Key Accounting Principles and Financial Ratios

Accounting information helps users evaluate the amount, timing, and uncertainty.


Key Accounting Principles

  • Relevance: Pertinent to the decision at hand.
  • Predictive Value: Information is useful in predicting the future.
  • Confirmatory Value: Information confirms expectations.
  • Materiality: Concerns the relative size of an item and its effect on decisions.
  • Faithful Representation: Agreement between the measure and the phenomenon it purports to represent.
  • Completeness: Includes all information necessary for faithful representation.
  • Neutrality: Implies that financial accounting standards are free from bias.
  • Free from Error: Information has no errors or omissions (not excluding anything).
  • Comparability: Important for making inter-firm comparisons.
  • Consistency: Applying the same accounting practices over time.
  • Verifiability: Implies consensus among different measures.
  • Timeliness: Information is available prior to the decision.
  • Understandability: Users understand information in the context of the decision being made.
  • Cost Effectiveness: Benefits exceed costs of sharing information with external users.

Key Accounting Concepts

  • Recognition: Process of admitting information into statements.
  • Comprehensive Income: Change in equity from non-owner transactions.
  • Distribution to Owners: Decrease in equity resulting from transfers to owners.
  • Earnings Quality: Ability of reported earnings to predict a company’s future earnings.
  • Permanent Earnings: Anticipated/expected income over a long time period.
  • Transitory Earnings: Unexpected income fluctuations (e.g., lottery).
  • Discontinued Operations: Operating segment that either has been disposed of or is classified as held for sale and represents a major business line or geographical area of operations.

Key Financial Ratios

  • Basic EPS: (Net Income – Preferred Dividends) / Weighted Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding for Period
  • Diluted EPS: (Net Income – Preferred Dividends) / (Weighted Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding for Period + Diluted Securities)
  • Net Profit Margin: Net Income / Revenue
  • Gross Profit Margin: Gross Profit / Revenue
  • Operating Profit Margin: Operating Profit / Revenue
  • Pretax Profit Margin: Pretax Profit / Revenue
  • Cash Ratio: (Cash + Marketable Securities) / Current Liabilities
  • Quick/Acid Test: (Cash + Marketable Securities + Receivables) / Current Liabilities
  • Current Ratio: Current Assets / Current Liabilities
  • ROE: Net Income/ Average Equity = Net Income / Average Assets x Average Assets / Average Equity = ROA x Leverage
  • ROA: Net Income / Average Assets = Net Income / Revenue x Revenue / Average Assets
  • Inventory Turnover: COGS/ Average Inventory
  • Receivables Turnover: Revenue/ Average Receivables
  • Payables Turnover: (COGS + Net Change in Inventory) / Average Trades Payables
  • Days of X: 365/ X Ratio
  • Cash Conversion/Net Operating Cycle: Days Receivables + Days Inventory Held – Days of Payables




Four Approaches to Expense Recognition

  1. Based on exact cause and effect relationships (e.g., COGS).
  2. Associating an expense with revenues recognized in a specific time period (e.g., salaries).
  3. By a systematic and rational allocation to specific time periods (e.g., depreciation and amortization).
  4. In the period incurred, without regard to related expenses (e.g., advertising).

Five Types of Measurement

  1. Historical Costs: Original transaction value.
  2. Net Realizable Value: Estimated amount of cash into which the asset/liability will be converted (e.g., A/R).
  3. Current Cost: Cost that would be incurred to purchase or reproduce the asset (e.g., inventories are valued at lower of cost or market).
  4. Present Value: Discounted future cash flows (e.g., bonds).
  5. Fair Value: Current market value (e.g., trading securities).
    *If market value is not available, use a) value of similar assets or b) derived value based on pricing models.



-GAAP hierarchy is Congress, SEC, private sector (CAP, APB, now FASB).