Integrated Marketing Communications: Strategies and Techniques

What is IMC?

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is the coordinated integration of all marketing communication tools, avenues, and sources within a company into a seamless program. This program maximizes impact on consumers and other end-users at a minimal cost.

IMC encompasses business-to-business, channel, customer, external, and internal communications, ensuring they are connected and synchronized for a clear and consistent message.

3 C’s:

Clear, Consistent, Compelling (attractive)

Communications Research

Task: Understand customers’ purchase benefits.

Target Market

  • Market Segment: A set of businesses or groups of individual consumers with distinct characteristics.

  • Market Segmentation: The process of identifying specific consumer and business groups most likely to purchase the brand based on their needs, attitudes, and interests.

Market Segmentation Methods

  1. Geographic

  2. Demographic

  3. Psychographic

  4. Behavioral

Geographic Segmentation

Geographic segmentation divides the market into different geographic units, such as nations, states, regions, counties, cities, or neighborhoods.


Geo-targeting/geo-fencing sends messages to individuals in specific regions.

  • Used by retailers and service providers
  • GPS technology in smartphones
  • Digital ads
  • Recognition technology (GPS + face recognition)

Demographic Segmentation


Demographic segmentation categorizes consumers by similar characteristics:

  • Age and family life-cycle stage
  • Gender
  • Income
  • Home ownership
  • Occupation

Behavioral Segmentation

Buyers are grouped based on their knowledge, attitude, use of, or response to a product.

Buyer Persona

A buyer persona represents a typical member of a target group, created from research-collected customer data. It combines different segmentation types, personifying buyers to help with personalized product offers and communication.


Product positioning summarizes the consumer’s perception of a company or brand and its products relative to competitors. Consumers determine a brand’s position.

Types of Budgets

  1. Percentage of sales

  2. Meet the competition

  3. Affordable method

  4. Objective and task

  5. Pay-out planning

  6. Quantitative models

1. Percentage of Sales

• Sales of the current year or next year

2. Meet the Competition

• Prevents market share loss

3. What We Can Afford

• Set after all other budget items
• Does not view marketing as important

4. Objective and Task

• Budgets determined by objectives
• Best budgeting method
• Used by 50% of firms

5. Pay-Out Planning

• Ratio of advertising to sales or market share
• Larger percentage at product launch
• Lower percentage when the brand is established

6. Quantitative Models

• Computer simulations
• Develops models based on historical data

Communication Schedules

Pulsating Schedule:

Advertising throughout the year with increased spending at select times (e.g., holidays).

Flighting Schedule:

Allocates budget only during peak times.

Continuous Schedule:

Divides the budget equally throughout the year.


Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor (paid to a third party).

Advertising Theories

Social media, magazines, billboards.


  • Cognitive (rational, logical)—scientific
  • Affective (emotional)—application
  • Conative (action)

Advertising Design

  1. Message Strategy: The primary tactic or approach for delivering the message theme.

  2. Advertising Appeal: Different approaches to reach consumers, using elements like humor, sex, music, rationality, emotions, or scarcity.

  3. Executional Framework: How an ad appeal is presented and a message strategy is conveyed.

Sales Promotion

Short-term incentives to encourage customer purchase or sale of a product or service.

Sales Promotion Types

Types of Consumer Promotions

  1. Coupons

  2. Premiums

  3. Contests and sweepstakes

  4. Refunds and rebates

  5. Sampling

  6. Bonus packs and packages

  7. Price-offs

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Key Concepts

  • Public Relations
  • PR Functions
  • Company Stakeholders
  • PR Tools
  • Types of Marketing that Support PR
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