ISO 14001: Environmental Management System Guide

ISO 14001: Environmental Management System

Key Definitions

Environmental Performance

Measurable results of an organization’s management of its environmental aspects.

Environmental Policy

An organization’s intentions and direction concerning its environmental performance, formally expressed by senior management.

Environmental Goal

Detailed performance requirement applicable to the organization or parts thereof, originating from environmental objectives and the need to meet them.

Interested Party

Person or group with an interest in, or affected by, the organization’s environmental performance.

Internal Audit

Systematic, independent, and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and objectively assessing the extent to which the organization’s environmental management system criteria are met.


Failure to comply with a requirement.


Company, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority, institution, or part or combination thereof, whether public or private, having its own functions and administration.

Preventive Action

Action taken to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity.

A.2 Environmental Policy

The environmental policy drives the implementation and improvement of an organization’s environmental management system to maintain and potentially improve environmental performance. This policy should reflect top management’s commitment to legal compliance, pollution prevention, and continual improvement. It forms the basis for setting objectives and goals. The policy should be clear to internal and external stakeholders and be periodically reviewed and assessed to reflect changing conditions. Its scope should be clearly identifiable and reflect the nature, scale, and environmental impacts of activities, products, and services within the environmental management system.

Environmental Impact

Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization’s environmental aspects.

Pollution Prevention

Use of processes, practices, techniques, materials, products, services, or energy to avoid, reduce, or control the generation, emission, or discharge of pollutants or waste to reduce adverse environmental impacts.

Environmental Policy Requirements

Top management shall define the organization’s environmental policy and ensure that, within the defined scope of the environmental management system, it:

  1. Is appropriate to the nature, scale, and environmental impacts of its activities, products, and services;
  2. Includes a commitment to continuous improvement and pollution prevention;
  3. Includes a commitment to comply with applicable legal and other subscribed requirements related to its environmental aspects;
  4. Provides the framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets;
  5. Is documented, implemented, and maintained;
  6. Is communicated to all personnel working for or on behalf of the organization; and
  7. Is available to the public.

Emergency Preparedness and Response

The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a procedure to identify potential emergencies and accidents that may impact the environment and how to respond. The organization shall respond to actual emergencies and accidents to prevent or mitigate adverse environmental impacts. Procedures should be periodically reviewed and amended, especially after incidents, and tested where practicable.

Environmental Aspects

The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a procedure to:

  1. Identify environmental aspects of its activities, products, and services that it can control or influence within the defined scope of the environmental management system, considering planned or new developments, activities, products, and services; and
  2. Determine aspects with significant environmental impacts.

This information shall be documented and kept updated. Significant environmental aspects shall be considered when establishing, implementing, and maintaining the environmental management system.