Introduction to Dance and Mime Techniques
Basic Dance Steps
Rhythm: In accordance with basic black.
Description of motion: Successive steps alternating the body weight.
Applies to quaver.
Description: Sequence of steps skipped.
Negra high when slow or quaver when low and fast.
Description: Movement phases comprising: a lever, flight, and fall.
Step Jump
Corks or dotted eighth sixteenth note.
Description: Paso and jump on the same footing as the step. Every time you start with a different foot.
Sixteenth note, dotted eighth note – beginning in Anacrusa.
Description: Foot jump separating the semi-flexed knee, also join the other foot jump through.
Black, black, dotted eighth sixteenth black.
Description: Heel, tip double foot before the other side step to the side of the leg movement begins.
Black, black, black, with accent on the first beat of 3/4.
Description: Taking a step in the accent and joining the other foot, two steps on the average tip in the other two times.
Step Slipped
Two black, accenting the first.
Description: Step, accentuating semiflexion leg, slide the other leg to join the other.
Step of the Basque Country
Three black.
Description: Raising jump on the opposite leg extended in the air doing a scissor lifting the other into the air before the first support for the first time, alternative support foot in the other two times.
Methodology in Teaching Dance
Based on training repetitions of a series of steps with the sole purpose of obtaining a performance as perfect as is practicable.
1) Exercises of Temporal Perception
To distinguish the different rhythms and synchronize their movements with musical themes. The implementation of simple dance steps from marches, runs, jumps, gallops. Exercise stress and pauses in order to further enrich their chances of expression. Discover the various possibilities of adjustment that can provide a musical rhythm.
2) Spatial Organization Exercises
Orient their movements in either direction, to be placed inside a group, to match their movements with another or others. Evolve with musical accompaniment for his attention to his own position within the group.
3) Learning a Dance
a) Hearing of the item
b) Displacements books on improvising various steps.
c) Discovering the rhythmic characteristics of dancing.
d) Execution of the steps for the dance.
e) Implementation of the changes characteristic of the dance.
f) Making the dance overall.
g) Final settlement of the dance.
h) Enrich the speech.
Dramatization as Expression
The term linguistic situation encompasses everything related to the word, both spoken and written.
The term corporal refers to the proper use of gesture and movement.
The plastic expression is very important in contributing funds.
The musical-rhythmic expression is also crucial.
Elements of the Dramatic Structure
Are each of humans, animals or objects appearing in a play. Without it there can be no drama.
It is defined by the confrontation of two or more characters.
Where the action is performed:
- Stage: Corresponds to the theatrical space or place of representation.
- Theatrical: It is the one in the text. It has to be imagined by the viewer.
- Duration: Length of time – dramatic representation. Interval temporal fiction than fact occupies the event.
- Época: Historical period, when the action occurs.
The plot of the story told.
Is the central idea or ideas. It summarizes the intent of the actor.
Comedic imitating life and customs.
Different Concepts of Mime
- Paul Curtis: “The mime takes over the person and what makes her unable to make the words.”
- DRAL: Jester adept at gesturing and mimicking others.
- Mimo: Is the actor that is expressed through gestures and body movements.
Representatives of mime: Jean-Gaspard Debureau, his son Charles, Louis Rauff, Severin, Dullin, Etienne Decroux.
Mime Technique
- Analytic
- Global
- Improvisation
- Ideation (imitation and interpretation)
- Consciousness and projection
Classes of Mimic Movements
- Character: Their permanent attitudes compose function, designed to characterize an action.
- Action: These are the moves needed to perform certain actions.
- Sensation: Are those movements by which we reveal all the emotions we feel.
- Complementary: All those that accompany a main motion.
- Descriptive: Its purpose is to supplement the words. For this reason it is reserved exclusively for the pantomimes.
Contribution of Mime to Education
Mime’s important contribution to education is using the gesture as a means of expression without words, using the visual channel of communication. It is essential to the use of facial expression of our most expressive face. Mime is the most direct means of communication dramatically. The actor uses minimal resources: Takes data from reality. Select the data and its own gesture produces a visual code. Create spaces, defines objects and communicates. Play with the rhythms.