Key Concepts in International Relations and Global Politics

Three elements define a state: Territory, people, and authority.

Three types of tensions during the Cold War: Nuclear tension, ideological tension, and economic tension.

What is not an impact of wars on society? Greater immigration.

What is the Responsibility to Protect (R2P)? A state has a responsibility to protect its population from genocide, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity.

What three competing institutions were created at the end of the Feudal Era? Sovereign territorial states, city-leagues, and city-states.

Which of the following is not part of the Washington Consensus? Nationalization of key enterprises.

State monopoly of violence is one of the consequences of the Westphalian System. True

When a dominant power exists, other states will seek security by aligning themselves with it. This is called: Bandwagoning

What do we call the process by which states choose their international preferences? Selection.

What do we call the process by which historical events, media, and culture define what is the norm in politics? Socialization.

If we look at the actual meaning of the word capitalism, the Soviet Union was Capitalist. True

How Germany explicitly wanted Greece to pay for their debt after the financial crisis was an example of: Externalization

The Concert of Europe defined a time characterized by: Containment, security, and stability.

The Security Dilemma can cause an arms race, like the one between the US and the USSR during the Cold War: True

Certain Liberal theories base their support for international institutions on: Interdependence

An important difference between Realists and Liberal Institutionalists is: Realists care about relative gains. Liberals about absolute gains.

Individuals or institutions needed in order to carry out certain changes are called: Veto players

What do we call an attack done to prevent another imminent attack? Pre-emptive strike.

The UN is, by its charter, a: Collective Security Institution

Which chapter and article of the UN Charter discusses the exceptions to the prohibition of use of force? Chapter VII (Articles 39-51)

What is a current debate in UN International Peacekeeping Missions? Protection of the individual vs. protection of the states.

If measures not involving the use of force do not work (Article 41), the UN may authorize the use of force (Article 42). True

R2P was created because of the UN’s inability to work when state abuse has taken place: True

Could a state use force against another state based on the principle of Collective Defense? Yes, until the UNSC takes measures. But it could be judged illegal after.

What is NOT a characteristic of Collective Defense? It is not possible to plan in advance because no state is the target.

According to the UN Charter, it is a duty for member states to defend other member states. False

According to Mary Kaldor, in New Wars: They involve state and non-state actors.

The dependent relationship between a nation’s military and the defense industry and public policy is called: Military-industrial complex.

What is the main reason for American Evangelists to support Israel? They believe supporting Israel will trigger the Second Coming of Jesus.

What do the expressions jus ad bellum and jus in bello mean? When is war legal and how to fight a war legally.

During British Colonization of North America, what was the fight between Liberals in America and Britain about? Brits were against slavery. Americans were against British mandate.

Scholars and testimonies from the time declare that the British Empire was built on the work and trade of slaves. True

The Truman Doctrine included as one of its main objectives the “Marshall Plan” designed to defeat communism in Europe. False

The gold standard was adopted to give stability to the foreign exchange market and to the international market. True

What was the ultimate reason that took the Gold Standard to an end? Nixon needed more flexibility on the dollar because of the Vietnam War.

Why do some scholars see the Sykes-Picot Agreement as the beginning of all the trouble in the Middle East? It allowed the West to divide and conquer the area.

The Balfour Declaration would assure a safe place for Jews in Palestine, if no harm was caused to Palestinians. True

Which of the following is NOT part of Wilson’s 14 points? Support the sovereignty of states.

Why do some authors blame the Versailles Treaty for the rise of Hitler? Germany had to pay a high price.

The US did not get involved in the League of Nations because of Wilson’s isolationist doctrine: False

Which of the following statements is NOT in agreement with Keynesian Economics: Aggregate supply should always be higher than aggregate demand.

What was the main contradiction in the Monroe Doctrine? For Europe it was non-interventionist, for the America it was the opposite.

Why is the Monroe Doctrine still relevant nowadays? Some think it is still guiding Foreign Policy in the US.

