A difference of 7 dB between 2 sources results in the hearing of the source 0.8dB higher. Therefore, the combined sound of the machines a, b and c is 89dB +0.8 dB = 89.8dB

D add the machine, we

Difference in dB = 11.8dB 89.8dB-78dB = 12dB =

A difference of 12dB between 2 sources is essential to the source added 0.2dB higher. Thus, the combined sound of all the machines is

Combined sound (a, b, c, d) = 89.8dB 90.0dB +0.2 dB =

22 – What are the types of design problems for the application of anthropometric data? ..

* Designed for extreme individuals

* Design for adaptive average

* Design for the average

23-as the fundamental characteristics of working conditions make a brief analysis of environmental factors

A: Although environmental factors always act together, it is important to analyze them in isolation to understand its importance and implications. Among the main parameters discussed in this topic are different types of temperature, humidity, lighting and noise

    • Temperature is a measure of heat energy present in a substance, be it solid, liquid or gas.
    • Humidity refers to the presence of water vapor in the air.
    • Lighting: One of the elements of which depends on the efficiency of work of man, which thus increases the working capacity and the visual system of man-machine set, preventing errors and increasing productivity.
    • Noise: defined as unwanted sound and vibration is experienced through the air whose parameters obey a simple pitch: frequency and intensity.
    • Vibration is defined as any movement that makes a body around a fixed point.

24-define or explain each of the terms or phrases:

Industrial noise:

exposure to noise is another common health problem, as that chronic exposure is what causes damage. A single acute exposure can cause permanent damage, and in this sense, noise is a safety issue, but exposure to such noises are very rare

The working environment:

it is an essential factor in human performance. This tends to deteriorate as time goes on, sometimes as a result of fatigue and sometimes as a result of boredom and lack of motivation. The individual faces in the workplace a variety of disposal problems of temperature, humidity, noise and vibration, lighting and acceleration force and imbalance.

Temperature is the modification of heat exchange body heat produced or lost as a result of the body’s natural metabolism

25-make an explanation of what must be understood that each of the following terms or phrases:

Zero mechanical state: one of the most insidious risk is that the machines are fitted with energy, even dull.

Operating point: it is the most dangerous point of operation is the position of a point on the curve and corresponds to a given flow rate. This point is controlled during the test by adjusting the adjustment device, changing the nozzle or by changing the characteristic of the auxiliary fan and also by combining the three systems.

26-security methods used to reduce accidents ..

A: The system of tags, the maintenance worker places a label on the start and stop switch or control box, so that anyone looking to turn the machine would be discouraged at the moment.

The locking system protects workers in maintenance, because they alone have the key.

I would use the bolt because it is true that the system of labels is easier, but the bolt is required whenever feasible.

27 – What should be the modus operandi of the health and safety manager to the measurement of noise?

R: as a first check for problems of noise, safety and health manager must walk the ground and listen.

28-explaining the functioning of a circuit breaker ground fault

A: Circuit Ground Fault: A device designed to protect people who work to de-energize a circuit or part thereof, within a given period, when an electric current to ground exceeds a predetermined value, the less necessary for operate the device overcurrent protection circuit.

29-explain the formation of acid rain and its consequences

R: Process of formation of acid rain:

Oxides of sulfur and nitrogen can be converted into sulfuric and nitric acids, which cause acid rain. Contamination occurs and falls with the rain. The greatest consequence is that it affects the vegetation and can cause death to entire forests.

30 – Why it is said that one of the most dramatic trends in the workplace of the eighties was the increasing use of computer terminals?

A: because it is estimated that more than half of the office of the United States otherwise use computer terminals to do their jobs. Occasional use is not of concern, but those who sit at a terminal all day have eyestrain and headaches, back, neck and shoulders

31) Define the following terms: amount of light, light intensity, ventilation and vibration

Amount of light: the amount of light or light energy is determined by the light output or luminous flux emitted in unit time.

Lighting: is related to a certain direction and contained in a solid angle.

Ventilation air stream is set to air a job, to treat a pollutant in modifying the process so that it no longer occurs.

Vibration is defined as any movement that makes a body around a fixed point

32) What is meant by

a) Threshold Limit: represents the maximum concentration to which a worker may be exposed during the work day without significant damage

B) operating point, is the most dangerous machines

33. What are the main factors influencing the comfort of the working activities of individuals? Rta: are 4 factors that influence the comfort of the activities of human ergonomics, noise, light and microclimate (temperature, relative humidity).

34. Can you explain the operation and behavior of the land line or line of power protection that is used to reduce accidents by electrocution with electric power at home, workshops, offices and factories, and so on.? Rta: This is because land is a good conductor of electricity, this is due to the large land mass, an electric power produced by humans does not affect in any way this is due to the flow of Always contact the current land dela be zero. This is made by burying two more of iron on the ground to an electrical circuit so that there is a connection, this allows lower electric type accident.

