Information Systems, Hardware, Databases, and Networks: Key Concepts

Test 1: Information Systems

1. What is an Information System (IS)?

A set of interrelated components: input, process, output, and feedback.

An information system (IS) is a set of interrelated components that collect (input), manipulate and store (process), and disseminate (output) information, and provide a feedback mechanism to meet an objective.


2. Are Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems dedicated to helping with decision-making?


3. How has the percentage of control evolved in the customer-customer relationship in the Age of the Customer?

From 34% to 75% approximately.

4. Do Information Systems help decision-makers achieve their business goals?


5. Is the customer more loyal to brands in the Age of the Customer?


6. What does Forrester Research refer to as the Age of the Customer?

The customer has control of the relationship.

7. What does relevant information mean?

Information is relevant for the decision-maker.

8. What does timely information mean?

Timely information is delivered when it is needed.

9. What is the core concept of Shannon’s information theory?

Information is that which reduces uncertainty.

10. What are the advantages of the “Agile” approach versus the “Waterfall” one?

Better time to market and product adjustment based on iterative feedback.

11. What are the “Agile” approach characteristics?

Iterative, quick feedback, product version in every phase.

12. What are the “Waterfall” approach characteristics?

Cascade, slow feedback, no product until the last phase.

13. Which area within the IS Organization chart is in charge of information systems maintenance?

Development area.

14. Which area within the IS Organization chart is in charge of company transactions troubleshooting?

Operations area.

15. Which area within the IS Organization chart is in charge of the help desk?

Support area.

16. What is the best team for building or selecting successful Information Systems?

System users, business managers, and information systems professionals must work together.

17. What is the worst information system?

Those which are not used.

18. Which of the following is not a Business Information System?

Video game system.

19. Which of these characteristics are not valuable information?


20. Which of these companies leads in the Age of the Customer?


21. Which sentence is right?

The value of information is directly linked to how it helps decision-makers achieve the organization’s goals.

22. Which sentence is right?

Data + context = information. Information + meaning = knowledge.

23. Who controls the product information in the Age of the Customer?


24. Why have “word of mouth” and “user-generated content” increased significantly in the Age of the Customer?

Social networks.

Test 2: Hardware and Software

1. Is the SSD (Solid State Disk) a type of hard drive?


2. What are the main hardware components?

Control unit, arithmetic/logic unit, registers.

3. What does ROM memory mean?

Read Only Memory.

4. Modems are devices that convert…?

Analog signals into digital signals, and vice-versa.

5. What does the arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) perform inside the CPU?

Performs mathematical calculations and makes logical comparisons.

6. Evaluate the following sentence:

None of the options (Computer hardware controls computer programs, Software consists of computer programs and hardware, Software consists of computer programs and devices).

7. Data is stored in memory as a combination of on or off circuit states (known as Binary Digits, or Bits), with each character being represented by?

8 bits.

8. Which of the following are new output devices?

All of them (3D printer, Robotic arm, Augmented reality glasses).

9. Cloud computing is…?

A computing-infrastructure and software model.

10. Can all software be classified as System Software or as Application Software?


11. What are the three components of the Central Processing Unit (CPU)?

Control unit, arithmetic/logic unit, registers.

12. Which characteristics of secondary storage are the right ones?

Secondary storage is non-volatile, has greater capacity and greater economy.

13. How can you define RAID disk organization?

A redundant array of independent disks using data storage virtualization technology.

14. What is the function of a Router?

Routers connect one network with another and decide how to best transport information between them.

15. Which of the following is NOT a processing unit?

None of the options.

16. What is the function of a Network card?

Connect your computer to a network.

17. What is the function of Application software?

All of the options.

18. What is the function of an operating system (OS)?

All of the options.

19. Which of these examples is NOT a type of Enterprise application software?

Printer driver.

20. Enumerate some of the Hardware components:

CPU, RAM memory, Motherboard, Hard Drive, Network card, Router.

21. Which of the following definitions of RAM memory is correct?

RAM is a type of computer memory used for short-term data storage.

22. Which of the following are NOT new input devices?

Touch screen.

Test 3: Databases

1. The Database’s main benefits are…

All of the options (Consistency of Data, Sharing of Data, Integration of Data).

