Key Agricultural and Rural Development Terminology
Organic Agriculture
A farming system based on the optimal use of natural resources, avoiding synthetic chemicals or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to produce organic food.
Extensive Agriculture
Characterized by the need to increase acreage to boost production, primarily using traditional methods. Key features include low yields, low capitalization, and reliance on traditional crops.
Extensive Livestock
Characterized by very long production cycles and the use of native breeds adapted to the local environment and natural resources. Advantages often include high meat quality. Other features typically include seasonal supply, low wages, low capitalization, and abundant labor.
Intensive Agriculture
A system where increased production does not necessitate increased acreage. It is characterized by high yields, the incorporation of advanced techniques, high capitalization, and increased energy consumption.
Intensive Livestock
Characterized by the use of fast-growing, often non-native, highly productive breeds; reliance on concentrated feed; shortened production cycles; steady market supply; and operation within intensive farm settings.
An agricultural technique characterized by the precise, dosed supply of nutrients to plants through the irrigation system. This method can enhance productivity and product quality.
Modulation (CAP)
A mechanism within the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) aimed at preventing the concentration of direct aid payments among a small number of large recipients. Typically, farmers receiving direct payments above a certain threshold (e.g., €5,000) have their aid amount reduced by a set percentage (e.g., 5%).
A cropping system characterized by the cultivation of a single plant species on a farm or within a specific field or area.
Common Market Organisation (CMO)
The set of regulations established by the European Union (EU) that governs the production and trade of specific agricultural products within the single market.
Openfield System
A traditional agricultural landscape characterized by large, open fields without fences or hedges, contrasting with the enclosed fields of a bocage system. This often involves a concentrated pattern of rural settlement.
Rural Areas
In less developed societies, the term ‘rural’ is often closely identified with agriculture. However, in more developed societies, activities traditionally considered urban are increasingly extending into rural communities. As a result, rural spaces are becoming less exclusively agricultural and show greater economic diversification.
Endogenous Development
An economic development approach driven by local initiatives and entrepreneurial spirit. It is characterized by leveraging local natural and human resources, utilizing existing infrastructure and facilities, enhancing the professional training of the local workforce, and fostering innovative business initiatives within the community.
Rural Development
A comprehensive set of actions and initiatives undertaken to improve the quality of life for non-urban communities. Key objectives often include fostering economic diversification, ensuring environmental sustainability, and improving the competitiveness of farms and businesses in rural areas. (Often discussed in the context of EU policies).
Local Action Group (LAG)
A non-profit partnership, typically composed of public and private representatives from diverse social, economic, and cultural sectors within a defined rural territory. LAGs are responsible for designing and implementing local development strategies, often managing funds from programs like the EU’s LEADER initiative.
LEADER Initiative
A European Union community initiative (‘Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l’Économie Rurale’) that supports rural development projects. It provides funding through grants to Local Action Groups (LAGs) to implement innovative, bottom-up strategies for developing their local areas, particularly focusing on disadvantaged rural regions.
Commonwealth (of Municipalities)
A voluntary association formed by multiple municipalities (e.g., towns, local councils) creating a higher-level local authority. The associated municipalities delegate specific functions or powers to this joint body, enabling services to be provided collectively and more efficiently to all members.
PRODER (Spain)
Acronym for ‘Programa Operativo de Desarrollo y Diversificación Económica de Zonas Rurales’. This refers to a set of rural development programs implemented exclusively in Spain, focused on applying endogenous development measures aimed at the economic diversification and development of rural areas.