35. How can we prevent fires and explosions? Rta: The best way to prevent fire is to occur. The effectiveness of fire prevention requires imagining the possible sources. Each installation is different and requires individual analysis of the potential sources of fire. Once identified risks must develop a fire prevention plan. Taking into account: emergency evacuation alarm system, fire detection system, physical conditions of employees, training of firefighters, apparatus and protective clothing and fire extinguishers.

One way to prevent explosions is to comply with all codes that are in whole or construction of storage devices to store them. Besides the explosives are to be classified according to degree of risk

36) write the meaning of each of the following abbreviations:

TWA: Time Weighted Average

HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus

UL: threshold limit

PPM: part per million (half standard)


Occupational Safety and Health Administration (address health and safety)

PEL: permissible exposure limit

GFCI, circuit breaker ground fault


National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health)

37. What results in a good light industrial? Rta: Decrease security risks, plus it helps the eye of the worker is tired and exhausted faster visual avoiding stress while decreasing chronic diseases such as cataracts or loss of vision.

38. Make the explanation of the real situation is caused by the practice of giving poison underground. Rta: The poisons that are purchased in the market without any legislative provision, this causes great damage to human health, as there is no legal unsupported, when an incident causing any contamination to human health or the environment environment.

39) that is meant by:

A) asphyxiating prevent oxygen from reaching the cell body

B) lock: protects maintenance workers

40. Type 10 security risks that must be taken into account in banks power inputs to the factory, workshop or universities.

1. Wires must be isolated from both the positive and negative

2. The box of guns must be insulated

3. Never touch the fuse boxes with wet hands

4. Use the proper equipment when being with the electrical contact (PPE for electrical use)

5. Indicate the appropriate signals to prevent electrical incidents

6.Use electrical inputs properly with respect to the on electric instruments

7. Fuse boxes must be in conspicuous places cool places

8. Have a plan to avoid electrical hazards

41. When we talk about pollution we wonder. How important is the earth (ground)? So simply write the explanation for the case.

This is because every living being is exposed to any disease that is on the ground, it is important to keep clean soil either by chemical, pathological, or other type of alterations.

42) What are the recommendations of the use of anthropometric items?

They are:

Avoid awkward posture of the body

Avoid having your arms extended or elevated

Offer the possibility of alternating sitting and standing position

Use your arms in proportion

Consider the optimal viewing distance

43. Make an explanation concerning the control of noise in cities, workshops, offices

Noise is a phenomenon produced by the alteration or interference noise will these noise levels should remain at lower levels in order to not cause any occupational disease that can damage the health of workers and may not cause any occupational hazard that causes loss to these companies or even work cause accidents, noise in cities is very common for the high interference exists, while in other quarters there standards to follow.

Noise is a problem that damaged health because it is a chronic exposure. A single acute exposure can cause damage to human health and is of great importance to study this phenomenon, which is a noise pollution, to reduce occupational risks in the different jobs because of noise pollution should be a threshold limit and measure the noise exposure in this room and take appropriate measures to reduce incidents caused by such phenomena.

44) explain the function and importance of the machines work with two-hand controls

The operation is to use a table or a string to set a control so the operator to operate the top with one hand and feed it with the other. And it is very important because it increases worker safety and reduces the risk that one or both out injured operator’s hands.

45) What are and what they are for the following accessories:

a) Fuses: it is an electrical device, a filament or sheet metal underneath a melting point that is inserted at a particular point of an electrical installation to melt. When current exceeds the intensity of overloading the melt to avoid risk of fire or destruction of another team

b) lightning: it is an instrument whose goal is to attract an ionizing beam to excite call or conduct discharge into the earth, so that people do not damage wings

46) What is meant by:

a) limit the thresholds: the maximum concentration is the Lock-out that can be exposed during the work day without significant damage.

47) take a short and simple explanation on the labels and depressants

The labels:

when the maintenance worker places a label on the party start and stop or control box, so anyone who intends to turn the machine would be discouraged by the timing and depressants, are useful as medical anesthetics, act on the central nervous system is temporary

48) now says there are four basic methods to measure exposure to air pollutant of each of them makes a slight explanation

1) direct-reading instrument: it is sometimes essential in order to enter confined spaces to determine if the atmosphere is free from acute and dangerous, with the objective of designing and patenting new devices that measure concentrations of many varieties of air pollutants as possible

2) sampling detector tubes, the procedure is to use a hand pump to take an air sample of known volume through a glass tube that contains an agent that changes color in the presence of the target contaminant

3) sampling analysis: is used to harder to detect contaminants and lower concentrations

4) Dosimeter: a small collector used on the body or clothing of the worker, which shows a degree of exposure time-weighted average over a specified period

49) Define the terms or phrases:

A) mechanical condition zero: risks from energy stored in the machines, even when they have been led off the coining of a term safety

B) incoming pinch point: machines that operate with power supplies are at risk at the point where the moving material passes or touches any parts either pulley and gear systems

50) Type in the meaning of the following abbreviations:

ANSI: American National Standards Institute (U.S. Standards)

NFPA: National Fire Protection Association (national association of fire protection)

ILO: International Labour Organisation

51) Type in the meaning of each of the following abbreviations:

PPM: part per million (standard size)

53. Material contamination, then the explanation concerning the mining and land

Mining is dangerous work area because they are low land excavations and need rules and stricter standards for the various hazards that can be induced in these places, such as collapse, groundwater seepage, and gas exposures.

