Kant’s Moral Philosophy and Aristotle’s Soul Theory


Deontology is the study of the nature of duty and obligation.


Metaphysics is the study of being and existence (reductive materialism).

Transcendental Metaphysics

Transcendental Metaphysics is the study of the concepts of understanding and their relation to our experience. It involves looking inward to understand our mind. The concepts of understanding filter and form the world in a way that we must know these concepts.

Three Branches of Greek Thought

  • Logic: The study of formal concepts (pure, argumentation, etc.).
  • Physics: The study of material objects (pure: transcendental metaphysics, understanding) (empirical: physics, engineering, biology, geography observations).
  • Ethics: The study of how things ought to be (pure: metaphysics of morals) (empirical: history, political science).

Pure and Empirical Philosophy

Pure philosophy is a priori, while empirical philosophy is a posteriori.

  • A Priori: That which is independent of experience.
  • A Posteriori: That which comes from experience.

The Will and The Good Will

The Will is the faculty of choosing that which causes an action. The Good Will, the will with the right maxims, is the unqualifiedly good thing.


A maxim is a reason for acting. The moral maxim aligns with moral law, and a maxim produces a good will.

The Principle of Non-Contradiction

A thing cannot be both A and not A at the same time and in the same way.

Kantian Morality and Contradiction

If you act immorally, your maxim contradicts some universal law. For example, you would not lie if it were a universal law to lie all the time.


Duty refers to the specific obligations of a good will. A good will is manifested when one acts from duty, and one acts from duty when one acts from the moral principle.

Acting in Accordance with and from Duty

  • Acting in accordance with duty: Acting in line with duty, but the real reason is not from duty.
  • Acting from duty: The reason for your action is duty.


Imperatives are reasons that demand on the will.

Hypothetical Imperative

A hypothetical imperative is when a particular action is necessary as a means to some end. For example, if I want B, I need to do A.


Desire ultimately leads to the justification of anything. It has nothing to do with moral law or good will.

Categorical Imperative

A categorical imperative is some action that is necessary in and of itself. Kant believes morality is never hypothetical but categorical. Problem: A categorical imperative can’t include context because it is a priori; how can that be?

Kant’s Three Formulations of the Categorical Imperative

  1. Act only in such a way that you could want the maxim of your action to become a universal law.
  2. Act in such a way that you always treat other people not merely as a means to some end, but also as ends in themselves.
  3. Act in such a way that your maxim could be a law in the kingdom of ends.


Autonomy is free action or freely choosing, separate, and independent. A good will is elevated beyond the demand of nature and material circumstances. Empirical conditions are dictated by desire and inclination.

Morality and Freedom: Connection Between A Priori and Freedom

The will is good only when it is autonomous. It is autonomous when it acts from the categorical imperative (a priori). Acting from the categorical imperative is acting from duty. Acting from duty is the manifestation of a good will. Acting according to the hypothetical imperative is never acting freely.

Matter and Form

  • Matter: Potentiality
  • Form: Actuality


Hylomorphism refers to individual things as a matter-form complex.

Hierarchy of Potentiality to Actuality

No Potential, Potential, 1st Actuality, 2nd Actuality.

Aristotle’s Three Definitions of the Soul

  1. The soul is the form of a body that has life potentially within it.
  2. The soul is the 1st actuality of a body that is potentially alive.
  3. The soul is the 1st actuality of a natural organic body.