Key Concepts in Child Development and Education

Genotype and Phenotype

Genotype: The set of hereditary factors that an individual receives from their parents.

Phenotype: Is the way the genotype manifests after it has acted on environmental factors.


Reasoning is the ability to operate with ideas or concepts. There are two types:

  • Deductive: Going from general to particular.
  • Inductive: Going from the particular to the general.


  • Testosterone: Male sex hormones.
  • Progesterone: Female sex hormones.

Empiricist and Behaviorist Theories

Empiricist theories consider the senses as windows through which one could write in the mind.

Behavioral theories conceive of development as the stories of individual experiences or learning. It presumes that the subject, with their behavior, comes to meet their needs; repeats what suits them and avoids what they dislike.

Child Accident Prevention

The types of conduct against child accidents evolve from the more avoidant to the most educational as the children grow. At the beginning of a child’s life, the focus is on avoiding contact with objects or situations that may cause harm or danger. But over time, the approach tends to educate and inform about the consequences of certain actions, such as drinking and driving a car later.

Principles of Individualized Education

Ensure that the activities:

  • Have different levels of completion.
  • Allow different rates of execution.
  • We will study the type of assistance needed by the student during the execution of the task.

Principles of Learning

  • Ensure meaningful learning: The child establishes relationships between the knowledge they already have and the new.
  • Functionality of learning: Useful learning for life.

Parental Involvement in School Life


Occurs continuously and at various depths. The main thing is not aid, but the family-school connection. It should be planned appropriately, giving clear instructions and outlining what parents should do. The parent’s role is that of an observer and collaborator. It is important not only to interact with your son or daughter, but with everyone. Parents may be involved in:

  • Task support in some activities.
  • Workshops (cooking, making costumes, etc.).


This type of collaboration occurs only occasionally for specific topics such as:

  • Adjustment period: Often reassure parents to ensure that your child is well cared for.
  • Presentation of activities and professions: Especially suitable if the parent who explains the profession exercises it.
  • Extracurricular activities: We assist in the care and handling of children.
  • Festivals: Collaborate in some specific activity such as a cooking workshop, drama, etc.

Curriculum Specificity

It is a planning level design of the curriculum. The third level is that the teacher designs in the classroom, programming learning activities daily to achieve the educational objectives in the Curriculum Project.

Language Development Activities

  • Promote the development of articulatory and phonological levels through:
    • Rhymes, songs, jingles, stories.
    • Auditory attention activities.
    • Orofacial motor skills or games.
  • Promote the development of the semantic level through:
    • Telling stories and commenting on them.
    • Games to name objects in the environment.
    • Games that consist of grouping words by family.
  • Encourage the child’s morphosyntactic level through:
    • Understanding and command sets.
    • Building sets of sentences (give a word and have the child say a sentence).
    • Memorizing jingles associated with games.

Reflexes: Newborn vs. Adult

The appearance of reflexes in the newborn is a sign that everything is going well; the lack of them means there is a problem. The phrase “the driver could overcome the obstacle due to its good reflexes and thus avoid the accident” indicates that at all times that person has had good reflexes, as a baby and at the present time.

Myelination Process

Myelination is the formation of a myelin sheath around a nerve cell, which will transmit information through nerve cells, and connections in the brain centers will be more rapid and effective.

Construction Sets as “Game Configurations”

They are so-called because they represent the subject’s action on the material. Other examples are symbolic games or characters, such as imagining that a broom is a horse on which we can gallop.

Playing with Bubbles as a “Game of Delivery”

Playing with soap bubbles requires surrender to its conditions and characteristics in order to play. Another example is playing with a ball.