While the land, different areas of work such as excavation surface, weight and others, they need the right tools and follow safety standards and have adequate staffing, not to cause accidents such as landslides that lead to damage materials and injury to workers and even death.

55) Type 10 recommendations for the proper and safe use of grinding machines

1) failure to maintain the break set close (within the range of 31 ml) of the grinding wheel machines collar

2) failure to maintain the protection tab set to at least 63 ml

3) does not protect enough the grinding wheel

4) do not coin the workpiece between rest and the wheel because it can cause great stress on the grinding wheel

5) keep the setting clear in the rest of the grinding machine periodically checking

6) check the speed of rotation does not exceed the maximum indicated on the wheel

7) make the abrasive wheels before installing it to carry out the test of resonance of the wheel using plastic and non-metallic objects because the past can resonate the wheel and give the impression that the defective wheel is good

Note: only these come in the text and then I got bored

56. Make the explanation to coastal pollution

The coasts are where they can be easily contaminated, because they are open places, and need for industrial hygiene measures, in order to preserve coastal environments to make the most so we can sud exist. Because they are areas of great importance for human life and living organisms.

57) What is the most striking feature of the media power?

The most striking feature of the power press is the set of reciprocal dies are closed on each other for cutting, shaping, assembling material or combination of these operations in one or more hits.

59) What quantities and basic units of measurement used to assess and compare the qualities and effects of light sources, write the names of them

Luminous flux

Light output

The amount of light

Luminous Intensity



60) In the unit called a lumen (lm) and the unit called a lux (lx) Write the definitions

Lumen: A unit of luminous flux. Corresponds to the amount of flux emitted by a light spot

Lux: A unit of illumination or effect of the light. Is the lighting of a surface that receives a uniformly distributed flux of one lumen per m2


61. Write what the lighting located

Is to produce an average level of general lighting more or less moderate and place a direct lighting to provide illumination means high levels in those specific job positions that require it. To eliminate any possible discomfort of continuous and strong visual adaptations that carries the lighting system should be a relationship between the level of illumination of work area and level of general lighting of the premises.

62. What do I mean when it says that the illuminance is 30 lux, 60 lux and 1000 lux

Lux 30: 30 lumen per square meter.

Lux 60: 60 lumen per square meter.

1000 Lux: 1000 lumen per square meter.

Total luminous flux emitted per square meter.

63. The material of study called “Health and Toxic Substances,” please explain the form of action and disruption of at least three stifling work environment.

Methane: This is a simple asphyxiant gas, since it only shifts the proportion of oxygen from inhaled air. Methane may be present in industrial environments, since it is a product of fermentation.

Carbon Dioxide: One of the most important simple asphyxiant, but in normal amounts is a constituent of air. Fire is the main source of industrial concentrations of this gas. Carbon dioxide is heavier air, causing them to accumulate in confined spaces and low which increases the risks. Confined spaces are the most dangerous, not only as regards carbon dioxide, but with all air pollutants.

Hydrogen Cyanide: It is an industrial insecticide best known for its application in the gas chambers of prisons gas is produced by dropping sodium cyanide pills in a small container of acid. Some places are at risk of becoming a gas chamber.

64. If you say a thousand lumens light source illuminates an area of one square meter, the level of illumination of the surface will be a thousand lux, but the same luminous flux over an area of four square meters will result in an illumination level of 250 Lux. The above result argues the explanation of this case.

The lighting level is expressed by the letter E, the unit lux and its formula is

E = φ / s luminous flux on surface then:

1000lm / 4m ² = 250 lux.

65. Make the explanation concerning plan to carry out general industrial ergonomics and safety of a company, according to the regulations of the labor ministry.

66. Define the following terms:


Fibrillation is a term used in medicine to refer to one of the cardiac rhythm disorders in which a chamber of the heart develops multiple re-entry circuit, causing impulses become chaotic and the contractions become arrhythmic . Atrial fibrillation can affect the atria in atrial fibrillation or the ventricles, the ventricular fibrillation . [1]

The contractility of heart stops occur in unison, as one beat, without coordination from a camera to the next, so it beats experience stronger and weaker ones that have irregular cadence. Is identifiable in the electrocardiogram . They say it is an irregular arrhythmia.

Asphyxiating is a vapor or gas that can cause unconsciousness or death by suffocation due to lack of oxygen.

67. When set db and db (A) what is the difference

Measures the intensity of the sound pressure is on

68. Make the explanation for the most common causes of electrical fire

Loose wires or open hanging pipes, beams or nails, the contact wires can cause short circuits each

• electric metal pipe or pipe loose, poorly supported, badly corroded or damaged accessories.

