International Trade: Key Concepts and Definitions

International Trade: Key Concepts

Licensing and Exporting

  • Licensing: Allowing someone to produce using your brand.
  • Exporting: Producing in your own country and selling abroad.

Outsourcing and Offshoring

  • Outsourcing: Contracting out a business function, commonly one performed in-house, to an external provider.
  • Offshoring: The relocation by a company of a business process from one country to another, usually an operational process such as manufacturing, or a supporting process such as accounting.

Trade Agreements

  • Multilateralism: A group of countries deciding to adopt the same trade rules in order to work together (e.g., WTO).
  • Regionalism: A group of countries creating barriers against others (e.g., EU).
  • BRICS: Group of emerging countries in the international economy. It is integrated by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa

Economic Concepts

  • Abundant: A country is labor-abundant when it has a higher ratio of labor to other factors than the rest of the world.
  • Intensive: A product is labor-intensive when its labor costs are a greater share of its value than they are of the value of other products.
  • General Equilibrium: When more than one value or an economy as a whole is taken into account.
  • Partial Equilibrium: Relates to a single variable.
  • Scale Economies: Output quantity goes up by a larger proportion than total costs do. The average cost of producing one unit decreases.
  • Monopolistic Competition: The market share is bigger, so the firm can establish prices.
  • Intra-industry Trade: The exchange of similar products belonging to the same industry. It is usually applied to international trade where the same type of goods and services are imported or exported.


Dumping: Selling exports at a price that is less than their normal value. A firm establishes a price that is lower than the production costs of a firm in the country that is buying the product, so it cannot be competitive with the exporter.

  • Predatory Dumping: Temporary, to eliminate competition.
  • Cyclical Dumping: Occurs during recessions.
  • Seasonal Dumping: When a firm has an excess of inventory.

Trade Barriers

  • Tariff: A tax on importing goods or services into a country, collected by customs officials at the place of entry. It can be specific, ad valorem, or mixed.
  • Quota: A limit on the total imports allowed in a country.
  • Effective Rate of Protection: A measure of the percentage effect of the entire tariff structure on the value added per unit of output in each country. Calculated as: ((VAfinal – VAinitial) / VAinitial) x 100
  • Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs): Restrictions or regulations that increase the difficulty of entering a country’s market. As tariff barriers tend to be lower, NTBs tend to increase. Examples include quotas, government requirements, origin rules, custom valuation, product standards, domestic content requirements, and mixing requirements.

Economic Metrics

  • One Dollar-One Vote Metric: Each dollar of gain or loss is valued equally, regardless of who experiences it.
  • One Dollar-One Vote Yardstick: The sum of monetary values, including consumer and producer surplus.

Trade Effects

  • Trade Creation: The net volume of new trade resulting from forming or joining a new trade bloc.
  • Trade Diversion: The volume of trade shifted from low-cost outside exporters to higher-cost bloc-partner exporters.

Economic Integration

  • Full Economic Union: The final stage of economic integration. After complete economic integration, the integrated units have no or negligible control of economic policy, including full monetary union and complete or near-complete fiscal policy harmonization.