Key Concepts in US Politics: Elections, Parties, and Lobbying
Posted on Jan 3, 2025 in Social sciences
Key Concepts in US Politics
- The ultimate public opinion poll is: The voting booth on election day
- General agreement among the citizenry on an issue is: CONSENSUS
- Most views that are expressed as political opinions are acquired: From political socialization because of Party ID
- Concerning political socialization, most studies show that most:
- Research suggests that the clearest legacy of the influence of the family on political socialization is…
- Generally, the more education a person receives: the more likely that person will be interested in politics
- Peer groups are most likely to influence political attitudes when: the peer group is actively involved in political activities
- Liberals are most commonly understood to embrace: change in government through reform; the New Elite
- Conservatives are most commonly understood to embrace: stick to the traditional ways of government and tend to oppose change; the Traditional Elite
- Election research indicates the number of Americans who could be identified as ideologues is:
- People who become members of interest groups for solidarity incentives are joining: FOR A SENSE OF BELONGING TO THE GROUP.
- People who become members of interest groups for material incentives are joining: to improve their economic opportunities or gain economic benefits
Lobbying Techniques
- Direct lobbying techniques used by interest groups include: interaction with government officials to further the group’s goals (Approach an elected official personally)
- Indirect lobbying techniques used by interest groups include: uses third parties to influence government officials
- Lobbyists make themselves valuable to government decision makers by: Through PAC Money
- Grassroots lobbying is effective because legislators and government officials are often more impressed by contacts from: PUBLIC OPINION
- The intent of “astroturf” lobbying is to: Indirect lobbying efforts that manipulate or create public sentiment, “astroturf” being artificial grassroots
- The “shotgun” approach to lobbying: Having large numbers of constituents act in concert by writing, emailing, phoning, or sending postcards to a legislator
- The “rifle” technique of lobbying consists of: Having an influential constituent contact a legislator on a particular issue
- Definition of Climate Control as a lobbying technique: The use of public relations techniques to create favorable public opinion toward an interest group, industry, or corporation
Political Parties
- A political party is a group of individuals who: seeks to elect candidates to public office; factions and can have internal factions
- A political party differs from an interest group in that: PP have a broad focus (IG have narrow focus) – PP want to BE government (IG want to steer government from outside)
- Between the national conventions the major functions of American political parties are carried out at the national level by: NATIONAL COMMITTEE
- American parties are composed of the party: 1) in the electorate 2) Organization 3) In Government
- The party-in-electorate is: individuals who perceive themselves as party members; many voters have a party identification that guides and influences their votes. No dues or membership cards; one needs only to claim to be a member.
- The party institution or organization is: a national office, a full-time staff, rules and bylaws, and budgets. American parties are loosely organized at the national, state, and local levels. The party organization pursues electoral victory.
- The party-in-government is: consists of elected officials who call themselves members of the party (such as President and Congress). These leaders do not always agree on policy; but they are the main spokespersons of the party.
- A major reason for the death of local political party machines is: most social services are now controlled by state and national agencies
Party Ideologies
- In principle, the Democrats have been known as the party of: the working class
- In principle, the Republicans have been known as the party of: the middle and upper classes.
Electoral System
- A major reason for the two-party system is the electoral system which is based on the concept of: the winner-take-all, or plurality, system
- In the winner-take-all (plurality) system: whoever gets the most votes wins
- Requiring candidates from newly established political parties to obtain more signatures on petitions to qualify to run for office than established parties:
- The increase today in split ticket voting and registered independents suggest that: parties have lost much of their hold on the loyalty of their voters
- Political parties have been weakened by the: declined because of laws and government practices that took over party functions (voting, elections), loss of commitment to party identification, decentralization – rise of candidate-centered politics – progressive actions reduced party corruption and made boss rule more difficult
- All of the following are important reasons that election campaigns no longer depend on political parties EXCEPT:
- A political action committee (PAC) is: a private group that raises and distributes funds for use in election campaigns. /They are the political arms of special interest groups and other organizations who have a stake in politics
- When the selection of the parties’ candidates is limited to declared party members, it is called a(an): closed primary
Electoral College
- There are five questions on Electoral College from pages 276-277 of the textbook:
- The people who cast their ballots in the Electoral College are called: electors
- The Constitution indicates that the number of electors each state has in the Electoral College: is determined by the number of representatives and senators a state has in Congress.
- How electors are selected within each state is governed by: state laws and party rules
- The Constitution does not require electors to: cast their ballots for the candidate of their party
- A brief memorable comment that easily can be fit into news broadcasts is called: Sound Bite
- In cases where no presidential candidate receives a majority of the Electoral College vote: the election is decided in the U.S. House of Representatives.
- Spin refers to: an interpretation of campaign events that is most favorable to the candidate