• The flashing lights may indicate loose wiring connections or a heating condition.

• Lights covered with makeshift screens of paper.

• Too many extension cords, very worn.

• fluorescent fixtures, motors, transformers and other heat-producing devices, mounted next to or too close to combustibles.

• Cable protection devices hot to touch.

• Lack of protection or balloons to test vapor lamps, fuel facilities, materials or gases incendiadles easily.

• Store fuel in direct proximity to electrical panels or boxes of transformers.

69. What is the sound combination of four machines in a work period of 8 hours if the first has a level of 90 dB (A), the second 90dB, the third has a sound level of 90dB (A) and the fourth has a sound level of 95 db (A)?

70. Argue to say that all types of energy that can serve the man, the light is the most important

71. Make a short and simple explanation for the storage, transportation and handling of explosives in underground mines and open ground.

72. From Table 9.1 prepare for combining decibel scale

Table 9.1 Scale for combining decibel

Difference between two decibel levels by adding (dB)

Quantity to add to the higher level for the sum of decibels (dB)



























73. What are the characteristics of sound waves?

The wave amplitude peak pressure or intensity: The perceived volume.

The frequency of occurrence of peaks of pressure: It is perceived as pitch.

74. What are the names apparatus for measuring the luminance and lighting and what is it?

The measurement of illuminance is done through a device called a light meter, which consists of a photoelectric cell to the light fall on the surface generates a weak electric current to increase as a function of incident light.

The luminance measurement is performed by a special device called a constitution similar to luminanciometro light meter, which are also different models.

75. What is meant by strobe effect and is used in auto shops?

76. The main risk of tapping the earth with the neutral. Do explanations of dangerous electrical circuits installed with this dangerous practice?

77. Click an explanation of what is to be understood as the threshold limits

Threshold Limit: Represents the maximum concentration to which the worker may be exposed during the work day without significant damage. Of course the threshold limit varies depending on the toxicity of the contaminant and any toxic substance has its own UL.

78. When it comes to toxic substances we encounter the irritating them makes the explanation of the case summarily

The irritating inflamed surfaces of the body for its corrosive action. Some affect the skin, but in amounts greater hurt the wet surface, especially the lungs. The victim of a mild irritant of the upper respiratory tract but can easily detect the lower respiratory tract irritants often go unnoticed.

When the irritant is some dust, which originates lung disease called pneumoconiosis

Some irritants:


Chromic Acid

Chlorine Gas

Halogen relatives Chlorine




From 79 to 90 had no answers

91. Explain and practice is often proceed with noise control:

Once the measuring instruments have revealed the existence of a problem, the manager of safety and health materials need solutions, if noise levels exceed the LEP apply engineering and administrative controls feasible and whether these measures can not be reduced exposure to noise must provide and use personal protective equipment to comply with this limit.

92. What are the effects of noise nuisance?

Hearing loss, psychic disorders, stress, irritability, changes in heart rate, abnormal blood pressure, inability to listen.

93. What are the physiological effects produced by electrocution?

When a person is hit by this current electric current or frozen muscle cramp in violent contractions that will not allow the victim to drop the object contacted or stop breathing or the heart, breathing suspended by an electrical shock is caused by cramping of the muscles responsible, as the diaphragm and intercostal chest expansion control. The frequency of 60 Hz tends to cause the heart to beat irregularly weak and at a speed too fast to be effective, a phenomenon known as fibrillation. Further, a person can die from exposure to 300mA.

94. What is the environment or workplace?

The work environment is essential in human performance. It is the result of elements such as:

  • Technological progress: new procedures in the work systems.
  • Diversity of equipment that produce noise, fumes, etc..
  • Modern methods of work organization where toxic substances are involved.
  • Arrangement of plants or distribution.

95. What is ergonomics haptic, what is useful and when it is advisable to use it?

96. How important is ventilation in the workplace problems with contaminants?

Ventilation is very important because it:

  • Remove dust from the stores.
  • Dilute vapors are concentrated in enclosed spaces.
  • Templar excessive heat or cold, reducing fatigue.

97. If you say chelates most diseases are caused by inhalation of contaminated air, write what these foreign elements and usually as they occur.

Gases: air easily contaminated that it consists mainly of gases, that blend easily, eg. Carbon monoxide.

Vapors are also gases, but are liquids or solids that may even small amounts of gases released into the surrounding air, eg. The fumes that releases the gas.

Fumes are composed of tiny liquid droplets, so small they can be suspended in the air, eg. The spray pesticide (for mosquitoes).

98. What makes up the fight against overheating?

Includes the orientation of the building or industrial building, its size, density and projection machines workshops with more ventilation, the use of costumes adapted to heat and personal protection based on asbestos or aluminum (infrared radiation ) in various ways.

99. Identical to question 24

100. What is causing a potential heat stress and what is based?

A very hot work involving considerable physical effort, and is based on a loss of water and salts essential for the proper functioning of the body.

