Key Concepts in Geography and Geology
Altitude is the vertical distance of a point of land relative to sea level.
Dryness is the lack of water in the soil and moisture.
Relief is the residual of an ancient horizontal platform or a slope, which testifies to its previous length. These hills have been cut off due to differential erosion caused by us and gullies.
Continental Climate
The continental climate is a factor due to a greater or lesser distance from the sea and the influence of land masses.
Mountain Range
A mountain range is a succession of mountains linked together. They are areas being folded or folding.
Sedimentary Basins
The sedimentary basins are morphostructural units that correspond to sectors of a platform covered with sediment after prolonged subsidence.
Dehesa is a clear wood or cork oak, with lower strata of grasslands or shrublands, where human activity has been intense, and usually are for the upkeep of livestock, hunting activity, and the use of other forest products.
Erosion is a general term that expresses the degradation and progressive destruction of the relief caused by the action of various agents (water, wind, ice, etc.).
Geological Fault
A geological fault is a discontinuity that forms in the Earth’s surface rocks by fracture when tectonic forces exceed the rock strength.
Latitude refers to the degrees of a circle on the globe where the observer is situated relative to Ecuador, being positive north and negative south. Therefore, it ranges from -90, through 0 (Ecuador) to 90.
Longitude is one of the essential coordinates on Earth that determines the location of a point.
A wetland is an ecosystem with plants and wet grass growing in the water.
South is the south or south geographically.
The meridians are great circles of the globe that pass through the poles.
Plateau is a flat or slightly sloping surface in a certain direction, intersected by valleys and located at altitude compared to sea level. It is customary to distinguish the engagement of the valleys.
Orogeny refers to the joint terrestrial movements throughout the ages that have led to the formation of relief, usually by tangential thrust.
A parallel is a circle formed by the intersection of the globe with an imaginary plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the Earth.
A peneplain designates a broad, near-uniform plain, with slightly uneven products of prolonged erosion and watershed coalescence.
A peninsula is an area of land surrounded by water everywhere except for a relatively close area called an isthmus.
Alpine Relief
The Alpine relief is a special type of relief folding, developed on sedimentary rocks, with layers of limestone and clay layers, but with varying degrees of diagenesis due to the enormous pressures that may have been suffered.
Hercynian Relief
Hercynian relief is gentle and rounded by ancient materials. They have suffered steady erosion. Its materials are metamorphic.
Karstic Relief
Karstic relief is formed on rock mass limestone, characterized by the process of dolines and poljes abroad, and caves inside the rock.
An estuary is a species bay that originates in penetrating the sea along the river valleys sunk at sea.
Sedimentation is the process by which the solid material carried by a stream of water settles to the bottom of the river, reservoir, flume, or device specially constructed for this purpose.
The solstices are those times of the year in which the sun reaches its highest position in the southern or northern hemisphere, i.e. a high northern declination (+23° 27′) and maximum south declination (-23° 27′) with regards to the Ecuador sky.
Glacial Valley
A glacial valley is a valley through which runs or has circulated a glacier of important dimensions.