Infant Motor Development Milestones: Prone, Supine, Grasp, Perception
Prone: Asymmetric posture. EESS loop. Pelvis in anteversion. Head rotation grazing the surface. Center of gravity towards the skull.
Supine: Alternating kicking. Trunk postural asymmetry with facial convexity. Swollen abdomen.
Grasp: Evident palmar grasp reflex. Hands remain predominantly closed.
Perception: Reacts with aversion to intense light and sound stimuli.
4-6 Weeks
Supine: Release of the thumb to stare. Component driving optical orientation egrimista position.
Grasp: Transition phase: the hands are pushing slightly with increasing frequency.
Perception: Continues with a look at a red rattle which deviates up to 45 degrees from the midline.
8 Weeks
Prone: Lifting with symmetric extension at 45º for 10 seconds. EESS move towards supporting elbows.
Supine: Head in midline. Hand-hand coordination. Support of feet in heels and outer edge, sometimes rise.
Grasp: Same as previous month.
Perception: Reacts to the sound of a bell, staring or stopping the movement he was doing. Follow with a rattle diverting the gaze from one to another angle eyepiece.
Third Month
Prone: Symmetrical elbow support. Base support. Free head rotation. FOV 180°.
Supine: Coordination mmb. Head in midline. EESS hands will midline. ERIA triple flexion of 90º. Surfaces (músc. trapezius).
Grasp: Move your hand toward an object which is with him.
Perception: Same as previous month.
First Quarter
Symmetry. Postural stability. Visual fixation and tracking social. Smile. Disappearance of almost all primitive reflexes.
4 Months
Prone: Head out of the ground plane. Swing prone to supine.
Supine: Similar to 3 months with greater muscle control.
Grasp: Toy is placed in the mouth (hand-mouth coordination). The hands play predominantly mutually. Hands ajar.
Perception: Notes a toy in his hand.
4 1/2 Months
Support asymmetrical pattern elbows. Oculo motor coordination.
5 Months
Rotating component of the abdominal muscles. Strongly grasps objects. Laterally reaches an object with the same hand.
5 ½ Month
Supination of the foot. It transfers its center of gravity to a shoulder. Touches his genitals and making objects from the midline.
Grasp: Bring a toy hand and touches it.
Perception: By folding a paper quietly turns his head to investigate their origin.
6 Months
Prone: Support of open hands with extended elbow.
Supine: Elevates the head from the ground plane. Differentiated kicking. Supine to prone rotation. Hand-foot-mouth coordination.
Grasp: He spends a toy from one hand to another. Palmar grasp: the whole made with palm and thumb extended. Take his hand without hesitation, a toy that is offered.
Perception: Still with their eyes an object is dropped.
Second Quarter
Hand-eye coordination-mouth. Radial grasp. Foot coordination. Hand-foot-mouth coordination. Start of turn.
7 Months
Change position to reach objects. Thumb opposition appears. Rotation. Coordinated hand-foot-mouth. Drag occurs.
Grasp: Is able to take small chips circular finger 2nd to 5th and the thumb extended, without touching the palm. Take a die in each hand and keeps them voluntarily for a short time.
Perception: It strives to reach an object that can only be achieved by changing position.
8 Months
Starts spacing interest in higher. Made oblique. Make sdstación position 4 supports. Make sdstación legs extended. Reacts to hide and seek play.
Grasp: Is able to take small chips circular finger 2nd to 5th and the thumb extended, without touching the palm. Take a die in each hand and keeps them voluntarily for a short time.
Perception: It strives to reach an object that can only be achieved by changing position.
9 Months
Make crawling. Drops objects purposely. Pincer grip.
Grasp: Drops objects purposely. Make clamp.
Perception: He realizes that the cube is in a box and put your hand on it to get it.
Third Quarter
Clamp fingers function appears. Primitive reflexes disappear all. Good ventral and dorsal muscle balance.
10 Months
Reaffirms crawling. Make verticalization from crawling. Assembles objects. Touches the objects with the fingertips.
Grasp: Hit several times last two cubes together. Pincer prehension. Pick up small objects with thumb and forefinger opposite.
Perception: Intentionally throws a toy. Intentionally touches a toy.
11 Months
Starts lateral motion. Can reach for objects with the aid of another object. Delivery objects when asked. Come alone with his hands. Can drink from a cup with minimal assistance.
Grasp: Pincer prehension: Take small objects with the tips of the flexed index finger and thumb in opposition.
Perception: Intentionally throws a toy. Intentionally touches a toy.
12 Months
Is maintained in a kneeling position for 5 seconds. Independent bipedal walk. Unstable equilibrium. Drop objects inside each other.
Grasp: Pincer grip: take small objects with the tips of the flexed index finger and thumb in opposition.
Perception: Drag attractive toys on a string.
Fourth Quarter
Stage verticalization. Interest in carrying forward the higher space. Ends with independent walking. Further development of language.