8. Concepts, procedures and attitudes: Traditionally, FL curricular goals were set up around linguistic principles and concepts that were taught for the students to learn and apply. At present, and in consonance with the Common European Framework, FL goals are oriented towards the development not only of concepts, principles and facts. 9. Cross-curricular activities: The teaching and learning of the FL is considered to provide excellent opportunities to introduce other curricular contents and contribute to a more comprehensive education. Areas that can receive attention in the FL.
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT. What is classroom management?
Your most important job as a teacher is perhaps to create the conditions in which learning can take place. The skills of creating and managing a successful class may be the key to the whole success of a course. An important part of this is to do with your attitude, intentions and personality and your relationships with the learners. Common classroom management areas include: 1. Activities: • Setting up activities • Giving instructions • Monitoring activities• Timing activities (and the lesson as a whole)• Bringing activities to an end 2. Grouping and seating: • Forming groupings (singles, pairs, groups, mingle, plenary) • Arranging and rearranging seating• Deciding where you will stand or sit• Reforming class as a whole group after activities 3. Authority: • Gathering and holding attention• Deciding who does what (ie answer a question, make a decision, etc)• Establishing or relinquishing authority as appropriate• Getting someone to do something 4. Critical moments: • Starting the lesson • Dealing with unexpected problems• Maintaining appropriate discipline• Finishing the lesson 5. Tools and techniques: • Using the board and other classroom equipment or aids• Using gestures to help clarity of instructions and explanations• Speaking clearly at an appropriate volume and speed• Use of silence• Grading complexity of language• Grading quantity of language 6.Working with people: • Spreading your attention evenly and appropriately • Using intuition to gauge what students are feeling• Eliciting honest feedback from students • Really listening to students.
You join in the conversation using English and subtly manipulate the discussion so that the students are involved in using the language items you were planning to work on in the first place. You join in the conversation using English. After a while you slip into your conversation one or two examples of the language items you had planned to focus on in the lesson. Draw students’ attention to these items and slowly change the focus of the lesson so that the students get involved in using the language items you were planning to work on in the first place.
• Ask students to move seats when you create pairs or small groups. Don’tlet students get stuck in unsuitable seating arrangements when a moveis preferable. • If it’s really too noisy, make the discussion of that (and the finding of a solution) part of the lesson as well. • If the students normally sit in rows, try forming a circle.• Turn the classroom around so that the focus is on a different wall from normal.• Make seating arrangements that reflect specific contexts, eg a train carriage, an aeroplane, a town centre or whatever.
1. General competences (transferable competences): not specific to language (though they include language activities) but which are called upon for actions of all kinds: such skills as the ability to analyse and synthesise, general culture, the ability to work independently, awareness of the European and intemational context, skill in working together co-operatively, leadership, the ability to organise and plan, etc. That is, we are talking of skills which can be used in a variety of situations, and not only those strictly related to the course of study in question. In general, these skills are developed by means of the use of appropriate teaching and learning strategies. Apart from these general competences, each course of study will.
2. Specific competences (theoretical and practical or experimental knowledge and skill specific to the particular area of study): The concept of specific competence may be considered in two ways: from a theoretical point of view, competence is conceived of as a cognitive structure which favours specific behaviours. From the operational perspective the idea of competences covers a wide range of skills which enable us to function in complex situations; this will imply knowledge, appropriate attitudes, and metacognitive and strategic thought-processes. Competences therefore include representational and behavioural components.