101. Speaking of lighting and color make an explanation concerning the contrast and adaptation

Adaptation is the eye’s ability to automatically adjust to different lighting of objects by movements of the pupil, the contrast is the relationship between colors of objects to be displayed and the background color. Then the contrast affects visual acuity and functioning of the eye and the color changes occur and lighting it must be adjusted by movement of the pupil to see.

102. When we say that the level of illumination allows you to specify the order is lighting every human activity, the above depends …

  • The size of the details to be displayed.
  • The distance between the eye and the object observed.
  • The reflection factor of the object.
  • The age of the observer.

103. Does luminance and illuminance are synonymous?

These words are not synonymous.

Luminance. Magnitude expressing the luminous flux in a given direction per unit solid angle per unit projected area of ​​the radiating surface on the plane normal to the direction of radiation. His unit in the International System is the candela per square meter.

Illuminance. Magnitude expressing the luminous flux incident on unit area. Their unity in the international system is the lux.

104. 105. Write the definitions of lux and lumen, are synonymous?

They are not synonymous

Lux: A unit of illumination or effect of the light. Is the lighting of a surface that receives a uniformly distributed flux of one lumen per m 2.

Lumen: A unit of luminous flux. Corresponds to the amount of flux emitted by a light spot intensities of a spark plug whose decimal in all directions, about 1 m 2 of a sphere 1 m in diameter.

106. What areas or work places should have a luminance of …?

  • 50 Lux: lobbies, hallways, exits, elevators, locker rooms, toilets, sinks, garages cars.
  • 70 lux: springs travelers.
  • 300 lux: accounting, cash counters, general lighting in stores.

107. Speaking of temperature because it says studies of workplace ergonomics and the physical environment surrounding the individual, consider the heat and its effects as an important environmental condition.

108. Do the explanations for the thermal conditions in which people work in a hot environment and whose tasks involve physical exertion.

109. Enter the medical views on enlightenment

  • The poor lighting is expensive and common causes of accidents and visual defects.
  • The main shortcomings of lighting can easily be detected and eradicated.
  • The elimination of defects is always helpful.
  • Statistics show that 40% of workers have a defective vision, the result of bad lighting.
  • The refractive errors, if not warned, constitute a potential danger to cause fatigue and reduced physical efficiency.
  • Muscle imbalance worker lowers resistance to fatigue, impairs your perception and control your physical activities.

110. What decisions should be documented in a fire plan?

Each installation is different and requires individual analysis of potential sources of fire. Once risks are identified, we must make decisions about who is responsible for control, these decisions should be documented.

111. Noise is said that there is no rigid definition of this concept, but this phenomenon affects the body How human?

  • Influence of noise in the system of human genetic information.
  • Changes in subcellular and molecular subsystems.
  • Professional disorders of the organs of hearing.
  • Weakening of the care worker.
  • Deterioration of general physical condition.
  • Increased fatigue and reduced productivity.

112. List the types of fires, fire extinguishers description and applied to suffocate them

Four classes of fires and extinguishing media appropriate





Paper, wood, cloth and some rubber and plastic materials

Foam, load flow, dry chemical, water.


Flammable or combustible liquids, flammable gases, fats, rubber materials, plastic

Bromotrifluoromethane, carbon dioxide, dry chemical, foam, water flow.


Energized electrical equipment

Bromotrifluoromethane, carbon dioxide, dry chemical.


Combustible metals like magnesium, titanium, zirconium, sodium, lithium and potassium

Special powder, sand

113. Explain the importance and functioning of the fuses, lightning arresters and the ground line or protection

The main function of these devices is the protection, if something goes wrong, so the rest of the circuit is intact and not pass more, such as the fuse is triggered when you get an increased flow of which allows the lightning attract lightning in thunderstorms and brings them to land, and land line is a line of protection that is connected to the breaker box connected to ground.

114. Write the definitions of atrial and electrocution

Electrocution is the fact die from a current or electric shock.

Spontaneous, uncontrolled atrial contraction of heart muscle fibers.

115. Write plainly on hazardous properties of plastics

116. Explain that they are and how the fire brigades in factories, schools, offices and banks

Some companies choose a strategy in which employees are organized to fight the fire themselves. Should be examined carefully, because in the struggle to protect the property, the brigades can be a hazard to employees.

117. Click for an explanation of the general rules for portable fire extinguishers

118. Quantities and units defined light 4


Magnitude expressing the luminous flux in a given direction per unit solid angle per unit projected area of the radiating surface on the plane normal to the direction of radiation. His unit in the International System is the candela per square meter.


Magnitude expressing the luminous flux incident on unit area. Their unity in the international system is the lux.

Lux: A unit of illumination or effect of the light. Is the lighting of a surface that receives a uniformly distributed flux of one lumen per m 2.

Lumen: A unit of luminous flux. Corresponds to the amount of flux emitted by a light spot intensities of a spark plug whose decimal in all directions, about 1 m 2 of a sphere 1 m in diameter.

