Key Concepts in Environmental Science
Acid Rain
Acid rain is precipitation that has become acidic due to air pollutants like SO2 and NO2. It encompasses both wet and dry deposition of acids from the atmosphere.
Biodiversity refers to the variety and number of species within a specific geographic area.
Climate Change
Climate change is the alteration of climate patterns due to human activities, primarily the greenhouse effect and ozone layer depletion. The use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) damages the ozone layer, increasing the Earth’s temperature and leading to melting ice caps and rising sea levels.
Urban Climate
Urban climate describes the climate specific to cities, resulting from modifications to the environment like buildings, land cover, vegetation, and human activity.
Pollution is the presence of substances or energy at levels that cause adverse effects on humans and the environment.
Ozone Layer
The ozone layer is a region in the stratosphere with a high concentration of ozone. It absorbs most high-frequency ultraviolet radiation.
Air Pollution
Air pollution is the presence of substances or energy in the air that negatively impacts air quality, posing risks and harm to people and property.
Global Warming
Global warming is the harmful effect of air pollution caused by high concentrations of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane.
Deforestation is the clearing of forests and vegetation through excessive tree cutting or fire.
Sustainable Development
Sustainable development balances economic growth with environmental protection to meet present needs without compromising future generations.
Desertification is the expansion of desert-like conditions into areas that were not previously deserts, often due to soil degradation and erosion.
Wind Energy
Wind energy is energy generated from wind.
Revegetation is the natural or intentional process of restoring vegetation to areas where it has been lost or degraded.
Animal Repopulation
Animal repopulation is the reintroduction of animal species to their natural habitats.
Greenhouse Effect
The greenhouse effect contributes to global warming by trapping heat. The atmosphere is more permeable to incoming shortwave solar radiation than outgoing longwave radiation from the Earth.
Environmental Impact
Environmental impact refers to alterations in the environment caused by human activities.
Acid Rain (Detailed)
Acid rain results from sulfur and nitrogen emissions released during the burning of fossil fuels. These pollutants mix with atmospheric water vapor, forming dilute sulfuric and nitric acids that fall as rain.
Oil Spill
Oil spills cause environmental damage due to large tanker accidents, oil rig leaks, or ruptured pipelines. They lead to marine organism deaths and economic losses from disrupted fishing and tourism.
The environment encompasses physical, chemical, biological, and social components that can directly or indirectly affect living beings and human activities.
Natural Space
Natural space is an area existing in nature without human intervention, representing an open natural system.
Nature Reserve
A nature reserve is a protected area designated to preserve ecosystems or communities due to their rarity, fragility, importance, or uniqueness.
The biosphere is the thin layer of air, land, and water capable of supporting life, extending from the upper atmosphere to the ocean depths.
An ecosystem is a relatively self-contained, dynamic system consisting of a natural community and its physical environment. It includes interactions among organisms like plants, animals, bacteria, algae, protozoa, and fungi, along with energy and material flows.
Natural Park
A natural park is a large area of land with plants and trees, primarily for public recreation, that also protects animals and plants.