Key Concepts in Child Development

  1. Channelized Development: Development is guaranteed in the early stages of life.
  2. Symbol: A graphic representation of meaning by a signifier.
  3. Intellectual Activity: Intelligent conductualization.
  4. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt Crisis: Corresponds to the anal phase.
  5. Mindset: The basic cognitive unit.
  6. Accommodation: Modifying actions to adapt to new situations.
  7. Assimilation: Incorporating new information to understand the world.
  8. Birth Trauma Causes: Delay in reading acquisition, difficulty with perceptual skills, and social clumsiness.
  9. Symbols are the Product of: Integration of functions and abilities, imitation skills, intersubjective analysis competencies, and the attractiveness of object properties.
  10. Child’s Thinking is Linked to: What is real, the present, and the concrete.
  11. Main Acquisition of the Phallic Stage: Mega-I.
  12. Child Organizes Information in Sensorimotor Period (Sub-stage 2): Primary circular reactions.
  13. Child Stops Focusing on Own Body in Sensorimotor Period (Sub-stage 3): Secondary circular reactions.
  14. Internalized Symbolic Elaboration Occurs in Sensorimotor Period (Sub-stage 6): Invention of new media.
  15. Child Recognizes Differences Between Voices or Sounds: At 2 weeks old.
  16. Accession Stage of Emotional Development in Early Childhood: Between 9 and 12 months.
  17. Passive, Unrealistic Optimism Stems From: Oral fixation.
  18. Primary Narcissism (Psychoanalysis) is the Product of: Oral fixation.
  19. Language Acquisition in Children: Through vicarious learning.
  20. Early Childhood Period: From birth to 3 years.
  21. Fetal Stage: From birth to 8 weeks.
  22. Most Important Acquisition of the Sensorimotor Period: Recognizing that the world is permanent.
  23. Language Comprehension Unfolds: Before speech.
  24. Laleo: Imperfect imitation of sounds.
  25. Echolalia: Conscious imitation of another person’s sounds without understanding them.
  26. Slang Expression: Expressions that sound like meaningless phrases.
  27. Permissive Parenting Style Results in Children who are: Eager.
  28. Principle of Transitivity: Recognizing relationships between two objects by knowing their relationship with a third object.
  29. Child Cannot Handle the Hypothetical Despite Reasoning Logically (Stage): Concrete operations.
  30. Child Develops Intellectual Capabilities Fully Through: Experience with the concrete.
  31. Mental Actions Become Connected From: 6 years old.
  32. Set of Internalized and Organized Mental Actions (Piaget): Operation.
  33. Subject Takes into Account Previous and Future States (Stage): Concrete operational stage.
  34. Industry vs. Inferiority Crisis (Erickson) Occurs During (Stage): Concrete operations.