119. From Table 9.1 combine to develop the scale for decibels


120. Identical to Question 93

121) makes the explanation concerning the múgatenos and teratogens and the latter especially in the industrial field

The industry may be prohibited to women of childbearing age to work in positions where they could be exposed to teratogens could be considered that this constitutes sex discrimination.Respondents with a statement saying that teratogens must be controlled by industry, so that the pregnant woman has the same opportunities, and security work in the same jobs offered to men. It also occurs in the work that the mutagen can affect the chromosomes of mothers, opponents say makes more economic sense, social security and employ women in other positions during pregnancy.

122) make a brief explanation that concerns the carcinogens

Every year, discovering new carcinogens, and many of the culprits are substances commonly used industrial materials such as benzene and vinyl chloride. Vinyl chloride, which we cite as an example of a carcinogen, is very dangerous in many ways. Represents a serious risk of explosion, and when it burns, it is very difficult to extinguish. Additionally, during fires of vinyl chloride is a risk to release a highly toxic phosgene. Acute skin exposures to vinyl chloride can cause injury, because the skin is frozen by the rapid evaporation of the substance.

123) Make the explanation for the most common causes of electrical fires .

The most common cause of electrical fire wire is heated too much, because they drive too much current. The diameter of the wires (gauge) should be adequate to handle the expected load current, and over current protection (fuses or circuit breakers) should ensure that loads are not exceeded. The arc may be small it is undetectable, but is hot enough to ignite fumes or dust that are in dangerous levels of concentration and the sparks are capable of igniting an explosive mixture prevents sparks or ligand electrically connecting two objects that may have a different static load

124. Make the necessary recommendations for working in confined areas. Rta: confined spaces or areas have unique conditions that can be very dangerous. Confined spaces include tanks, wells, drains, sewers, underground bedrooms, caves, mines, or any area with limited access (Input / Output) and have poor ventilation. Some recommendations include: use appropriate protective equipment (PPE), evaluate the area before entering, develop an evacuation plan, stating the proper tools and equipment are in good condition, plus the output areas must be fully unobstructed.

125) define the terms, acronyms or phrases:

Pinch points: There is a pinch point when 2 objects together and there is a possibility that a person is trapped or injured by contact with that area.

AIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Terminal illness or condition by exposure to HIV.

126) What are the characteristics of sound waves?

They are:

amplitude of the wave, peak pressure or intensity

the frequency of occurrence of pressure spikes.

127) In a working room there are four machines that emit noises the first 84 dB, 82 dB second, third and fourth 78 dB 76 dB. Of the four machines calculate the combined sound of the (1,2,3 and 4)

1st machine 84dB

2nd machine 82dB

3rd machine 78 dB

The 4th machine 76 dB

First combine the two sources of noise

Difference in dB = 84-82 = 2 dB

From the tabal 9.1. A difference of 2 dB between two sources results in the addition of 2.1 dB at the largest source the combined sound of the machine 1 and 2 is:

(1, 2) = 84 +2.1 = 86.1 dB

Adding 3rd: difference in dB = 86.1-78 = 8.1dB, 8dB

Back on the table: combined sound (1, 2, 3) = 86.1 +0.6 = 86.7Db

Adding the 4th: diff. In = 86.7-76 = 10.7 dB-11dB

Again in table: combined sound of all machines is

(1, 2, 3, 4) = 86.7 +0.3 = 87dB

128. Of air pollutants is said that the particles are a general classification that includes all forms of air pollutants, of which make an explanation of the risks. Rta: The particles are small and have a dimension between 0.1 to 25 micrometers, some of which are lethal as’ powder materials can be clean for health, such as

129) define the terms, acronyms or phrases:

ANSI: American National Standards Institute (U.S. Standards). It is a private, nonprofit organization that allows for standardization of products, services, processes, systems and personnel in the United States.

ASTM: American Society of Testing and Materials (American Society for Testing and Materials). It’s the best scientific and technical organization for the establishment and dissemination of standards for the performance characteristics of materials, products, systems and services.

CPSC: Consumer Product Safety Commission (safety commission consumer products). It is an independent agency of the U.S. Government created in 1972 through the Consumer Safety Act of products to protect “against unreasonable risks of injury associated with consumer products.”

Dosimeter: a small collector used on the body or clothing of the worker, which shows a degree of exposure time-weighted average over a specified period.

130) define the terms, acronyms or phrases:

EPA: Environmental Protection Agency (environmental protection agency). Is to protect human health and the environment.

Protection of fan blades: a very important safety standard is one that requires the fan blades have protection with maximum aperture of 1.25 cm

GFCI, circuit breaker ground fault, device designed to protect people who work to de-energize a circuit or part thereof, within a given period

131) Define the terms, acronyms or phrases:

STEL: limit exposure of short duration. Concentration to which workers may be exposed continuously a short space of time

PEL: permissible exposure limit. They are time-weighted average of 8 hrs.

MNS: sound level meter. Instrument to measure and compare the sounds and musical intervals.

