Journalistic Genres, Advertising, and Specialized Texts

Journalistic Genres

They are expressive modes that result from information processing. Although linked to the press, they appear in all media and depend on the intention of the issuer.


Reports provide data or relevant new facts, not including value judgments. They are dominated by the representational function of language and are shown in the following ways:

  • News: This is the epitome of a contemporary event. In developing the news, one must collect six circumstances: the subject, the event, the time, the place, the cause, and the mode. The news follows the principle of relevance or hierarchy and is available in three blocks:
    • Headline: Encapsulates the central idea and works as a summary of the most important, since it seeks to arouse interest and be a first level of information.
    • Intro: This is the start of the informational text, and in some newspapers, it is highlighted typographically from the rest. It briefly summarizes the news and should meet the six essential circumstances.
    • Body of the news: Develops data to complete the information in the intro. It can include events, consequences, or reactions of those involved.
  • Feature: A story of personal style that gives details of events. Its structure is similar to that of the news, with minor variations. It has an attractive and suggestive headline, not necessarily informative; an intro with new formulas or quotations; and a body, linked to developments and looking for consequences.
  • Interview: A dialogue between the journalist and a character. Its structure varies according to the publication but may consist of a headline (a quote from a respondent’s answer), an intro (describes the character with literary style), and a body (reproduced verbatim question and answer). The interview can be thematic (current issue) or about a personality (on the character).


Opinion is shown in texts that interpret events or actions, providing reflections and judgments. They are dominated by the expressive function of language.

  • Article: An article is a line of trial and has a variety of themes. The structure is usually a starter, lead, and body, and is a personal commentary by outside contributors to newspaper writers, such as sociologists, artists, politicians, etc.
  • Column: Exposes the personal opinion of a journalist on a significant event. It reflects the style of the author, is signed, and although its structure is free, usually consists of a headline (subjective) and body.
  • Editorial: Presents the opinion of the newspaper. It is an unsigned message that appreciates clarity and documentation.


Mixed genres combine news items with the personal appraisal of the author.

  • Chronicle: A direct and immediate narrative of a fact.
  • Criticism: In which judgments on social or cultural events (theater, cinema, TV, etc.) are made.


It is a form of communication that appeals predominantly to the receiver. Its finality is the sale of objects and services, but in its essence and in its results, it goes beyond business: spreading ideological and social values, and contributing to “mass culture”.

Advertising provides one-way communication in which it shows the different functions of language, presents an object, is intended to attract attention, tries to persuade the receiver, gives the message a more attractive display, and shows an issuer who values your product.

The Language of Technical and Scientific Texts

Scientific texts deal with subjects related to the natural sciences. The object of knowledge is the analysis of immutable and universal laws that govern physical reality and whose veracity can be verified through experience.

Technical texts deal with the practical application of scientific knowledge. They explain the process of establishment and operation of machines and instruments that permit the verification of scientific theories.


  • The technical description: This is the management of an object and its parts in space. Overall, descriptive texts are constructed under a fairly rigid schedule. Typically, addressing the following areas: the nature of the object, the list of parts that make up, their qualities, and functions.
  • Exposition: Management is a concept or a series of concepts outside of space-time coordinates. This is a logical order: the ideas are connected by causal relationships.

The Language of Legal and Administrative Texts

The content of these texts focuses on law, the human science that deals with the rules governing social life in all its aspects.


Adopt an expository or argumentative mode of discourse. As a common feature, their structural rigidity is characterized: These letters are written according to some fixed patterns, very conventional.