Jose Maria Arguedas: A Champion of Andean Culture

Freedom is outside the influence gamonal

Language is perhaps one of the most powerful tools ever created by man since the invention can be considered as truly human, when we talk or when we make our opinions, practices with respect is fine, but if it utilizamospara language to oppress others is sad and disunity leads to us as we Arguedas mentions in his book “Water

“Water is the story of the childhood experience of the author and the conflicts between Indians and whites or mistis as an autobiography Arguedas Ernesto played by the child, one who represents their memories of the Andean communities in which it grew, highlighting further its songs, beliefs, celebrations and traditions in entering the Peruvian Indian part of our history.

The Indian world who struggle for freedom and for owning their land, this Indian who will be starring in the social class struggle between him and the whites, who are landowners and gentlemen. Thus the rebellion of the Indians must be according to their way of being Andean Apus calling to see their value, without falling into racism.

Arguedas writer cared to struggle, the clash, but then think of a reconciliation that will lead to Peru have a comprehensive, equitable, without inequality, and especially with respect to our rights.

This story describes us some Indians shy at first and then a few rebellious Indians who get their hopes crashing with power who sold the liquid element to now share the water equally with no privileges.

As we know the hard life that Arguedas had established the themes of his works in this book “Water” shows us a part of your life full of abuses suffered in the flesh. It also seeks social justice.

After reading this story I was excited, motivated to defend my rights, achieve my goals and have a good personality and Peruvian naqueño I am.

I will never tire of admiring the great talent of Arguedas and all Peruvians should learn to be like him, instead of preferring the outside, we see is our country and people do we need to not be indifferent to a harsh reality that despite the years continues to linger.


Start by saying that the great José María Arguedas is a writer Andean very important and interesting observation in Latin America.

Its various facets of narrator, poet, essayist and teacher projects the same message: the love of Indian culture
And to seek Quechua and mestizo was some connection between these two opposing worlds in our country.

Arguedas is a very interesting case of writer between two cultures, two traditions that are very present in his work, sometimes for his dramatic confrontation.

Peru has always lived with multicultural mixing problems, but always valued its Quechua culture (which I loved) and wanted to mediate between our culture and Hispanic culture (dominant in the country). This is demonstrated in his book “Water” which recounts the experience of life during his childhood and the problems faced by Indians or white patterns, as he says so, it shows the boy Ernesto, which is personified Arguedas in this character, her memories of the Andean communities in which she spent her early years of his life, also recounts traditions, songs, beliefs and festivals. Ernesto is the small Peruvian Indian fighter of his rights and the rebels seeking social equality between these two worlds.

Although part of his writing can be seen to be remarkably inspired all the beauty that existed in their environment, gives me the impression that his mind cleared and lived each day as if it were your last, and writing to your remembrance all that I could perceive as a special gift: … “And he loved animals, Indian festivals, harvesting, planting jarawi with music and I lived on that creek cheerful green and full of loving warmth of the sun” …

Arguedas told in this book his own experiences, his life is present in “Water” and the experience of those indigenous to the area who lived with hatred towards whites as they were subjected to various punishments.

Arguedas in his comparison of it with the Castilian language Quechua (Arguedas first learned the Quechua before her Castilian), plus the Quechua language used in his works and that is the way to know how to express the indigenous expression in many cases is ignored by the indifference of the people of not wanting to deal with people who think and have no emotion but his work highlights the entire contents of a culturally rich indigenous culture and traditions.

Peru was, is and always will be the Indian, the Indian in Peru next time will lead to a change in technology, education and especially with some degree of wisdom and example for the world.

Finally his work would focus on the domain of the Indian theme as an expression of their emotions, all feelings of the indigenous and mestizo soul for the realization of the unification of cultures of Peru, said a youth and all full, full of creativity and reverence for the world of Arguedas message that reflected in his works.

Arguedas Indio created in me a being who seeks social equality, without discrimination and opportunities

MY TEENAGER is illuminated by Arguedas

Start by saying that the great José María Arguedas is a writer Andean very important and interesting observation in Latin America.

Its various facets of narrator, poet, essayist and teacher projects the same message: the love of Indian culture – and to seek Quechua and mestizo was some connection between these two opposing worlds in our country.

Arguedas is a very interesting case of writer between two cultures, two traditions that are very present in his work, sometimes for his dramatic confrontation.

Peru has always lived with multicultural mixing problems, but always valued its Quechua culture (which I loved) and wanted to mediate between our culture and Hispanic culture (dominant in the country). This is demonstrated in his work “Warma Kuyay” where we read and hear about his life, I knew I was meeting a great man who fought for their goals, never set aside their origins, always thought of his countrymen, including reminded them in his works, which happen to be white is always considered an Indian and as such was defended their values ​​and prejudices against those that destroyed the society of which he was part. I began to admire this great writer and did much to learn of the problems and traumas that went through in his teens and gradually manifested themselves throughout their lives. Above all it is amazing how negative feelings of discrimination and rejection were not entirely passengers in his life, manifested in people who kept them, perhaps, distrust of himself, his family false, the hostility of Lima to the Andes, and apparently hit him over the attitude of Pompelle, a fellow student that inspired him to write poems and acrostics, and she refused to see the sender. Arguedas passing situations similar to these in his lifetime, but he went on, nothing cut short with the help of real friends could get to where he did, leaving much of his literary legacy, his works.

However, in Warma Kuyay Arguedas is personified by Ernesto and he is who is to blame:

Ernesto loves Justina, a beautiful native of the place, but she is in love with Kutu, who is the taming of bulls, calves and foals, who is despised by a coward with Froilan and abusive with calves of the lashing pattern in revenge for the rape of his fiancée by the landowner.
Kutu tells Ernesto that chose the animals that were to be tortured, until he repents and asks forgiveness from the abused Zarinacha helpless calf.

This conflict is mixed with regret the abuse committed by the landowners, the abuse of white, the Andean stained white.
Although the origin is no compassion in the Andean people for their plant and animal environment, it is difficult to maintain the image of an Indian pure, untainted by humiliation.

Justina’s beloved is a delicate half-breed, her boyfriend Kutu, animalized like a toad, who Ernesto asked to go Viseca community, which meets for not staying in a town where everyone knows that his wife was raped by the employer , who feared killed. Justina is the Indian resistance against the abuse when he sings his songs with charango, which can not devote efforts to the fight but only to survive. Ernesto wants to belong to the Indians but feel alienated from them by their desire to compete with Kutu. The narrator places the story in the past, writes on the coast by way of remembrance, expressing his nostalgia and uneasiness in the city.
This conflict of the beloved is never resolved, is frozen in time.

As Kutu, Ernesto also leaves the community

Ernesto coexistence with Indians results in learning and assimilation of their culture, love for the beloved and the struggle with the white, Indian shows a vindictive and ruthless and cruel landowner rapist. Love becomes frustration, but serves as a model of struggle of the Andean culture.

Finally his work would focus on the domain of the Indian theme as an expression of their emotions, all feelings of the indigenous and mestizo soul for the realization of the unification of cultures of Peru, said a youth and all full, full of creativity and reverence for the world of Arguedas message that reflected in his works.

Arguedas Indio created in me a being who seeks social equality, without discrimination and opportunities