OSHA occupational health administration safetyand (address health and safety). It is an agency of the Department of Labor United States. It was created by the Congress of the United States under the Health and Safety Act, signed by President Richard M. Nixon, December 30, 1970. Its mission is to prevent accidents, illnesses and deaths by issuing and enforcing labor standards and health safety work

132) Define the terms, acronyms or phrases:

NFPA: National Fire Protection Association (national association of fire protection). Used to communicate the risks of hazardous materials. It is important to help maintain the safe use of chemicals.

MTA: maximum acceptable limit is an exposure limit that should not be exceeded ever.

NIOSH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health). It is the U.S. Federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases

Guards: the role of the guards is to keep the worker out of danger zone

133) What should be the physical conditions that should have employees who apply for membership in voluntary fire brigades and disaster?

1) do not have heart disease, epilepsy, or emphysema

2) not having perforated eardrum or the use of a beard

3) use of respiratory equipment

4) be reviewed and certified by a physician

134) Write on a board the maximum permissible limits of tolerance in the workplace without the use of personal devices such as earplugs, headsets, helmets


Duration in hours per day sound level in decibels dB (A)

August 85

April 88

February 91

January 94

97 ½

¼ 100

1 / 8 103

1 / 16 106

1 / 32 109

1 / 64 112

1 / 128 115

135. Make the explanation concerning to carry out a general plan of ergonomics, industrial hygiene and safety of a company, according to the regulations of the ministry of labor.

Through the general law of hygiene and safety at work. Act No. 168, adopted on June 19, 2007, we must take into account the following factors or elements:

  • General provisions: purpose and scope, and concepts.
  • Obligation of employees and workers: obligations, trainings and other factors of great importance to the worker.
  • The organization of health and safety of the workplace: creating a joint committee of health and safety work.
  • Conditions of the workplace: general, cleanliness and order.
  • Of industrial hygiene in workplaces, working environment, noise, light and ionizing and nonionizing radiation.
  • From the safety of work teams.
  • Of personal protective equipment.
  • The signs.
  • Equipment and electrical installations.

136. Adverse affect type 4, with the condition or encumbrances that are more common in people who are exposed to each of the pollutants: temperature, noise, poor lighting and atmospheric pollution.

By temperature:

Heat rash

It can be caused by continuous exposure to heat and humid air, as occurs in hot climates and wet.

Heat cramps

May occur after prolonged exposure to heat, profuse sweating and inadequate restoration of salt.

Heat exhaustion

It is the physical effort takes place in environments with heat, when the control vasomotor and cardiac output are high.

Heat syncope

This is a very serious medical condition, an important predisposing factor is excessive physical exertion. Signs and symptoms may include dizziness, severe headache, dry skin, thermal stress, caused by high temperatures, causes high fever and despair.

Because of the bad lighting:
Changes oculomotor, cause loss of reflexes and alterations in the nerves of the eye.

Eye pain:

can be described as a burning sensation, throbbing, aching or stabbing in or around the eye. You may also feel as if a foreign body in the eye.


an unusual tingling or irritation uncomfortable around the eye, which leads to a desire to scratch the part in question. It is commonly called itching, stinging or itching.


Excess moisture of the eye caused by an imbalance between production and drainage of tears.Eyestrain, caused by a voluntary effort of the visual apparatus to accommodate and adjust the view to the demands we asked for.


Acoustic trauma:

Acoustic trauma is a common cause of hearing sensorial. Damage to the hearing mechanisms within the inner ear


is defined as the progressive loss of ability to hear high frequencies (starting rate of speech.

Sensory hearing loss:

is when the person does not hear the sounds perfectly, this trade-off is becoming more acute, but it is external.

Auditory fatigue, temporary hearing decline that occurs after prolonged exposure to loud noise fatiguing.

Decreased alertness, difficulty concentrating, decreased performance and lack of communication with the environment.

For air pollution:


The airways finest casual and reversibly reduced by the smooth muscle contraction or enlargement of the mucosa to swell and produce mucus

Bronchial cancer:

the workers are exposed to radiation and substances such as uranium, nickel, metallic iron, chromium salts, iron oxides, asbestos, arsenic, beryllium, mustard gas, etc.. Are at risk for bronchial cancer.