2. Which is the most appropriate technology for storing electronic transactions?


3. What is the methodology to “translate” a narrative business description into a formal data model description; which are the identification rules?

Relationships usually are verbs.

4. How do we make Business decisions?

All of the options (Based on Data and Information, Based on Expert advisory, Based on Intuition, Based on our previous Experience).

5. Is there a methodology to “translate” a narrative business description into a formal data model description?


6. A Database Management approach consists of…

Consolidating data records into one central database that can be accessed by many different application programs.

7. While using File Processing:

Data is organized, stored, and processed in independent files of data records.

8. What is the metadata role in a Database system?

It is the data dictionary of the database.

9. What are the most common problems of File Processing?

All of the options (Lack of Integration, Data Inconsistency, Data Redundancy).

10. Which of the following statements is not a Database benefit?

Data dependence.

11. In the context of File Processing, what does “Data redundancy” mean?

Duplicate data requires updates to many files.

12. The SQL language enables…

Read and Write operations.

13. In the following narrative, “Books are written by one or more Authors, and are published by one Publisher”; which are the main entities?

Author, Book, Publisher.

14. In the context of File Processing, what does “Lack of integration” mean?

Data stored in separate files are hard to combine.

15. In the following narrative, “Books are written by one or more Authors, and are published by one Publisher”; which are the entity relationships?

Written by, Published by.

16. How many types of data model Relationships do you know?


17. Business intelligence is…

Collection and analysis of information to support business decisions.

18. In the following narrative, “Courses have one or more students enrolled. Students are enrolled in one or more courses”; what kind of relationship have “Students and Courses”?

Many to many.

19. Which of the following sentences is correct?

A database is a collection of related tables.

20. The most common database type is…

Relational database.

21. Which of the following sentences is correct?

All the options (Databases are technically superior to file processing systems, Data is the “raw material” for decision making, Businesses cannot survive without quality data about their internal operations).

22. A Database Management approach consists of…

Consolidating data records into one central database that can be accessed by many different application programs.

23. Which of the following are data model Entities?

All of the options (Person, Object, Place).

24. What is an Attribute?

A characteristic of an Entity.

Test 4: Networks

1. How does the Internet work?

None of the options (When some nodes on the Internet are down, messages can’t be sent via another route/ A message can’t pass through computers on its way from one part of the Internet to another).

2. Within a computer network, which components are called network nodes?

Computers and devices.

3. Which kind of telecommunication network type requires an Extranet?


4. What do we need telecommunication systems for?

All the options (To create more transparent and competitive marketplaces/ To enable collaboration between customers, suppliers and employees).

5. Which of the following functions facilitates an Intranet portal?

Integrate business management systems.

6. What are the benefits of implementing an Extranet?

All the options (Improve repetitive business processes/ Increase customer satisfaction/ Accelerate collaboration with suppliers).

7. Who owns an Extranet?

Owned by one or more organizations.

8. Why can several Internet applications (Web, Email, FTP, etc.) run on top of the Internet?

Because the Internet protocol has communication layers and application layers.

9. What is the most difficult challenge while integrating different applications in an Intranet portal?

Single login.

10. Who can collaborate within an Extranet?

Employees, Suppliers and Customers.

11. Is a web browser and private network access enough to interact with an Intranet?


12. Which authentication method do users prefer most?

Social login.

13. What is the secure protocol that encrypts Internet communications?


14. Does an Intranet portal manage user rights or access permission?

Manages user rights and access permission.

15. Which telecommunication network type transmits across public networks?


16. Does an Extranet permit controlled access to authorized external users to a company intranet?


17. What does a Connected digital workplace add to an Intranet portal?

Adds digital tools plus social enablement.

18. Which telecommunication network type enables sending and receiving data between computer systems?


19. Which of these options belong to the same communication media type?

Coaxial cable, Fiber optic cable.

20. Which of the following functions facilitates an Intranet portal?

Integrate business management systems.

21. What is the Intranet portal role?

A doorway to other applications and tools outside of the intranet.

22. What is the best definition of a Modem?

Translates digital signals into analog signals and vice versa.

23. Which telecommunication device manages physical addresses within a network?


24. Who can collaborate within an Intranet?


25. Does an Intranet portal manage user rights or access permission?

Manages user rights and access permission.

26. Who can manage corporate documents and business information within an Intranet?
