Job Interview, Memos, Complaints & Cover Letters: Examples

Job Interview

INT: Good morning Rocío, please sit down.

ROC: Good morning, thank you.

INT: I have your CV here, and I’m very interested in it. It seems one of the most interesting. I can see you have a lot of experience in a similar post to the one we are advertising.

ROC: Yes, I’ve been working as an office administrator for five years. I have brought a reference from my last employer, if you would like to have a look at it.

INT: Thank you; I will take a look later.

ROC: Unfortunately, the Company had to close down; that’s why I’m looking for another job.

INT: Don’t worry. I think that you are the appropriate candidate for this post.

ROC: Thank you.

INT: When can you begin? We would like you to begin as soon as possible, because there is a lot of work to do.

ROC: I can begin tomorrow if you want to.

INT: Perfect, see you tomorrow here at my office at 10 o’clock, to show you the company and what you have to do.

ROC: See you tomorrow at ten. Bye.

INT: Bye.

Memo: Punctuality at Work

Date: 11th of March 2014

To: All departments

From: HR department

Subject: Punctuality at work

In the last months, we have seen that many people in this company are arriving late to work. Following are some recommendations on how you can be more punctual, according to the reasons you gave us for being late:

  • The most important thing is to get up earlier to have plenty of time to do everything you have to do before leaving home.
  • You have to leave home with enough time to avoid arriving late to work because of traffic jams, or to have time to catch a taxi, or if the train breaks down, to have time to catch the bus or a taxi.
  • At night, you have to go to sleep soon, so that you can rest and sleep enough and don’t oversleep the next morning.

As you can see, unpunctuality tends to rise.

With this memo, we ask all the employees of this company to comply with our timetable, which is from 9 am to 6 pm. Any employee who doesn’t comply with this request will be admonished.

Thank you for your collaboration.

HR Department.

Complaint Letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

A few days ago, I bought a mobile phone from you, but now the keypad doesn’t respond anymore. The battery runs faster than it is supposed to; I have to carry the charger with me all the time because I have to charge the mobile every five hours. Sometimes, when somebody calls me, the screen goes blank, and I can’t see who is calling.

Therefore, I ask you to change this mobile for a new one which works correctly.

Attached you can find the proof of purchase.

I hope you can solve this as soon as possible, because I need the mobile for work.

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Rocío Aguilar

Cover Letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in connection with the job advertisement for a ………. published in……. on ………….. I would really like to apply for the position. I believe that the qualifications I hold, together with the experience I acquired over a year in Holiday World, would suggest that I am suitable for the post on offer. I enclose an up-to-date curriculum vitae, a recent photo, and addresses of referees. I am available in case you may require more information regarding my application, or for a possible interview.

Yours faithfully,

Useful Phrases

  • Despite: A pesar de
  • In spite of: A pesar de
  • Although: Aunque