International Marketing True/False Questions & Answers

True or False

Marketing Mix

FALSE – Price is the only marketing mix instrument that creates costs. All other elements entail revenues.

TRUE – Typically, for identifying new product ideas, we look at the 4 C’s, which are: Company, Customers, Competition and Collaborators.

Test Marketing & Global Advertising

TRUE – Test marketing may be skipped to save money, and lead markets can be used as projections.

TRUE – Global advertising encompasses areas such as advertising planning, budgeting, resource allocation issues, message strategy and media decisions.

Global Brand Equity & Product Adaptations

TRUE – The value of a global brand (brand equity) usually varies a great deal from country to country.

TRUE – Adaptations of products introduced in foreign markets are driven by consumer preferences, price spectrum, competitive climate, organizational structure and history.

Product Piracy & Global Pricing

TRUE – Any aspect of the product is vulnerable to piracy, including the brand name, the logo, the design and the package.

TRUE – Among the main drivers affecting global pricing we find the company goals and costs.

FALSE – Dumping occurs when imports are sold at a fair price.

Media Infrastructure & Sales Promotion

FALSE – Media infrastructure is very similar from country to country.

TRUE – Sales promotion refers to a collection of short-term incentive tools that lead to quicker and/or larger sales of a particular product.

International Sales Management & Expatriates

TRUE – Issues such as recruiting, training, supervising and evaluating sales force are an integral part of international sales management.

TRUE – Expatriates are home-country personnel sent overseas to manage local operations in the foreign market.

TRUE – Expatriates are especially important in complex operating environments, or when elevated political risk requires constant monitoring.

Indirect Exporting & Gray Market Channels

TRUE – Indirect exporting involves the use of independent middlemen to market the firm’s products overseas.

FALSE – Gray market channel refers to the illegal export/import transaction involving genuine products into a country by intermediaries other than the authorized distributors.

Global Logistics & New Product Takeoff

FALSE – Global logistics is defined as the design and management of a system that directs and controls the flows of people into, through and out of the firm across national boundaries.

TRUE – The following factors contribute to the increased complexity and cost of global logistics: Distance, Exchange rate fluctuations, foreign intermediaries, Regulation, Security.

FALSE – Most new products display the same period of time to takeoff.

Waterfall Timing & Mobilizing Knowledge

FALSE – A waterfall timing of entry is characterized by a global rollout simultaneously.

TRUE – Some possible scenarios for mobilizing knowledge are: move information about the technology to where the market knowledge is, and move knowledge by rotating people and by temporary co-location.

Global Brand Name & Product Line

FALSE – The development costs for products launched under the global brand name cannot be spread over large volumes.

TRUE – Width of product line refers to the number of different product lines of the firm.

TRUE – Length of product line is the number of different products within a single line.

TRUE – Firms with a narrow product assortment usually extend the domestic lines.

Country of Origin Effects & Global Services

TRUE – Countries of origin influences are greater among elderly, less educated and politically conservative.

TRUE – Some strategies to cope with country of origin effects involve pricing, the use of highly respected distribution channels and communication.

FALSE – Threats for global services include deregulation of services industries, increasing demand for premium services and increased value consciousness.

Global Pricing & Language Barriers

TRUE – The main drivers that affect global pricing are company goals and company costs.

TRUE – Ways to safeguard against inflation include to source material from low-cost suppliers, and to shorten credit terms.

TRUE – Language is one of the most formidable barriers in global marketing.

Advertising Budgeting & Export Management

TRUE – Percentage of sales, competitive parity, objective-and-task method and resource allocation are different kind of advertising budgeting methods.

TRUE – Some strategies to deal with advertising regulations include lobbying activities and to adapt marketing mix strategy.

FALSE – Export management is defined as the way that companies work for buying goods from other countries.

TRUE – The success or failure of the company rests largely on the ability of its sales force.

Multiple Choice Questions

Forces for Globalized Product Strategy

Forces that facilitate a globalized product strategy are:

  1. Common customer needs
  2. Global customers
  3. Scale economies
  4. Time to market
  5. Regional market agreements


Factors Driving New Product Adoption

Multinational Diffusion: The Adoption of new products is driven by three types of factors:

  1. Population Health Standards
  2. Personal Influences
  3. Individual Differences
  4. Product Characteristics
  5. Country Competitiveness Index

b) II, III and IV

Predicting New Product Penetration

Other Country characteristics used to predict new product penetration patterns include:

  1. Homogeneous population
  2. Lead countries
  3. Lag countries
  4. Cosmopolitanism
  5. All of the above


Global Branding Strategies

In relation to global branding strategies, which of the next statements are correct:

  1. A truly global brand is one that has a consistent identity with consumers across the world.
  2. The development costs for products launched under the global brand name can be spread over large volumes.
  3. A local brand has much more visibility than a global brand.
  4. The fact of being global adds to the image of a brand country.

b) I, II and IV

Management of Multinational Product Lines

In relation to management of multinational product lines, which of the next statements are correct:

  1. Length of product line refers to the number of different product lines of the firm.
  2. Width of product line is the number of different products within a single line.
  3. Firms with a narrow product assortment usually extend the domestic lines.
  4. Large companies select a subset for international dispersal.

d) III and IV

Options Against Product Piracy

Some options against product piracy are:

  1. Lobby
  2. Take legal action.
  3. Product protection options like holograms.
  4. Cur prices
  5. Launch educational campaigns against piracy.


Lowering Export Prices

The following are options to lower the export price:

  1. Rearrange the distribution channel.
  2. Include costly features.
  3. Increase the product size.
  4. Assemble or manufacture the product in foreign markets.
  5. Adapt the product to escape tariffs or tax levies.

d) I, IV and V

Motives Behind Countertrade

The following are motives behind Countertrade:

  1. Gain access to new or difficult markets
  2. Overcome exchange rate controls or lack of hard currency
  3. Overcome low country credit worthiness
  4. Increase sales volume
  5. All of the above


Barriers to Standardization

One of the following is not a barrier to standardization:

  1. Customers similar preferences
  2. Advertising regulations
  3. Market maturity
  4. “Not-Invented-Here” (NIH) Syndrome
  5. Cultural Differences