Key Concepts in Cellular and Nervous System Physiology


  1. If during embryonic development a defect in neural tube closure occurs, the embryo may be born with anencephaly.
  2. With respect to the movement of H2O through biological membranes, it is correct that it occurs down a concentration gradient of water molecules.
  3. Proteins A and B cross the cell membrane. If solutes X and Y are more concentrated in the extracellular medium, and X leaves the cell through A while Y enters the cell through B, it is correct that protein A is a pump and protein B is a passive transporter.
  4. If the brain stem is damaged, a person may die if the medulla oblongata is damaged.
  5. To obtain a cell culture of Schwann cells, one should obtain them from a motor nerve.
  6. The hypothalamus is an important CNS structure that controls endocrine function.
  7. If a neuron possesses a large dendritic tree, it has a greater number of synaptic contacts and presents a greater number of neurotransmitter receptors.
  8. If one needs to prevent protein synthesis in a neuron, one should remove the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
  9. In the synaptic bouton, there is true liberation of neurotransmitters and numerous synaptic vesicles.
  10. The function of microglia in embryonic development is to eliminate excess neurons and remove dead cells.
  11. If a cell has an excess of cholesterol in the plasma membrane, the packing of phospholipids is likely to be greater.
  12. If an individual’s Schwann cells are progressively lost, myelin is lost in the PNS (Peripheral Nervous System).
  13. In relation to the anatomy of the brain, it is correct that the gray matter is found on the periphery, the white matter is formed by myelinated axons, and it possesses grooves that divide the lobes.
  14. If red blood cells are placed in a 350 mM NaCl solution, the cell volume will decrease.
  15. If your teacher asks you to make a hypertonic solution, you will make a solution that will decrease cell volume.
  16. If a child is born with hydrocephalus and needs to drain excess CSF, a cannula should be implanted in the subarachnoid space.
  17. In relation to transport mediated by transporters, it is correct that it can saturate.
  18. In relation to neurogenesis in the adult brain, it is true that it relates to the production of new neurons.
  19. If one needs to study the nervous system of a simple organism, one could use a jellyfish.
  20. Regarding ventricles, it is true that they are cavities found in the brain, they are filled with CSF, and the choroid plexus is located within them.
  21. If neural crest cells are extracted from a developing embryo, Schwann cells and adrenal gland cells may be obtained in culture.
  22. If a doctor performs an ultrasound and detects that the embryo has a malformation in the brainstem, it was due to an alteration in the development of the rhombencephalon.
  23. If one wants to study cellular detoxification, one should study cells with a large amount of smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
  24. If proteins are eliminated from the plasma membrane, which of the following functions will not occur in the cell?: Ion entry, action of neurotransmitters, and cell adhesion.
  25. The meninges are structures that act as a protective barrier for brain structures.
  26. The concept of asymmetric distribution of membrane phospholipids is concerned with the fact that the type of phospholipids in both monolayers is different.
  27. If the diencephalon is removed from a developing embryo, the thalamus and hypothalamus will not be formed.
  28. During World War II, many soldiers received bullets in the head, and some had tremors and the inability to hold a cup. The structure that was damaged is the cerebellum.
  29. If the ventral horns of the spinal cord are damaged, the efferent pathway and motor behavior will be affected.