3.Corporate Philosophy: To define this we have to reset to: What do I do? Where do I want to go? How do I do it?
-Corporate Phulosophy (components):+ Mission: respond to what do I do.+ Vision: respond to where do i want yo go, the goals of the organization.+ The core Values: How do I do it responds. It determines the way of acting of the organization itself and its employees like Honesty, simpleness, integration
4.Corporate Image: Is the perception, there is no image without identity bc is the first is a reflection of the second.
1.Silent sale through packaging: This one act like a silent salesman bc in many cases its the only one that has the direct contact with the customer.
2.7 important things about packaging: (see power). -Perception (easy). -Differentiation (easy). -Association (easy bt. pack and product). -Mirror function (feel identified). -Argumentation (easy communication qualities and values to be sold. -Information (easy to read the legislation, info and promotional). -Seduction (to be purchased).
1.merchandasing: is that the product and environment surrounding the product at the POP, such as the;
-The packaging -Placement in the lineal (shelves). -Its greater presence. -The elects of advertising support. -Environmental elements.
1.Music: tempo (fast, moderate)-walk speed (faster,slower)-in store time (less more) -pleasure (less more)
2.Lighting (natural, mixed, artifical)
3.Material (wall, floor, roof , furtinture)
1.Corporate communication tools: -Signal.-Architecture.-Internal com.-Advertising.
-Editorial com.-Institutional info.-Product Design-Sponsors.-Comercial com.-Merchandiding.-Direct mkt.-Packaging.-PR.
2.Most representative events:
– Fairs, congresses and exhibitions. *– Conventions, scientific conferences…- Motivation days, incentive trips…- General meetings with shareholders.- Internal events, open doors, celebration meals and dinners.- Institutional actions, awards deliveries… *– Breakfast and press trips.*– Streets marketing, flash – mob…*
3.Event action diagram:
1. Brief (sponsorship): idea, goals…2. Proposed suppliers.3. Budget.4. Event program.
5. List with every person involved in the organization and its responsibilities.6. Guest list.
7. Communication material used.
PRESS REALESE 1. Logo.2. Highlight “press call”.3. Precise headline: clear with who is calling and why.4. Date and place.5. Little brief: info about the event, duration, who will be there…6. Proposals: for interviewing opportunities and information options.
7. Contact details: confirmation and accreditation.
1.Goals: – (1) Throw a unique message across the company: corporate identity values (culture).- (2)Greater and better communication: what happens if some employee receive some info about the company by media? (info unknown)- (3) Motivation, credibility and trust (good envioment for example)- (4) Encourage teamwork and interpersonal relationships: to create this good environment.- (5) Recognition of well done work: rewards of well done work.- (6) Reinforced values and behavior.- (7) Maintain business coherence.
2.types: -Descending communication tools:+ Internal events.+ Noticeboard.+ Internal publications.+ Intranet.+ Mailing, letters…+ Welcome aboard…
-Ascending communication tools:+ Participation in internal publication.+ Suggestions mailbox.+ Environment surveys.+ Quality circles (meetings).+ Intranet.
-Horizontal communication tools:+ Meetings.+ Letters.+ Mailing.+ Internal social networks.
3.Internal publication (written or online): ABOUT THE COMPANY -Latest news -Latest products and external events -Press clipping (think about your last event). -Interviews to people inside our outside the company. KNOWLEDGE -Articles related of the sector.
1.Answer:-Every info has to be treated with respect and transparency.-Respond as fast as possible (avoiding actions against the company).-If the causes are not clear, don’t reveal anything until they are verified.-If it is a brand´s mistake, recognize and promise solutions.
2.Five R´S in social media: -Reduction: make it small -React -Respond: +Never erase the comment +recognize your own mistake +Promise give a solution and compensation +Reclaim: plan how to get ack your clients +Reflect: Plan proactive.