Intramural and Extramural Sports: Principles and Objectives

Intramural Sports Principles

Q1. Explain the principles of Intramurals.


  • Local Circumstances: The games should be popular in the school and the local area. Consider the availability of playgrounds and other suitable facilities.
  • Good Quality Sports Equipment and Facilities: Use high-quality sports equipment to avoid injuries.
  • Interest: Select activities based on student interest to increase participation and enjoyment. Activities should align with student preferences, facilities, and community.
  • Budget: Organize intramurals based on the school’s budget. A sufficient budget allows for larger-scale events.
  • Time and Climatic Conditions: Schedule events in the evenings or holidays to avoid disrupting classes.
  • Mass Participation: Emphasize participation over winning. Encourage all students to take part and enjoy the activities.

Planning Objectives in Sports

Q2. Explain the objectives of planning.

Ans. There are various objectives of planning which are:

  1. To reduce unnecessary pressure of immediacy. Planning helps to avoid rushed work, ensuring efficiency and smoothness.
  2. To keep control over all the activities. Planning and control are interconnected, ensuring good organization of tournaments.
  3. To facilitate proper coordination among committee members.
  4. To reduce the chances of mistakes and oversights. Planning helps to do work systematically.
  5. To increase the efficiency of sports officials. Planning provides a chance to study their work, leading to more effective performance.

Meaning and Principles of Intramurals

Q3. Write the meaning of Intramural & write its principles.

Ans. The word ‘intramural’ means activities performed within the walls, i.e., within the campus of an institute. These activities are organized by schools, colleges, or other institutes for their students. Students enjoy these activities the most.

Principles of Intramural Sports

  • Interest: Activities should align with the interests of students and the related community.
  • Facilities and Infrastructure: Consider available playgrounds, equipment, and gymnasiums.
  • Cooperation: Ensure cooperation and help from colleagues for smooth event conduct.
  • Budgets: Allocate a sufficient budget for successful organization.
  • Time: Ensure availability of time and students for conducting events.

Extramural Sports: Definition, Objectives, and Principles

Q4. Define extramurals. Writes its objectives & principles.

Ans. Extramural means outside the walls or campus. When multiple schools or institutions join together to organize games or sports, it is called an extramural activity, also known as interschool competition.

Objectives of Extramurals

  • To improve the standard of sports.
  • To provide opportunities to showcase skills in various sports activities.
  • To develop experience for students.
  • To broaden the base of sports.
  • To provide knowledge of new rules, regulations, and advanced techniques.

Principles of Extramurals

  • Willing Participation: Students should not be forced to participate.
  • Medical Examination: Medical examinations should be compulsory for all participants.
  • Efficient Officials: Arrange efficient officials well in advance for smooth organization.
  • Convenient Scheduling: Extramural programs should be fixed according to the convenience of the players.
  • Participation Focus: Winning should not be overemphasized.