Pulmonary emphysema:

pathology is defined in terms of permanent enlargement of airspaces distal to the bronchioles respiratory wall with destruction of the alveolar , with or without fibrosis manifest.


is a state of inflammatory reaction or a painful body mainly caused by some kind ofallergy to chemicals or other stimuli.


a blood clot inside a blood vessel and one of the causes of an acute myocardial infarction . Also called and the disease process in which an aggregate of platelets or fibrin occluding a blood vessel

137) a working room there are 4 machines that emit noise machine “or” emitted by 4 dB less than what the rules stipulate labor ministry for a day of 8 hours, the machine “D” the machine emits 86 dB ” T “gives 4 dB less than the machine” c “sound emits 78 dB.Calcule combined machines (U, D, T, C) but based on the method

Ministry of Labor Standards = 85dB so

U = 81dB ordering from highest to lowest:

D = D = 86dB 86dB

T = T = 82dB 82dB

C = U = 81dB 78dB

C = 78dB

86-82 = 4dB

The sound combined D and T

(D, T) = 86 +1.4 = 87.4dB

87.4-81 = 6.4-6 dB

Combined sound

(D, T, U) = 87.4 +1 = 88.4dB

88.4-78 dB = 10.4dB-10

Total combined sound

(D, T, U, C) = 88.4 +0.4 = 88.8dB

139. Classified as visual indicators

There are three basic types of visual indicators: (1) the check indicator: shows whether or not a particular situation (2) qualitative indicator: indicates the status of a variable changing its approximate value, or its tendency to change (3 ) the quantitative indicator: shows the exact information you need to check.

140) What fields of application has the ergonomic analysis?

Applies to:

the individual subject to environmental influences

influence or combination of influences that affect the individual

importance and acceptance of various influences

141) What is comfort or convenience, and what are its factors?

Is that state of mind which expresses satisfaction with thermal environment. Six major factors influence: Four of environmental (temperature, dry bulb vapor pressure, air velocity and radiant temperature) and two personal (metabolic rate and clothing)

143. What are the lighting requirements by activity


Quantity (lux)

Local common to all categories


Refines and firms




Industrial Estate


Transportation Industry


Open spaces


144. What are the essential terms of visual comfort

We must consider two factors, first, that is sufficient in relation to the local surface and second, non-dazzling and marked contrast in the shadows to avoid these, it is customary to use the local orientation.

145) What are the harmful affects of noise?

They are:

masking effect, by which a sound is not detectable by the presence of another sound, the masker, which produces distortion in communication

affects cognitive performance and time to a lesser degree, reducing their ability to concentrate

produces subjective distress according to whether or not the noise acceptance

146) What is the sound is transmitted, as measured, what is your threshold of hearing and pain?

Sound is a form of energy produced by the vibration of bodies. It spreads through the air by invisible vibrations enter the ear and creating a sensation. Zero decibels is the threshold of hearing and 120 decibels of pain

147. Type 5, the means to fight the inhalation of contaminated air

Welding shop (gas) … … … .. Use oxygen Mascari own, with no note to chromate.

Chemical Laboratory (particle) … … … … … .. … .. Use Mascari filter to avoid inhaling particles.

Cast … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …. Using oxygen mask to avoid inhaling own toxic gas.

Mixer … … Use dust mask for inhalation of sand, cement and other particles in the mixture.

Operation in … … .. Use Mascari by the inhalation of dust.

148. When talking about the idiosyncrasies of mass, is said foster habits and accidents, it makes a brief, brief explanation.

This is because many people use the lack of safety manuals, do not use the instrument and proper tools when working, this is because sometimes they are even more clutter and do not use the personal protective equipment by the lack of ignorance that we have, this leads to provoke incidents that can cause accidents.

149. Then filling out a summary of temperature and temperature effects

Instead of the comforts of the laborer work comes first, and that the media must adapt to the environment and the worker in the middle, so it is important that we as engineers trained comfortable workplaces and the environment is a temperature stable so as not to prejudice the health of workers, as the temperature is too damaging thermal stress can cause some physical and psychological damage. And if the temperatures were low Otherwise, this causes weakness and turn weakens the human body, causing a decrease in performance of the workers.

150. Make a summary sketch of the methodology used to carry out a plan for hygiene and safety

Following the regulations and the law of industrial hygiene and safety of Nicaragua.



General Provisions

It is the first part of developing a safety plan is to see how this company and the goals you have, the mission and vision and also the concept

Obligations of employees and workers

This is above all rules and laws that workers must meet, at the time of being in a job, the sanctions to be taken if you do not meet safety plan.

The organization of health and safety of workplaces

When creating a security plan must also be making a joint creation of health and safety of the company, by employers and workers, with the aim of establishing rules and duties of both parties. And the creation of an RTO (organized job log)

Conditions of the workplace

When creating a job you must comply with all measures and standards of basic constructions, to avoid an accident and damage to health workers

Conditions of industrial hygiene in the workplace

When creating the jobs, we must create the conditions necessary for the worker is in a safe environment l taking into account cleanliness, order and risk assessment, the environment noisy, illuminate, ionizing and nonionizing

From the safety of work equipment

All equipment and tools is necessary for providers and suppliers must provide safety data sheets to prevent the misuse of equipment.

Of personal protective equipment

Every worker is required to use personal protective equipment, according to the type of work done, this should be a high security which should have every worker and every business is required to provide such protections

Of the signals

Every company must have signs to help prevent incidents that can turn into accidents and draw up evacuation routes pointing to the most dangerous places of the company, following the basic rules of state.

Equipment and electrical installations

Equipment and electrical installations must measure the degrees of security of each one of them, in order to improve safety and not cause damage that harms the health of such workers