Key Concepts: Revenue, Expenditure, and Production Cycles
Posted on Mar 22, 2025 in Criminological and Security Sciences
Key Concepts: Business Cycles
Revenue Cycle
- Invoice: The most common output.
- Employee & Delivery: Pick, Pack, Ship.
- Purpose: Provide the right product, in the right place, at the right time, for the right price.
- Invoice Methods: Balance forward and open invoice.
Expenditure Cycle
- Purpose: Minimize the total cost of acquiring and maintaining inventories, supplies, and other necessary services.
- Blanket PO vs. Vendor-Managed Inventory:
- Blanket PO: Recurring purchases.
- Vendor-Managed Inventory: Vendor manages inventory at your location.
- 3-Way Matching: PO, Receiving Report, Invoice.
- 2-Way Matching: Voucher System (compares PO to Receiving Report).
- Main Activities: Ordering, Receiving, Approve Vendor Invoices, and Cash Disbursements.
- Purchase Requisition vs. Purchase Order: Requisition is internal and not legally binding; an order is legally binding and external.
Production Cycle
- Core ERD Example: Police Baton.
- Purpose: Efficiently design, plan the production of, and manufacture products.
- Bill of Material: Ingredients list.
General Business Cycle Concepts
- Common Element: Product.
- Cycle Identification:
- Selling something? – Revenue Cycle.
- Buying something? – Expenditure Cycle.
- Making something? – Production Cycle.
- Connect delivery out SQL and SO.
Cardinality & Relationships
- Cardinality: The number of instances in a given entity that are associated with an instance in another given entity.
- Degrees of Relationships: Unary, binary, ternary.
- Entity Types: Attribute, Entity, and Record.
- A record is a row in a table. It contains data related to a unique value.
- An entity is a data object roughly analogous to a table.
- An entity has attributes that become the fields in a table.
- Attribute Types: Composite, Single-value, Multi-value, and Derived.
- Key Donation Rule: If an entity has crows feet, it does not donate; otherwise, it donates.
- 7 Rules: Nouns and Verbs, Weak Entities, Primary Keys, Mandatory Side, Many-to-many, Sub-Type Super-Type, No Data Duplication.
Subtype & Supertype
- Overlap vs. Disjoint:
- Disjoint: An individual of the parent class may be a member of only one specialized subclass.
- Overlapping: An individual of the parent class may be a member of more than one of the specialized subclasses.
- Subtypes inherit primary keys from supertypes.
- The last attribute in the Super type is THING type.
- Multi value is based on O or D.
- Constraints: Generalization: total or partial specialization, Disjoints O or D.