Key Agricultural and Energy Terms Explained

Key Agricultural and Energy Terms

Aquaculture: Set of activities that, through some kind of intervention in the life cycle of aquatic animals or plants, or in the environment they live in, let you control playback and/or growth.

Part-time Farming: Type of agriculture in which each family operates as an economic unit, resulting in a large part of investment income from a source other than agriculture and provides for retaining the rural population.

Agribusiness: Set of activities related to processing or storage of agricultural products into consumer goods or goods for further processing into other industrial processes.

Caladoiro: Sand Sea where, due to the wealth of fish stocks, the banks read.

Open Fields: Openfield. Paisaxe abertos. Characterized land areas by population centers concentrated in the cultivated area is organized into geometric parcels.

Savanna: Bocage. Paisaxes agricultural lands that show a split due to the existence of fences in their lindes. Areas located on the Atlantic seaboard of Europe.

Concentration of Land: Procedure assumes that the reduction regularizaciónve increase the area of land of an area.

Forage Crop: Cultivation herbaceous intended for animal feed.

Alternative Energy: Renewable energy, creation and recent research, they replace the old energies.

Hydropower: Type of energy that is produced by water movement. Este. Os their costs low and produce high returns.

Nuclear Energy: Type of energy that uses the heat given off from the controlled disintegration of nuclei of uranium and plutonium in a reactor nuclear. Este aplícaselle heat the water sets in motion a turbine generator.

Thermal Energy: Type of energy produced by steam turbines that convert mechanical energy into electricity through a dynamo: Coal, oil, nuclear.

Estabulación Cattle: Housing and handling of animals in court on a temporary or permanent basis.

Agricultural Exploitation: It is the technical-economic unit of agricultural products which are obtained under the responsibility of a titular. Estas holdings may be to land and without land.

Extensive Exploration: The extensive agriculture practiced in large areas with a low productivity of land, use of Barbeita.

Intensive Exploration: Exploration agrarian k eliminates Barbeitos and used for the continuous production of land, fertilizer and regadío. Este type agrricultura explores the terrain getting him a strong productivity.

Energy Source: Natural resource that is the driving force that is necessary for the development of an energy d traballo. O consumption is an important factor to measure the degree of development of a country.

Basic Industry: Performs initial processing of large volumes of raw materials into semi-manufactured products.

Consumer Goods Industry: Includes those activities dedicated to the transformation of resources is not very large, not prepared or semi-manufactured products into products suitable for consumption.

Industrialization: Process of industrial development, produced in the past two centuries the triggering factor was the revolución. A expansion brings with capitalism as an economic, social and political.