What is the main difference between wars in the 19th and 20th century and modern wars? Wars in the 19th and 20th century, 90% of the victims were combatants. Whilst in New Wars, 10% of the victims are combatants and 90% civilians.

What of the Geneva Conventions talk about the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (1949)? Fourth Geneva Convention.

Following article 41 of the UN Charter, The Security Council may decide what measures not involving the use of armed force are to be employed to give effect to its decisions. What kind of measures can be taken? Complete or partial interruption of economic relations and of rail, sea, air, postal, telegraphic, radio, and other means of communication, and the severance of diplomatic relations.

Which countries have the veto power regulated in the UN charter? The United Kingdom, The United States, France, China, and Russia.

What of these concepts are relevant in the international system? Non-intervention, sovereignty, and balance of power. All of them are relevant concepts in the international system.

When it comes to defining the State, the main elements of the Westphalian System are: A territory enclosed by clearly defined borders, a central government, internal and external sovereignty, citizens and state symbols, and International Law.

The four conceptual dimensions of security identified by Christopher Daase are: Referent object, issue area, geographical scope, and operationalized danger.

Regional integration can be defined as a process of increasing economic, political, and cultural interaction between geographically and culturally connected states and societies: False, that is the definition of regionalization.

Keynes’ General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money became the guideline of economic policies during the era of embedded liberalism. It was applied: In Sweden creating the first social democracy, under the Breton Woods system, in Great Britain to establish a welfare system after 1945, and to resuscitate international trade.

During the Munich Conference of 1984/85, also known as Congo Conference, divided Africa amongst themselves under the principle of effective occupation. False, it was during the Berlin Conference of 1884/85.

If we talk about Feudalism, who was on the top of the pyramid? The king.

Why would you say that the end of the Thirty Years War was important? The states, as we know them nowadays, began to be created.

The main purpose of the United Nations is to create a good economical environment so different countries can cooperate in terms of mercantilism. False. The main purpose of the United Nations is to protect peace and avoid conflicts in the world.

Regarding NATO: Which one is the article that states that if one member of the alliance is attacked, the rest of the participants will be attacked as well? Article 5.

Benedict Anderson defines a nation as an imagined political community, and imagined as both inherently limited and sovereign. TRUE.

The Bretton-Woods conference was held after the end of the 2nd World War: False. It was held in 1944.

The Concert of Europe, the peaceful period in Europe that lasted from 1815 to 1854, was ruled by France, Spain, UK, Prussia, and Russia: False. Spain was not one of the rulers, and it’s Austria the missing country.

The Adam Smith Problem suggests the existence of a contradiction between Adam Smith’s ethical and economic theories. TRUE.

One of the differences between collective defense and collective security is that, while collective security involves all the states of the world, collective defense involves only an agreed group. TRUE.

The Truman Doctrine included as one of its main objectives the “Marshall Plan” designed to defeat communism in Europe: False: The Truman Doctrine consisted of stopping the spread of communism in the world, including Europe, but the “Marshall Plan” focused on the economic development of Europe in order to have an ally in containing communism and a commercial partner.

The Sykes-Picot Treaty was a secret treaty between France and England in order to subdue the Arab leaders. True

Breton Woods followed the line set by the famous British economist John M. Keynes to provide the poorer countries with the surplus of developed countries in order to promote their development and expand their market: False: the line proposed by Keynes was not followed, although it was an considered proposal, it was decided to follow the proposal of Harry D. White, American economist, to create the International Monetary Fund for the development of “Third World” nations.

The gold standard was used, starting with the Bretton Woods agreements, to give stability to the foreign exchange market and to the development of the international market: True. It was a success during the 1950s and 1960s until the oil crisis in the 1970s that demonstrated its weakness.

The Peace of Westphalia supposed a new order in the organization of the European states where the borders of the states were strengthened, being recognized by the rest of the countries. True.

The Roman empire was: Empire sustained by a large network of trade routes centered in Rome.


Neither the League of Nations nor the United Nations have been an authority able to ensure that any state or entity, acting in violation of the ban on war, would not benefit from it. TRUE.