Interrogation Models and Legal Procedures in Historical Context

Interrogation Models and Legal Procedures

Current models of interrogations included in forensic practice, classics, or those used in previous residences within the same district, incorporate questions deemed appropriate for effectively establishing facts or complying with special instructions given by the Judge Visitor.

Judgment Critic Homes

By separate, lost secret trial where the judge was acting officially, the latter could require reports from various agencies, review public documents, receive complaints, and examine witnesses.

The most used and important evidence was testimony. Witnesses who might know the things that are attempting to be established and those referred to as hearsay witnesses should be elected vorsilmente. If people agreed to consider that Quine was not found in the place of residence, the proceedings should make it possible to obtain their testimony.

Impeachment was used to prevent potential witnesses against him from delivering, since the start of the residency, a list of people considered their enemies who were not to be called as witnesses.

Measures were taken to ensure that witnesses testified freely, and the solemn oath that preceded the ratification and signing provision, along with the punishment of false witnesses, helped to ensure the integrity of the statements.

In this part, individuals could bring claims and lawsuits against the impeached. Chapters through class action were exerted against the latter; for instance, a magistrate might capitulate to know his wife used the costumes or disagreed with the dictates of luxury.

Lawsuits and complaints arose when there was a separate offense from the impeached and should begin within the term set by law.

Once the charges and rebuttals were submitted and tested by the impeached, the judge would rule, declaring whether the trial was done rightly or wrongly and giving effect to its responsibility in the event it reaped.

The king’s person was sacred and inviolable, and therefore the only entity exempt from liability.

The Effects of Residence

The effects produced by a statement that lead to the formation and possibly the cause for the final resolution were of two kinds: annulment of the constitutional order and contrary to the purpose of liability itself.

The first derives from the provisions of Article 173 of the Cadiz Constitution, which provides for the oath the king had to pay before the courts.

As shown, the invalidity of acts contrary to the constitution and laws were expressly given in the order itself. It is essential to add that the obligation to observe the constitutional order equally applied to public officials through the oath to be present to take possession of the office, so that his failure stemmed not only the nullity of all proceedings but also updated the exercise of the right to represent the courts or the king to demand the enforcement of the constitution.

The effects of responsibility as such were themselves of various kinds. Above all, it shall become final in the temporary suspension and strong position on the responsibility of disqualification and public offices.

There were also rules for chiefs or magistrates who knowingly judged against the right out of affection or disaffection to Alano of the litigants or other persons, consisting of deprivation of employment in the perpetual disqualification for any office or position.

It should be noted that magistrates or judges who, for lack of education or negligently, failed against the law states and contravened the laws of the process, leading to the replacement of the same, were required to pay all costs and damages.